Gyrophaena fusicornis Eppelsheim, 1887

Glotov, S. V., 2014, New Species, New Synonym, And Additional Records Of Gyrophaena (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae) From The Palaearctic Region, Vestnik Zoologii 48 (2), pp. 179-184 : 180-181

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Felipe (2022-04-12 14:33:19, last updated 2024-11-27 11:43:40)

scientific name

Gyrophaena fusicornis Eppelsheim, 1887


Gyrophaena fusicornis Eppelsheim, 1887 View in CoL

Eppelsheim, 1887: 419.

M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d. Type. Lectotype (here designated): ơ, “Ussuri [Ussuri River] 48° latbor. / fusicornis Fvl [Fauvel] / c. Eppish. Steind, d. / fusicornis Epp. [elsheim] Deutsch.[e] Ent.[omologische] Zeit.[schrift] 1887. /s [page] 419 / TYPUS [red label] / LECTOTYPE ơ Gyrophaena fusicornis Eppelsheim, 1887 des. S. Glotov 2010 [red label]” ( NHMW). Paralectotypes: 2 ơ [mounted on the same card on one pin] “ơ. / fusicornis Fauv. [el] Fluss [river] Ussuri, Amur.[Amur River] Akinin [collector] / TYPUS [two red labels] / PARALECTOTYPE des. S. Glotov 2010 [two yellow label]” ( NHMW); 2 ǫ [mounted on the same card on one pin] “ǫ / same data as in males» ( NHMW). Not-type. R u s s i a: Primorsky Kray, Lazovskiy District, Lazo Village, Lazovka Valley , (133°54ʹ01˝ E, 43°22ʹ43˝ N), 2 exs., 20.08.1999, leg. J. Sundukow (cSch); Ussuri State Nature Reserve , Kordon Peshula, 22 exs., 13– 20.08.1998, leg. J. Sundukow (cSch) GoogleMaps .

R e d e s c r i p t i o n. Measurements (mm): length of antenna: 0.53–0.65; maximal head width (including eyes): 0.38–0.44; head length (the anterior margin of the clypeus to the posterior margin of the head) 0.23–0.25; maximal width of pronotum: 0.45–0.55; length of pronotum (measured along its midline): 0.26–0.33; length of elytra at suture: 0.30–0.35; maximal width of elytra (combined width of each elytron when elytra closed along suture): 0.59–0.70; total length of body (from anterior margin of labrum to posterior margin of tergite VIII): 1.6–2.0.

Coloration: head black, glossy; pronotum dark-brown, glossy; elytra pale-brown, with slightly darkened posterior angles, sometimes with brown spot in the area of scutellum; abdomen dark brown or black, posterior margin of abdominal tergite VII pale brown, tergite VIII pale brown or brown; mouthparts, antennae and legs yellow.

Рис. 1. Gyrophaena fusicornis : 1 — 8-й тергит самца; 2 — эдеагус, сбоку.

Head strongly transverse, 1.65–1.76 times as wide as long, with very sparse and small punctation, vertex with 2 or 3 sparse, small, round punctures on each side; microsculpture dense and distinct. Antennae: antennal segments I and II long; segment III narrower and shorter than segments I and II each; segment IV small and short, strongly widened towards apex; segments V–X, each, transverse, 1.33–1.67 times as wide as long and slightly widened apicad.

Pronotum strongly transverse, 1.67–1.73 times as wide as long and 1.18–1.25 times as wide as head; with even, small punctation of moderately large, round, not numerous punctures; microsculpture dense and distinct.

Elytra 1.31–1.27 times as wide as pronotum; with sparse, round, small punctuation; microsculpture dense and distinct; with sparsely distributed fine setae.

Abdomen: abdominal tergites, each, with relatively dense, small puncturation and dense and distinct microsculpture. Male: posterior margin of tergite VII in the middle with 1 row of longitudinal, long and narrow striae; tergite VIII: posterior margin with 1 short and small appendage in the middle and with 2 short and wide appendages laterally. Female: posterior margin of tergite VIII rounded, without incision or appendages ( fig. 1, 1 View Fig ). Aedeagus ( fig. 1 View Fig , 2 View Fig ).

C o m m e n t s. The original description of G. fusicornis is based on an unspecified number of syntypes from “Ussuri 48°latbor” ( Eppelsheim, 1887). Five syntypes, three male and two females were located in the collections of the NHMW, one of the males is designated as the lectotype. The designation of the male specimen as lectotype is done for the better fixation of the identity of the name. Male primary and secondary sexual characters are very important for species diagnostics in Gyrophaena .

D i s t r i b u t i o n. Russia, Primorsky Kray.

Eppelsheim, E. Neue Staphylinen von Amur // Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift. - 1887. - 31. - P. 419 - 430.

Gallery Image

Fig. 1. Gyrophaena fusicornis: 1 — 8th abdominal tergites of male; 2 — aedeagus in lateral view.

Gallery Image

Fig. 2. Gyrophaena orientalis: 1 — 8th abdominal tergites of male; 2 — aedeagus in lateral view; 3 — aedeagus in dorsal and in lateral view; 1—3 — redrawn (after Ádám, 2008, with amendments).


Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien


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