Exocelina danae (Balke, 1998)

Shaverdo, Helena, Sagata, Katayo & Balke, Michael, 2016, Taxonomic revision of New Guinea diving beetles of the Exocelinadanae group, with the description of ten new species (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae, Copelatinae), ZooKeys 619, pp. 45-102 : 64

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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Exocelina danae (Balke, 1998)


Taxon classification Animalia Coleoptera Dytiscidae

7. Exocelina danae (Balke, 1998) View in CoL Figs 19, 32

Copelatus (Papuadytes) danae Balke, 1998: 328; Nilsson 2001: 76 (catalogue).

Papuadytes danae (Balke, 1998): Nilsson and Fery 2006: 56 (comb. n.).

Exocelina danae (Balke, 1998): Nilsson 2007: 33 (comb. n.).

Copelatus (Papuadytes) tarmluensis Balke, 1998: 338; Nilsson 2001: 77 (catalogue); syn.n.

Papuadytes tarmluensis (Balke, 1998): Nilsson and Fery 2006: 56 (comb. n.).

Exocelina tarmluensis (Balke, 1998): Nilsson 2007: 34 (comb. n.).

Exocelina undescribed sp. MB0673: Toussaint et al. 2014: supplementary figs 1-4, tab. 2.

Type locality.

Indonesia: Papua Province: Pegunungan Bintang Regency, Aipomek area, between Bime and Tanime, 04°27'S; 140°06'E, 1600 m a.s.l.

Type material studied.

Exocelina danae : Holotype: male "IRIAN JAYA Aipomek area 140°06'E 04°27'S ", "21.8.1992, 1600m, Bime - Tanime leg. Balke (18)", “HOLOTYPUS” [red], " Copelatus danae Balke des. 1997" [red] (NHMW). Paratypes: 5 males, 3 females with the same label as the holotype and additionally with red labels "Paratypus Copelatus danae Balke des. 1997" (NHMW). Exocelina tarmluensis : Holotype: male "IRIAN JAYA: Borma, Tarmlu, 1500m, 6.9.1993", "ca. 140°25'E 04°24'S leg. Balke (4-6)", “HOLOTYPUS” [red], " Copelatus tarmluensis Balke des. 1997" [red] (NHMW). Paratypes: 1 male with the same label as the holotype (NHMW). 1 male "IRIAN JAYA: Borma, Tarmlu, 1500m, 6.9.1993", "ca. 140°25'E 04°24'S leg. Balke (5)" (NHMW). 2 males "IRIAN JAYA: Borma, Tarmlu, 1500m, 6.9.1993", "ca. 140°25'E 04°24'S leg. Balke (4)" (NHMW). All paratypes are additionally with red labels "Paratypus Copelatus tarmluensis Balke des. 1997".

Additional material.

PNG: Sandaun: 1 male "Papua New Guinea: Sandaun, Sokamin4, 1200m, 19.x.2003, 4 50.845S 141 37.865E, K. Sagata (WB 102)" (ZSM). 1 male "DNA M. Balke 673", "Papua New Guinea: Sandaun, Mianminold [sic!], 898m, 20.x.2003, 4 53.419S 141 37.028E, K. Sagata (WB66)" (ZSM).


Beetle medium-sized (TL-H 3.4-4.1 mm); uniformly dark brown to piceous or with paler pronotal sides; shiny, with very fine punctation and microreticulation; pronotum with distinct lateral bead; male antennae simple (Fig. 19D); protarsomere 4 with very small, weakly curved anterolateral “hook-like” (not modified into a hook) seta, smaller than more laterally situated large seta; male protarsomere 5 ventrally with anterior band of more than 40 and posterior row of 7 relatively long, thin setae; median lobe evenly curved, with elongate and broadly pointed apex in lateral view, evenly tapering, with rounded apex in ventral view, on both lateral sides with fine setae situated linearly on anterior half of distal part of median lobe under fine carina; paramere with notch on dorsal side and very dense, strong setae on subdistal part and fine proximal setae (Figs 19 A–C, E, F).

Our study of the types of Exocelina tarmluensis revealed no significant difference of this species from Exocelina danae in the external morphology and in the structure of its genitals. Only slight variability in the shape of the apex of the median lobe was noted (Figs 19 A–C). Therefore, Exocelina tarmluensis is recognized as a synonym of Exocelina danae .


Indonesia: Papua Province: Pegunungan Bintang Regency; PNG: Sandaun Province (Fig. 40).













