Malacoangelia BERLESE, 1913

A, R., 2003, Nothrolohmannia Baloghi Sp. N. (Acari: Oribatida), From Rainforest In Papua New Guinea, And Reevaluation Of Nothrolohmanniidae, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 49 (1), pp. 25-42 : 38

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12587249

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Malacoangelia BERLESE, 1913


Malacoangelia BERLESE, 1913 View in CoL

Nothrolohmanniinae with the following character states. Epicuticular spicules conical or rounded distally. Many setae of body and legs with broad single or double vanes that taper distally. Rostral seta T-shaped or reniform in outline; each branch with large vane. True margin of rostral tectum irregular, but mostly smooth; submarginal denticles narrow, sharp; triangular incision present in rostral margin anterior to denticles, directed toward rostral seta. With large, unpaired notogastral porose area: elongated, strongly convex, located immediately posterior to setal pair c1 and at least as long as their mutual distance. Setae of row e small but well formed, vaned; inserted on narrow sclerite clearly separated from pronotaspis and pygidium by scissures. With oblique scissure leading posterolaterad from near seta e2 and connecting with suprapleural scissure, thereby isolating subtriangular plate containing seta f2. Sternal apodemes of epimeres III and IV separated. Epimeral setae homogeneous and relatively small; pair 4a little longer than their mutual distance.

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