Rodrigama gauldi Matsumoto and Broad

Matsumoto, Rikio & Broad, Gavin R., 2011, Discovery of Rodrigama Gauld in the Old World, with description of two new species (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Poemeniinae), Journal of Hymenoptera Research 20, pp. 65-75 : 68-69

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Journal of Hymenoptera Research by Pensoft

scientific name

Rodrigama gauldi Matsumoto and Broad

sp. n.

Rodrigama gauldi Matsumoto and Broad   ZBK sp. n. Figs 1416


♀ (Fig. 1), 21-27. iv.2008 (Malaise trap), Aha, (26°42'52"N, 128°16'09"E (WGS 84), 150m a.s.l.), Kunigami-son, Okinawa-jima, Okinawa Pref., Ryukyus, Japan (K. Sugino) [OMNH, TI-480].


3♀, 7-21.iv, 21-27.iv, 20-26.v, (OMNH), 1♀, 14-20.v (BMNH), otherwise same data as holotype, collected in a Malaise trap operated by K. Sugino.


This species can be distinguished from all congeners by the following: pronotum with weak, medially incomplete oblique groove from epomia to ventroposterior corner; area dorsal to this groove weakly punctate; subalar prominence yellow; first metasomal tergite with apical whitish band; tergites 2-5 each with paired whitish transverse markings apically, these markings sometimes fused dorso-medially.


Female. Length of fore wing 12-13 mm. Malar space (Fig. 6) about 0.2 × basal width of mandible. Pronotum (Fig. 7) with weak medially incomplete oblique groove from epomia to ventroposterior corner; area dorsal to this groove weakly punctate. Mesoscutum in front of scuto-scutellar groove 1.3 × as long as wide in dorsal view; length of pubescence in centre of middle lobe about 1.5 × as long as distance between adjoining punctures; mesopleuron moderately punctate anteriorly, rather finely and sparsely punctate posteriorly, rather densely covered with pubescence; mesopleural suture strongly transversely striate; propodeum (Fig. 8) moderately punctate, transversely striate dorsomedially, with anterior part of lateromedian longitudinal carina present (sometimes very short), without swelling above spiracle; posterior transverse carinae absent. First metasomal tergite (Fig. 12) gradually broadened posteriorly in dorsal aspect, 6.5 × as long as posteriorly broad; posterior end of first metasomal sternite at posterior 0.35 between spiracle and posterior end of first metasomal tergite (Fig. 11); tergites 2-4 (Fig. 13) sparsely covered with fine punctures and minute pubescence.

Colouration (Fig. 1). Head largely yellow with following parts black: apical half of mandible, occiput, frons except narrow yellow stripe extending along inner orbit to top of eye, narrow stripe behind eye extending downwards and fading around middle of eye; labrum dark brown; gena brownish, darkened dorsally. Mesosoma black with following parts yellow: latero-ventral and postero-dorsal margins of pronotum, pair of longitudinal spots on mesoscutum, tegula, subalar prominence, central spot on mesopleuron, scutellum, postscutellum, propodeum posteriorly except black semicircular mark along posterior margin above insertion of metasoma. Legs yellowish brown. Coxa, trochanter and trochantellus of fore leg slightly paler. Middle coxa narrowly brownish apically above. Trochanter of middle leg longitudinally darkened on dorsal face. Hind coxa fulvous, dorsally black. Trochanter, trochantellus, femur of hind leg darkened dorsally. Second to fourth tarsomeres slightly paler. Wings hyaline, with distinct brownish spots around junction of cu-a and Cu1, and on Rs+2r below pterostigma. Metasomal tergites brown, darkened on first tergite basally, tergites 2-4 along oblique grooves; first metasomal tergite with apical whitish band, tergites 2-5 each with paired whitish transverse markings apically (Fig. 1), these markings sometimes fused dorso-medially. Ovipositor brown, sheath black.




Japan: Ryukyus (Okinawa-jima).


We are very pleased to be able to name this species after the late Dr Ian Gauld, who recognised Rodrigama as a basal poemeniine and who has left such a rich legacy of ichneumonid taxonomy. It is a great pity that he did not live long enough to see these additional Rodrigama species.

Biological notes.

Host unknown. Females were caught in Malaise traps positioned alongside paths in mature evergreen and broad-leaved forest of low altitude. Adult wasps were captured in April, May and June, suggesting spring emergence and early summer activity of adult wasps.











