Gyrophaena orientalis A. Strand, 1938

Glotov, S. V., 2014, New Species, New Synonym, And Additional Records Of Gyrophaena (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae) From The Palaearctic Region, Vestnik Zoologii 48 (2), pp. 179-184 : 181-183

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Felipe (2022-04-12 14:33:19, last updated 2024-11-27 11:43:40)

scientific name

Gyrophaena orientalis A. Strand, 1938


Gyrophaena orientalis A. Strand, 1938 View in CoL

Gyrophaena orientalis A. Strand, 1938: 39 View in CoL .

Gyrophaena transsylvanica Ádám, 2008: 164 View in CoL , syn. n.

M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d. Type. Lectotype Gyrophaena orientalis View in CoL (here designated): ơ, R u s s i a: “Sistikem [Sisti-Khem River] Sibir [Siberia] Fr.[itz] Jansen [collector] / Gyrophaena orientalis A. Strand View in CoL TYPUS [pink label] / NHMO: type collection 1000176722 / LECTOTYPE ơ Gyrophaena orientalis A. Strand, 1938 View in CoL des. S. Glotov 2010 [red label]” (NHMO). Holotype Gyrophaena transsylvanica View in CoL : ơ “ Herkulesfürdő [Băile Herculane] Coll.[ector] Mihók / H o l o t y p u s Gyrophaena transsylvanica View in CoL sp. n. det. Ádám, 2008. [red label] / Gyrophaena orientalis A. Strand, 1938 View in CoL det. S. Glotov 2010 [white label]” (HMNH). Paratypes: 2 e x s. “ 1 ơ or 1 ǫ / Hu.[ngarian] Bihar Galbina Bokor / fasciata Mars[ham] det. Bernh.[auer] / Chicago NHMus M. Bernhauer Collection / P a r a t y p u s Gyrophaena transsylvanica View in CoL sp. n. det. Ádám, 2008. [yellow labels] / Gyrophaena orientalis A. Strand, 1938 View in CoL det. S. Glotov 2010 [white labels]” (FMNH). Not-type. U k r a i n e: Kyiv: Novobelіchi vicinity (50°27ʹ21.77˝ N 30°20ʹ1.18˝ E), 14.07.1985, 7 exs., leg. A. Peterenko (SIZK).

R e d e s c r i p t i o n. Measurements (mm): length of antenna: 0.64–0.66; maximal head width (including eyes): 0.44–0.48; head length (the anterior margin of the clypeus to the posterior margin of the head): 0.29–0.34; maximal width of pronotum: 0.48–0.54; length of pronotum (measured along its midline): 0.33–0.38; length of elytra at suture: 0.36–0.39; maximal width of elytra (combined width of each elytron when elytra closed along suture): 0.66–0.79; total length of body (from anterior margin of labrum to posterior margin of tergite VIII): 2.3–2.5.

Coloration: head dark-brown, glossy; pronotum brown, glossy; elytra yellow-brown, posterior angles and base with 2 (1 on each elytron) triangle, apically pointed, dark brown spots; abdomen pale brown, abdominal tergites VI and VII dark brown; mouthparts, antennae and legs yellow.

Head strongly transverse, 1.45–1.38 times as wide as long, vertex with 6 or more sparse, small, round, distinct punctures on each side; microsculpture hardly distinct or absent. Antennae length; antennal segment I long strongly widened towards apex; segment II long, narrower and shorter than segments I; segment III narrower and shorter than segment II; segment IV small and short; segments V-X slightly strongly transverse, 1.33–1.50 times as wide as long, segments each, almost parallel-sided.

Pronotum smooth; strongly transverse, 1.42–1.45 times as wide as long and 1.09– 1.13 times as wide as head; posterior angles and posterior margin of pronotal disc rounded; in middle and lateral sides of pronotal disc with sparse, scattered, small, rounded punctures, in the middle near anterior margin with 2 longitudinal discontinuous in centre rows, each with 2 moderately large and some small round, distinct punctures, in the middle near posterior margin with 2 large, round punctures, posterior margin with even, dense, small punctation; microsculpture hardly distinct or absent.

Elytra 1.38–1.46 times as wide as pronotum; with dense and small punctuation; microsculpture dense and distinct; with sparsely distributed fine setae.

Abdomen: abdominal tergites, each, with dense and distinct microsculpture; Male: posterior margin of tergite VII in the middle with 2 large, round striae and lateral some longitudinal, short striae; posterior margin of tergite VII with 1 moderately long, weakly sharpened and curved inwards processes laterally and in the middle with 2 lightly shorter appendages ( fig. 2 View Fig , 1 View Fig ). Aedeagus ( fig. 2, 2 View Fig , 3 View Fig ).

C o m m e n t s. The original description of G. orientalis is based on an unspecified number of syntypes collected “Sistikem Sibir” collected by “Fritz Jansen” ( Strand, 1938). A male syntype was located in the collections of the were found at the ( NHMO); it is designated as the lectotype .

The original description of G. transsylvanica is based on a single holotype male from Romania “Herkulesfürdõ” and two paratypes (one male and one female) from Hungary “Hu., Bihar, Galbina, Bokor” ( Ádám, 2008). Ádám (2008) compared G. transsylvanica with G. williamsi A. Strand, 1939 and G. munsteri Strand, 1935 , but there was no reference whatsoever to G. orientalis ; the figures of the aedeagus of the holotype and paratype of G. transsylvanica in Ádám (2008) are rather misleading. An examination of the holotype and paratypes revealed that it is identical to G. orientalis in external characters, as well as in the shape of the male sternite VIII and in the morphology of the aedeagus. An examination of the holotype and paratype of G. transsylvanica revealed that it refers to G. orientalis . Hence the synonymy is proposed above.

Рис. 2. Gyrophaena orientalis : 1 — 8-й тергит самца; 2 — эдеагус, сбоку; 3 — эдеагус, вентрально (по: Ádám, 2008, с изменениями).

D i s t r i b u t i o n. Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Romania, Russia (European territory, East Siberia), Sweden, Ukraine ( Strand, 1938, 1968; Smetana, 2004; Glotov et al., 2011; Enushchenko, Shavrin, 2011, 2012).

Adam, L. New species of Aleocharinae from Romania and Croatia (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) // Travaux du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle Grigore Antipa . - 2008. - 51. - P. 153 - 170.

Enushchenko, I. V., Shavrin, A. V. Contribution to the knowledge of Gyrophaena Mannerheim 1830 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae: Gyrophaenina) of the Baikal region // Linzer Biologische Beitrage. - 2011. - 43, N 2. - P. 1199 - 1217.

Enushchenko, I. V., Shavrin, A. V. Contribution to the knowledge of Gyrophaena Mannerheim 1830 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae: Gyrophaenina) of Latvia // Linzer biologische Beitrage. - 2012. - 44, N 1. - P. 437 - 447.

Glotov, S. V., Petrenko, A. A., Mateleshko, A. Yu. Rove beetles of the genus Gyrophaena (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae) of Ukraine // Vestnik zoologii. - 2011. - 45, N 2. - P. 127 - 143.

Smetana, A. Genus Gyrophaena Mannerheim, 1830 // Catalogue of Palearctic Coleoptera / Eds I. Lobl, A. Smetana. - Stenstrup: Apollo Books, 2004. - Vol. 2. - P. 442 - 446.

Strand, A. Gyrophaena orientalis n. sp. (Col., Staph.) // Notulae Entomologicae. - 1938. - 18. - P. 39 - 40.

Strand, A. Gyrophaena keeni Casey and G. orientalisA. Str. // Norsk Entomologisk Tidsskrift. - 1968. - 15, N 1. - P. 35 - 36.

Gallery Image

Fig. 2. Gyrophaena orientalis: 1 — 8th abdominal tergites of male; 2 — aedeagus in lateral view; 3 — aedeagus in dorsal and in lateral view; 1—3 — redrawn (after Ádám, 2008, with amendments).

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Fig. 1. Gyrophaena fusicornis: 1 — 8th abdominal tergites of male; 2 — aedeagus in lateral view.

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Fig. 3. Gyrophaena plutenkowi sp. n.: 1 — 8th abdominal tergites of male; 2 — aedeagus.


Natural History Museum, University of Oslo













