Phytobia spinosula, Sousa & Couri, 2017

Sousa, Viviane Rodrigues de & Couri, Márcia Souto, 2017, Phytobia (Diptera: Agromyzidae) from Brazil: new species, new record and a key to the Neotropical species, Zoologia (e 12308) 34, pp. 1-25 : 22-24

publication ID 10.3897/zoologia.34.e12308

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scientific name

Phytobia spinosula


Key to Neotropical species of Phytobia Lioy View in CoL

1 Presutural dorsocentral seta absent..................................2

– Presutural dorsocentral seta present ................................7

2 Two postsutural dorsocentral setae..................................3

– Three postsutural dorsocentral setae................................4

3 Mid tibia with one posterodorsal seta on middle third [surstylus entirely separated by suture from epandrium, thickly covered with short setae; cercus long; hypandrium unusually elongate, constricted towards apex ( Fig. 93); phallus as in Figs 94, 95; base of ejaculatory apodeme bowl-shaped] [ Costa Rica, Jamaica] P. unica Spencer, 1973 View in CoL

– Mid tibia with two posterodorsal setae on middle third [surstylus rounded with about 12–16 setae; hypandrium U-shaped; basiphallus simple, membranous; mesophallus tubular; distiphallus bifid with very spiny surrounding membrane ( Figs 90, 91); ejaculatory apodeme sickle-shaped, with its broader part about 2.5 times wider than constricted area at base ( Fig. 92)] [ Brazil].................. ............................................................ P. spinosula sp. nov.

4 Mid tibia with one posterodorsal seta on middle third...5

– Mid tibia with two posterodorsal setae on middle third.6

5. Frons black [epandrium densely setulose; surstylus with about 37 spines, including 6–7 minute ones; cercus with dense setae; hypandrium about 4/5 length of phallapodeme ( Fig. 96); phallus about 1.2 times as along as phallapodeme, distiphallus as two long tubules, basiphallus short but rather well-developed, ventral process membranous ( Fig. 97)] [ Peru] ................ P. mentula Sasakawa, 1992 View in CoL

– Frons brownish-black on upper part and orange-brown lowerly [cercus ¾ as high as epandrium; surstylus separated from epandrium, broadened posteriorly, bearing 35–37 spines ( Fig. 98); hypandrium ¾ length of phallapodeme, without basal apodeme, spinulose on distal apex ( Fig. 99); phallus very long, only a little shorter than phallapodeme, basiphallus narrow, distiphallus membranous distally, with distinct basal tube and pair of spinose, narrow sclerites on lateral side before end ( Fig. 100); ejaculatory apodeme ( Fig. 101)] [ Guatemala] .......................... ......................................... P. guatemalensis Sasakawa, 2005 View in CoL

6 Scape and pedicel yellow; frons with dorsal half brownish-black and ventral half testaceous; mid and hind tibiae entirely light brown [surstylus with 23–26 spines; hypandrium slightly shorter than phallapodeme ( Fig. 102); phallus with distinct ventral process and tubules of distiphallus short ( Fig. 103)] [ Peru] P. pipinna Sasakawa, 1992 View in CoL

– Scape and pedicel dark brown; frons egg yellow in low- er half and yellow pollinose on upper half; all legs dark brown, fore knees yellow [postgonite with basal seta in ventral view; surstylus rounded with about 11–18 setae; hypandrium U-shaped; distiphallus as in Figs 50, 51; ejaculatory apodeme broad, at its broader part about 4.1 times wider than constricted area at base ( Fig. 52)] [ Brazil] ........ ........................................................ P. flavifrontalis View in CoL sp. nov.

7 Abdomen entirely black ...................................................8

– Abdomen mostly yellow ................................................12

8 Wing spotted [surstylus oblong and large with about 23– 32 setae; hypandrium U-shaped; distiphallus as in Figs 55, 56; ejaculatory apodeme broad, at its broader part about 3.3 times wider than constricted area at base ( Fig. 57)] [ Brazil, Panama] ..................... P. kallima ( Frost, 1936) View in CoL

– Wing not spotted .............................................................9

9 Mid tibia with three posterodorsal setae on middle third [postgonite with two basal setae in lateral view; surstylus oblong with about 13–20 setae; hypandrium U-shaped; mesophallus sclerotized; distiphallus tulip-shaped ( Figs 76, 77); ejaculatory apodeme broad, more pointed on upper part, at its broader part about 4.8 times wider than constricted area at base ( Fig. 78)] [ Brazil]......................... P. planipalpis View in CoL sp. nov.

– Mid tibia with one or two posterodorsal setae on middle third................................................................................10

10 Medium sized species, wing length 3.4 mm; scutum deep black, moderately shining [surstylus rounded, only with hairs, without setae on inner margin; hypandrium with broad arms; phallus asymmetrical ( Fig. 104)] [ Chile, Peru]........................................... P. peruensis Spencer, 1977 View in CoL

– Smaller species, wing length 2.1–2.3 mm; scutum brown, grey pollinose .................................................................11

11 Frons mat black, greyish pollinose [postgonite with four setae on apex; surstylus triangular with about 45 setae ( Fig. 66); hypandrium U-shaped; distiphallus elongat- ed ( Fig. 67); ejaculatory apodeme broad, at its broader part about 5.8 times wider than constricted area at base ( Fig. 68)] [ Brazil] .............................. P. multisetosa View in CoL sp. nov.

– Frons mat black, with basal half reddish-brown or reddish-brown close to lunule [surstylus rounded with about 10 setae; hypandrium U-shaped with small projection on apex; distiphallus sclerotized with two medium arms ( Figs 84, 85); ejaculatory apodeme broad, at its broader part about 3.4 times wider than constricted area at base ( Fig. 86)] [ Brazil] ...................................... P. simpla View in CoL sp. nov.

12 Legs entirely brown or black..........................................13

– Legs with at least the anterior knee yellow....................18

13 First flagellomere testaceous-orange [epandrium slightly narrowed ventrally, with surstylus curved and bearing many setae and spinous process posteriorly ( Fig. 105); hypandrium V-shaped; phallapodeme extremely long, with anterior end extending to anterior margin of tergite 3; phallus about 1/3 of phallapodeme, basi and distiphallus simple in shape, the former with membranous projection densely spinulose on tip ( Figs 106, 107)] [ Ecuador]... ................................................ P. spinulosa Sasakawa, 1992 View in CoL

– First flagellomere black...................................................14

14 Dorsocentrals 1+4 [scutum brownish-black, whitish-grey dusted, subshining, broadly yellow posteriorly adjoining scutellum and laterally ( Fig. 108); epandrium broadened ventrally but narrowed below joint of hypandrium; surstylus ovoid ventrally, densely setulose and with a papilla dorsally ( Fig. 109); hypandrium with arms oval in form, narrow and almost as wide as postgonite; phallus 2/3 length of phallapodeme, basiphallus accompanied by large ventral process, distiphallus with ventral processes extended laterally at end and pair of long tubes dorsally ( Figs 110, 111) [ Colombia].... P. setitibialis Sasakawa, 1992 View in CoL

– Dorsocentrals 1+3...........................................................15

15 Scutum with dark area conspicuously mat grey, dark area not divided into separate bands laterally ( Fig. 112) [abdomen with brownish-yellow ground color, all tergites except first shining black centrally and broadly black at sides] [ Dominica].......................... P. matura Spencer, 1973 View in CoL

– Scutum moderately or largely shining black .................16

16 Abdomen yellow, with last segment black [phallus with distinctly elongated distal tubules ( Fig. 113)].................... ............................................ P. xanthophora (Schiner, 1868) View in CoL

– Abdomen yellow, with tergites 5 and 6 with lateral and central bands ..................................................................17

17 Phallus as in Figs 116, 117 [scutum ( Fig. 114) abdomen with anterior tergites completly yellow, tergites 5 and 6 with black markings ( Fig. 115)] [ Ecuador] ......................... .............................................. P. ecuadorensis Spencer, 1977 View in CoL

– Phallus as in Figs 118, 119 [ Costa Rica, Cuba, Mexico, Panama, Puerto Rico] .............................. P. picta (Coquillett) View in CoL

18 Wing distinctly brown along anterior margin...............19

– Wing not brown along anterior margin ........................22

19 Wing length 5.1 mm in male; first flagellomere orange [lower part of frons orange; scutum mat black, with central yellow rectangular area in front at level of 2nd dorsocentral, broadening behind adjoining scutellum ( Fig. 120); phallus ( Figs 121, 122)] [ Brazil]......................... ......................................................... P. lanei Spencer, 1966 View in CoL

– Wing length at least 4.0 mm in male; first flagellomere brown or black ...............................................................20

20 Dorsocentrals postsutural 4 [wing spotted ( Fig. 123); phallus as in Figs 124, 125)] [ Brazil, Costa Rica (doubtfull record), Ecuador] .......................... P. rabelloi Spencer. 1966 View in CoL

– Dorsocentrals postsutural 3............................................21

21 Lunule yellow, whitish pruinose; one posterodorsal seta on middle third [surstylus separated from epandrium, bearing 20–22 setae ( Fig. 126); phallus weakly sclerotized, as long as hypandrium, distiphallus bifid distally ( Figs 127, 128)] [ Peru] ................ P. monsonensis Sasakawa, 1992 View in CoL

– Lunule silvery; two posterodorsal setae on middle third [surstylus rounded, with 6–11 setae; hypandrium U-shaped; basiphallus bifid; mesophallus rounded; distiphallus membranous, pear-shaped in dorsal view ( Figs 81, 82); ejaculatory apodeme broad, at its broader part about 6.0 times wider than constricted area at base ( Fig. 83)] [ Brazil] .................................................. P. pyri View in CoL sp. nov.

22 Dorsocentrals presutural 2 [phallus as in Figs 129, 130] [ Costa Rica, Panama]...................... P. dorsocentralis (Frost) View in CoL

– Dorsocentral presutural 1...............................................23

23 Frons with lower half brown or reddish-brown or reddish-brown above lunule ...............................................24

– Frons entirely mat black.................................................26

24 Wing length 4.2 mm [scutum mat grey in front, with central rectangular area adjoining scutellum yellow, black of intra-alar area not reaching scutellum and forming two distinct lateral bands divided by narrow yellow stripe ( Fig. 131); phallus ( Figs 132, 133)] [ Brazil]......................... ................................................ P. kuhlmanni Spencer, 1966 View in CoL

– Wing length 2.25–2.3 mm .............................................25

25 Scape and pedicel almost entirely orange brown [surstylus rounded, triangular on apex, with about 32 setae; hypandrium U-shaped and short; distiphallus sclerotized with two arms ( Figs 42, 43); ejaculatory apodeme small, at its broader part about 4.0 times wider than constricted area at base ( Fig. 44)] [ Brazil]............. P. communis View in CoL sp. nov.

– Scape and pedicel brown; first flagellomere brown, light brown apically [postgonite with three basal setae in ventral view; surstylus triangular with about 38 setae; hypandrium U-shaped; distiphallus very complex, as in Figs 61, 62; ejaculatory apodeme very broad, at its broader part about 4.0 times wider than constricted area at base ( Fig. 63)] [ Brazil] .................................... P. megapodema View in CoL sp. nov.

26 Wing slightly infuscate with brown area above Sc and in cup cell [surstylus short, rounded with about 11–13 long and strong setae; hypandrium U-shaped; basiphallus rounded; distiphallus short ( Figs 39, 40); ejaculatory apodeme straight, at its broader part about 1.9 times wider than constricted area at base ( Fig. 41)] [ Brazil].................. ........................................................ P. cacaulandia View in CoL sp. nov.

– Wing clear ......................................................................27

27 Mid tibia with one posterodorsal median seta [surstylus short, with about 19 setae; hypandrium U-shaped and short; phallapodeme about three times length of hypandrium; basiphallus with two arms ( Figs 71, 72); distiphallus straight; ejaculatory apodeme small, at its broader part about 2.1 times wider than constricted area at base ( Fig. 73)] [ Brazil] ............................................... P. niheii View in CoL sp. nov.

– Mid tibia with two or three posterodorsal median setae ...28

28 Wing length 2.8 mm; lunule testaceous, pruinose [head ( Fig. 134); scutum largely black, distinctly mat greyish, but weakly shining viewed from behind, broadly yellow centrally from second dc to margin of scutellum ( Fig. 135); anepisternum largely black, with small, semicircular yellow spot along hind margin ( Fig. 136); epandrium blackish and surstylus bilobate ( Fig. 137); hypandrium V-shaped, about half of phallapodeme in length ( Fig. 138); postgonite moderately large, long, gradually tapering dorsally ( Fig. 139); distiphallus tubules entirely fused with each other, with two distinctive patches of black pigmentation at end ( Figs 140, 141); ejaculatory apodeme pump with strongly sclerotized plate ( Fig. 142)] [ Peru] .... .................................................... P. resupitata Zlobin, 2008 View in CoL

– Wing length 1.7 to 2.2 mm; lunule silvery....................29

29 Mid tibia with three posterodorsal median setae [postgonite with three basal setae in ventral view; surstylus with 10–11 setae; hypandrium U-shaped; distiphallus with median constriction ( Figs 36, 37); ejaculatory apodeme very broad, at its broader part about 4.5 times wider than constricted area at base ( Fig. 38)] [ Brazil] ............... P. amazonica View in CoL sp. nov.

– Mid tibia with only two posterodorsal median setae ....30

30 Abdomen yellow, with brown stripes on tergites 3–5, tergite 6 almost entirely brown, terminalia brown [postgonite with 3–4 short setae on apex; surstylus rounded, with about 12 setae; hypandrium U-shaped; distiphallus rounded with two sclerotized areas centrally ( Figs 58, 59); ejaculatory apodeme broad, at its broader part about 3.3 times wider than constricted area at base ( Fig. 60)] [ Brazil] ........................................................... P. lamasi View in CoL sp. nov.

– Abdomen yellow with only brown spot on T5 and T6.31

31 Epandrium rounded with long setae; cercus long with long setae and one distinct seta on apex in lateral view; postgonite with one basal seta in ventral view; surstylus rounded with about 8–13 setae and two strong spines; hypandrium U-shaped; mesophallus tubular; distiphallus bulb-shaped with one apical spine on each side ( Figs 87, 88); ejaculatory apodeme broad, at its broader part about 4.0 times wider than constricted area at base ( Fig. 89)] [ Brazil]................................................... P. spinifera View in CoL sp. nov.

– Epandrium rounded with long setae; cercus long with long setae; surstylus rounded with about 11–19 setae; hypandrium U-shaped; distiphallus membranous, sclerotized centrally ( Figs 45, 46); ejaculatory apodeme broad, at its broader part about 3.7 times wider than constricted area at base ( Fig. 47)] [ Brazil]................. P. delicata View in CoL sp. nov.













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