
A, R., 2003, Nothrolohmannia Baloghi Sp. N. (Acari: Oribatida), From Rainforest In Papua New Guinea, And Reevaluation Of Nothrolohmanniidae, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 49 (1), pp. 25-42 : 37

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12587249

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Nothrolohmanniinae BALOGH, 1968

Hypochthoniidae with the following character states. Mineral-filled epicuticular chambers extend above general body surface as rounded or pointed spicules, covered with thin cerotegument; spicules widespread, coating most of body and leg surfaces like pelt (see Remark 6). Many setae of body and legs modified with thick hyaline coat or vanes. Rostral tectum with simple or dentate margin, but with dense submarginal row of denticles on its underside. Prodorsum not fused to coxisternal region; with concavities and grooves, one of which nearly encircles rostrum, producing somewhat truncate or hammerhead-like anterior portion that bears rostral setae; legs I and II coapt to these indentations when retracted in defensive posture. Rostral seta biramous, embedded inthick amorphous secretion. Bothri - dium with porose saccule. Notogaster with humeral boss that bears seta c3. Setae of row e large or small, but conspicuous; their narrow sclerite either conspicuous and isolated from pronotaspis and pygidium by scissures, or fused to the latter sclerites. Notogaster with irregular dorsal surface, caused by multiple paired depressions and transverse one posterior to setal row e; with one or more porose areas. Suprapleural scissure U-shaped, isolating paired pleuraspis from both pronotaspis and pygidium; pleuraspis with two well defined pedofossae on each side that individually receive retracted legs III and IV. Epimere III with paired quadrate anterolateral tubercle that projects across sejugal articulation. Posterolateral corner of each genital plate extended by small, triangular tectum. Anal plates each with two setae; medial margin of plate with interdigitating zone anteriorly; plate functionally fused with adanal plate, line of fusion fully or partly delineated by groove. Legs relatively short, appressed to body in defensive posture. Legs with conspicuous surface structures: femur of all legs, and trochanter III, with spur-like apophysis; trochanters I and II with distal, abaxial tectum. Proral setae (p) absent from tarsi II and III; p ” (and sometimes p’) lost from tarsus IV; antelateral seta a’ of tarsus II inserted unusually high on anterior face. Solenidia of genua III/IV and tibia III more distal than respective seta d.

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