Astyanax guaricana, Oliveira & Abilhoa & Pavanelli, 2013

Oliveira, Carlos A. M., Abilhoa, Vinícius & Pavanelli, Carla S., 2013, Astyanax guaricana (Ostariophysi: Characidae), a new species from the rio Cubatão drainage, Paraná State, Southern Brazil, Neotropical Ichthyology 11 (2), pp. 291-296 : 292-294

publication ID 10.1590/S1679-62252013000200007

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Astyanax guaricana

sp. nov.

Astyanax guaricana View in CoL , new species

Figs. 1-2 View Fig View Fig

Astyanax sp. - Abilhoa & Bastos, 2009: 9, 10, 14 [ Brazil, Paraná State; rio Cubatão checklist and identification key].

Holotype. MZUSP 112224 View Materials , 95.6 View Materials mm SL, Paraná State, municipality of São José dos Pinhais, Arraial, Guaricana Reservoir , affluent of the rio Cubatão , 25 o 42’29”S 48 o 58’25”W, Feb 1986, J. C. Ribeiro & A. Carneiro. GoogleMaps

Paratypes. MHNCI 4712 View Materials , 1 View Materials , 90.7 View Materials mm SL, Apr 1985, J. C. Ribeiro & A. Dambros, same locality as the holotype GoogleMaps . MHNCI 5145 View Materials , 1 View Materials , 66.5 View Materials mm SL , MHNCI 5146 View Materials , 1 View Materials , 76.1 View Materials mm SL , MHNCI 5147 View Materials 1, 63.9 mm SL , MHNCI 5148 View Materials , 1 View Materials , 60.3 View Materials mm SL , MHNCI 5149 View Materials , 1 View Materials , 69.2 View Materials mm SL , MHNCI 5150 View Materials , 1 View Materials , 69.3 View Materials mm SL , MHNCI 5151 View Materials , 1 View Materials , 56.0 mm SL , MHNCI 5152 View Materials , 1 View Materials , 63.8 View Materials mm SL , MHNCI 5153 View Materials , 1 View Materials , 62.1 View Materials mm SL , MHNCI 5154 View Materials , 1 View Materials , 64.8 View Materials mm SL , MHNCI 5155 View Materials , 1 View Materials , 65.0 mm SL , MHNCI 5156 View Materials , 1 View Materials , 60.8 View Materials mm SL , MHNCI 5169 View Materials , 1 View Materials c&s, 61.5 mm SL , MHNCI 5170 View Materials , 1 View Materials c&s, 69.0 mm SL , MHNCI 5236 View Materials , 1 View Materials , 68.7 View Materials mm SL, Dec 1985, J. C. Ribeiro & J. C. Carneiro, same locality as the holotype GoogleMaps . MHNCI 5361 View Materials , 1 View Materials c&s, 75.3 mm SL , MHNCI 5370 View Materials , 1 View Materials , 76.5 View Materials mm SL . MHNCI 5375 View Materials , 1 View Materials , 84.0 mm SL, collected with the holotype . MHNCI 11713 View Materials , 1 View Materials , 74.6 View Materials mm SL, Paraná State, municipality of Guaratuba, rio São João, affluent of the rio Cubatão , 25 ° 48’44”S 48 ° 54’55”W, 31 Oct 1996, W. B. Wosiack GoogleMaps & V. Abilhoa . MZUSP 112225 View Materials , 10 View Materials , 60.8 View Materials - 77.2 View Materials mm SL, Dec 1985, J. C. Ribeiro & J. C. Carneiro, same locality as the holotype GoogleMaps . NUP 14319, 9, 59.3-75.0 mm SL, Dec 1985, J. C. Ribeiro & J. C. Carneiro, same locality as the holotype GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Astyanax guaricana is member of Astyanax scabripinnis species complex sensu Bertaco & Lucena (2006). The new species differs from congeners of the A. scabripinnis species complex, except A. intermedius , A. laticeps , A. paranae and A. varzeae by having higher number of lateral line scales, 40 to 43 scales (vs. less than 39 scales in A. brachypterygium , A. burgerai , A. courensis , A. cremnobates , A. epiagos , A. goyanensis , A. ita , A. jacobinae , A. jenynsii , A. jordanensis , A. leonidas , A. microschemos , A. obscurus , A. ojiara , A. paris , A. pirapuan , A. rivularis , A. scabripinnis , A. totae , and A. troya ). Only A. obscurus and A. ojiara have a maximum of 39 lateral line scales. A. guaricana differs from A. ojiara , by having 15 to 17 circumpeduncular scales (vs. 13 to 14 scales) and A. obscurus , by having 9 to 15 scales covering base of anal fin (vs. 6 to 9 scales). Astyanax guaricana differs from A. intermedius , A. laticeps and A. paranae by having two vertical humeral spots (vs. a single humeral spot in A. paranae and A. intermedius , which is horizontally oval with narrow and vertical anterior extension in A. laticeps ); from A. varzeae by males having hooks on the anal fin (vs. hooks absent), by a shorter prepectoral distance (23.7-26.5% vs. 26.5-32.0% SL), shorter head length (23.9-26.6% vs. 27.1-29.7% SL), and longer snout length (23.3-27.9% vs. 16.4-23.3% head length). Besides Astyanax guaricana , only A. laticeps and A. ribeirae are sympatric. A. ribeirae possess one humeral spot (vs. two in A. guaricana ) and 34 to 38 lateral line scales (vs. 40 to 43 in A. guaricana ).

Description. Morphometric data presented in Table 1. Maximum standard length 95.6 mm. Body elongated and compressed, deeper and wider close to a half of pectoral-fin length. Dorsal profile straight or slightly convex between vertical through posterior nostrils and supra-occipital process, convex from this point until end of dorsal fin, and slightly convex between dorsal and adipose fins. Ventral profile convex between tip of snout and origin of pelvic fin, straight between pelvic and anal fins, straight along base of anal fin. Caudal peduncle short, dorsal and ventral margin slightly concave.

Snout rounded from upper lip to vertical anterior to nostrils. Head small. Mouth terminal. Maxillary bone extending beyond vertical anterior to orbit, slightly curved and forming an angle of approximately 45º relative to longitudinal axis of body. Anterior region of maxillary bone forming an angle around 90º with premaxillary bone, when mouth opened. Posteroventral margin of the third infraorbital close to the preoperculum, leaving small bare area between edge of these bones.

Premaxilla with two series of teeth, outer with 4*(22), 5 (12) or 6(1) teeth with three or five cusps. Inner series with five teeth, with teeth of symphysis asymmetric with four or five cusps, commonly five, and lateral teeth with five or seven cusps. Maxillary bone edentulous*(8) or with 1(29) tooth with three cusps. Dentary bone with five larger anterior teeth, followed by two to four smaller; teeth of symphysis with five or seven cusps, lateral teeth with four, five or seven cusps; smaller teeth conical or with three cusps. Size of dentary teeth varies abruptly from the fifth tooth. All teeth have a central cusp greater than laterals ( Fig. 2 View Fig ).

Dorsal-fin rays ii,8(1) or 9*(36) rays [mean=36, n=37]. First unbranched ray with about a half-length of second ray. Distal margin of dorsal fin straight, its origin slightly posterior to first half standard length. Adipose fin at vertical through origin of last anal-fin rays.Anal-fin rays iii(17) or iv*(20), 18(1), 19*(8), 20(10),21(15),or 22(3) [mean=21,n=37].Origin of anal fin posterior to vertical through last dorsal-fin rays. Pectoral-fin rays i,8(4), 9(2), 10(5), 11(4), or 12*(22) [mean=12, n=37], its origin slightly anterior to posterior margin of opercle, when adpressed not reaching origin of pelvic fin. Pelvic-fin rays i,7*(26) or 8(11) [mean=7, n=37], its origin anterior to vertical through dorsal-fin origin, when adpressed not reaching origin of anal fin.

Caudal fin forked, with lobes similar in length and i,9/8,i* rays (n=37). Dorsal procurrent rays 10(1) or 12(2) and ventral procurrent rays 10(2) or 11(1).

Scales cicloid, moderately large. Lateral line complete, with 40(3), 41(12), 42(17), or 43*(5) [mean=42, n=37] perforated scales. Series of scales above lateral line 6(1), 7*(34), or 8(2) [mean=7, n=37]; below 5*(11) or 6(26) [mean=6, n=37]. Predorsal scales 12(4), 13(12), 14*(17), or 15(4) [mean=14, n=37]. Circumpeduncular scales 15*(8), 16(18), or 17(11) [mean=16, n=37]. Unique series of scales covering base of anal fin with 9(6), 10*(7), 11(8), 12(7), 13(5), 14(2), or 15(2) [mean=11, n=37].

Precaudal vertebrae 18(3), caudal 21(1) or 22(2) and total 39(1) or 40(2). Supraneurals 6(3). First gill arch with 6(4), 7*(24) or 8(9) gill rakers on upper branch, 1 on intermediary cartilage and 10(2), 11(31) or 12*(4) onlowerbranch [mean=7+i+11, n=37]. Color in alcohol. Dorsal and dorsolateral region of head and trunk yellowish-brown, ventrolateral and ventral region of head and trunk lighter yellowish-brown. Two vertical black humeral formed by dermal chromatophores. Anterior spot conspicuous, vertically elongated with upper portion broader and more evident than lower portion. Posterior humeral spot diffuse, with variable shape rounded, not ventrally surpassing lateral-line. Lateral band black, also formed by dermal chromatophores, from humeral region, just after second vertical spot, to posterior tip of median caudal-fin rays, widening upward and downward on caudal peduncle, forming a black spot.

Sexual dimorphism. Both sexes with similar color pattern. Hooks on the anal fin present only in males, from the last unbranched ray until the 10 th branched.

Distribution. Astyanax guaricana is known from tributaries of the rio Cubatão, coastal basin of Paraná State ( Fig. 3 View Fig ).

Etymology. The specific epithet guaricana refers to the typelocality of the species, the Guaricana Reservoir of Paraná State. A noun in apposition.


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium












Astyanax guaricana

Oliveira, Carlos A. M., Abilhoa, Vinícius & Pavanelli, Carla S. 2013

Astyanax sp.

Abilhoa, V. & L. P. Bastos 2009: 9
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