Tarenna madagascariensis (Ten.) I.M. Turner

Turner, Ian M., 2022, An overlooked name provides the basionym for a new combination in Malagasy Tarenna (Rubiaceae), Candollea 77 (2), pp. 237-240 : 238

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.15553/c2022v772a8



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scientific name

Tarenna madagascariensis (Ten.) I.M. Turner


Tarenna madagascariensis (Ten.) I.M. Turner , comb. nov.

Pavetta madagascariensis Ten., Cat. Orto Bot. Napoli : 90. 1845.

Neotypus (designated here): [ MADAGASCAR]: cultivated in the Naples Botanical Garden , 14. VII.1850, Gussone s.n. ( NAP [ NAP0000515 View Materials ] image!) .

= Pavetta gracilis A. Rich. ex DC., Prodr. 4: 492. 1830. Ixora gracilis (A. Rich. ex DC.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. View in CoL 1: 287. 1891. Enterospermum gracile (A. Rich. ex DC.) Bremek. in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 37: 193. 1934. Tarenna richardii Verdc. in Kew Bull. 37: 561. 1983, nom nov. [non T. gracilis (Stapf) Keay, 1957 ], syn. nov. Neotypus (designated here): MADAGASCAR: “des côtes orient. de Madag.”, s.d., Richard 906 (P [P03919043] image!).

= Ixora grevei Drake View in CoL in Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Paris 2: 1308. 1897. Tarenna grevei (Drake) Homolle View in CoL in Bull. Soc. Bot. France 85: 606. 1939, syn. nov. Lectotypus (designated here): MADAGASCAR: sine loco, s.d., Grevé 261 (P [ P00173282 ] image!; isolecto-: P [ P00115297 , P00173281 , P00173283 , P03919323 ] images!, TAN [ TAN000755 About TAN ] image!).

Notes. – There is no specimen of Pavetta madagascariensis in Tenore’s herbarium in Naples (R. Vallariello, pers. comm.), but, there is a specimen ( Fig. 1 View Fig ) in the herbarium of Giovanni Gussone (1787–1811), a Neapolitan botanist contemporary of Tenore. The specimen accords well with Tenore’s description, with one notable exception. In the protologue, Tenore stated ‘calycibus 5-dentatis’ but the Gussone specimen has tetramerous flowers. As the specimen is a good match to Tarenna grevei View in CoL and it is labelled with Tenore’s name in Gussone’s hand, I consider the discrepancy in the number of calyx lobes to be a lapse on Tenore’s part and accept Rippa’s interpretation of the name. The Gussone specimen [NAP0000515] is designated here as the neotype of Pavetta madagascariensis , and a new combination for this name is proposed in Tarenna View in CoL .

Pavetta gracilis was described separately by Augustin Pyramus de Candolle (1778– 1841) and by Achille Richard (1794–1852) in 1830 when they were both studying the family Rubiaceae . Candolle’s fourth volume of the Prodromus was published two months earlier than Richard’s Mémoire (see KIRKBRIDE & WIERSEMA, 2022). Among the 72 Rubiaceae names ascribed to Richard in the Prodromus , several were not associated to any specimen because Candolle copied Richard’s descriptions and no original material was available to him (KIRKBRIDE & WIERSEMA, 2022). A neotype is therefore designated here on the best material seen by Richard now deposited at P [P03919042].

The best preserved material of Grevé 261 is designated here as the lectotype of Ixora grevei .


Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica (formerly National Academy of Peiping)














Tarenna madagascariensis (Ten.) I.M. Turner

Turner, Ian M. 2022

Ixora grevei

Drake 1939: 606
Drake 1897: 1308
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