Celtodoryx Pérez et al. 2006

Cruz-Barraza, José Antonio, Carballo, José Luis & Aguilar-Camacho, José María, 2023, Taxonomy and molecular phylogenetic position of new species and new records of Coelosphaeridae (Demospongiae: Poecilosclerida) from the Mexican Pacific, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 199 (2), pp. 511-532 : 513

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlad036

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scientific name

Celtodoryx Pérez et al. 2006


Genus Celtodoryx Pérez et al. 2006 View in CoL

Diagnosis: Coelosphaeridae with a plumose to plumoreticulate choanosomal skeleton of ascending tracts consisting of anisostrongyles and tylotes with smooth or spined ends, fanning out towards the surface, loosely connected. Ectosomal skeleton of a loose tangential arrangement of scaưered anisostrongyles/ tylotes and microscleres. Microscleres consist of arcuate isochelae in one or two distinct size categories and oxychaetes of one size category. Microscleres are distributed randomly within the choanosome (modified from Henkel and Janussen 2011 to include the presence of smooth megascleres and a single arcuate isochelae category).

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