Basilobelba werneri Mahunka, 1982

Ermilov, Sergey G. & Lindquist, Evert E., 2024, Ontogenetic instars of Basilobelba werneri Mahunka, 1982 (Acari, Oribatida, Basilobelbidae), Zootaxa 5485 (1), pp. 92-105 : 93-103

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5485.1.9

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Basilobelba werneri Mahunka, 1982


Basilobelba werneri Mahunka, 1982 View in CoL

( Figs 1–9 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 View FIGURE 5 View FIGURE 6 View FIGURE 7 View FIGURE 8 View FIGURE 9 )

Supplementary description of adult. Measurements (eight males, 10 females). Body length: 600–690; notogastral width: 435–480. No clear difference between females and males in body size.

Integument ( Figs 4A–D View FIGURE 4 ; 5A–F View FIGURE 5 ). Body color light brown to brown. Body and leg surface with dense microtuberculate sculpturing, covered by thick layer of cerotegument consisting of dense bacillar and tuberculate components forming partially microreticulate ornamentation (well visible in dissected specimens).

Prodorsum ( Figs 1A, B View FIGURE 1 ; 2B View FIGURE 2 ; 4A–D View FIGURE 4 ; 5A, C, D View FIGURE 5 ). Rostrum narrowed, nearly pointed. Rostral region with median, longitudinally elongate bulge. Transverse ridge between lamellar setae. Costula and lateral carina well observable. Transversely elongate tubercle between interlamellar setae. Rostral seta (82–94) slightly thickened, acute, barbed; lamellar (105–112) and interlamellar (64–75) setae thick, narrowed distally, heavily barbed; bothridial seta (315– 332) setiform, barbed; bothridium with longitudinal depression medially; exobothridial seta (22–26) setiform, slightly barbed.

Notogaster and nymphal exuvial scalps ( Figs 1A–C View FIGURE 1 ; 2A–E View FIGURE 2 ; 4A–D View FIGURE 4 ; 5A, C View FIGURE 5 ). Dorsosejugal furrow narrow and deep; anterior notogastral margin straight. Anterior part of notogaster depressed. Eight pairs of setiform, slightly barbed notogastral setae present in typical pattern (la, lm, h 2, h 3: 13–15; h 1, p 1, p 2, p 3: 22–26); sometimes alveolus of seta c and extra seta in p -row (p *) developed; setae h 1 and p 1 located close to each other. Opisthonotal gland opening and all lyrifissures well observable in transmitted light. Nymphal exuvial scalps reticulate, with nine pairs (frequently broken) of setiform, roughened setae (c 1, c 2, la, lm, lp, h 1, h 2, h 3, p 1: 15–26, except c 1 and c 2 up to 34 in tritonymphal exuvial scalp); tritonymphal scalp with typical attachment arches (span distance larger than distance between bothridia) bearing setae c 1 and c 2. Apical part of cornicle in protonymphal exuvial scalp brush-like distally versus smooth in deuto- and tritonymphal exuvial scalps.

Gnathosoma ( Figs 3A–C View FIGURE 3 ; 5B View FIGURE 5 ). Subcapitulum size: 165–169 × 112–120; subcapitular setae (a: 49–52; m, h: 64–71) setiform, barbed; two pairs of adoral setae (15) setiform, roughened. Palp length: 94–101; formula: 0-2- 1-3-8(+ω); seta lt” absent; solenidion long, bacilliform; postpalpal seta (9) spiniform, smooth. Chelicera length: 150–161; setae (cha: 45–49; chb: 30–34) setiform, barbed.

Epimeral region ( Figs 2A, B View FIGURE 2 ; 5B View FIGURE 5 ). Epimeral setal formula: 3-1-3-3; setae (1a, 2a, 3a: 52–64; 1b, 1c, 4b: 71–75; 3b, 3c, 4a, 4c: 86–97) setiform, barbed; setae 3b and 3c located at the base of small tubercle.

Anogenital region ( Figs 1C View FIGURE 1 ; 2A, B View FIGURE 2 ; 5B View FIGURE 5 ). Six pairs of genital (52–64), three pairs of aggenital (52–64), two pairs of anal (37–45), and five pairs of adanal (52–64) setae setiform, barbed; all adanal setae in ventromarginal position. Adanal lyrifissure close and parallel to anal plate.

Legs ( Figs 3D–G View FIGURE 3 ; 4A–D View FIGURE 4 ; 5A, B, E, F View FIGURE 5 ). Claw of all legs comparatively thin, slightly roughened dorsally, with slight tubercle ventrobasally. Formulas of leg setation and solenidia: I (1-5-4-5-20) [1-2-2], II (1-5-4-5-14) [1-1-2], III (2-3-2-4-13) [1-1-0], IV (1-3-2-4-10) [0-1-0]; homology of setae and solenidia indicated in Table 1 View TABLE 1 . Famulus medium-sized, rod-like; setae p’, p” and s on tarsus I eupathidial; setae p’ and p” on tarsi II–III absent; all or some setae on leg segments thick, narrowed distally, heavily barbed; solenidion ω 2 on tarsus I medium-sized, rod-like versus other solenidia short or medium-sized, slightly bacilliform (in addition, φ 2 on tibia I slightly dilated mediodistally).

Description of juvenile instars. Measurements. Total length of larva: 390, 405 (n=2), protonymph: 425–450 (n=3), deutonymph: 510–525 (n=6), tritonymph: 570–600 (n=4). Total width of larva: 210, 225 (n=2), protonymph: 270–300 (n=3), deutonymph: 345–360 (n=6), tritonymph: 375–420 (n=4).

Integument ( Figs 9A–D View FIGURE 9 ). Body colorless to light yellowish. Body and leg surface with slight microtuberculate and striate sculpturing, covered by thick layer of cerotegument consisting of dense bacillar and tuberculate components forming partially microreticulate ornamentation; dorsosejugal region under interbothridial tectum densely microfoveolate.

Prodorsum ( Figs 6A, C View FIGURE 6 ; 7A–C View FIGURE 7 ; 9A–D View FIGURE 9 ). Relatively short, about 2/3 of gastronotic region. Rostrum pointed. Dorsolateral region with arcuate carina (most likely, vestigial costula in adult); lateral side with thin carina (most likely, vestigial lateral carina in adult). Interbothridial region with narrow transverse tectum covering partially dorsosejugal furrow. Rostral seta (LA: 37–41; PN: 49–52; DN: 56–60; TN: 56–64) slightly thickened, acute, barbed, inserted on distinct tubercle; lamellar seta (LA: 52–56; PN: 64–71; DN: 71–79; TN: 79–94) thickened, acute, heavily barbed, inserted on distinct tubercle; interlamellar and exobothridial setae (LA: 26–30; PN: 30–34; DN: 34–37; TN: 34–41) setiform, slightly barbed; bothridial seta (LA: 131–142; PN: 150–161; DN: 184–210; TN: 210–232) with long, sparsely barbed stalk and shorter, slightly thickened distal part bearing numerous short cilia; bothridium with longitudinal depression medially.

Gastronotic region ( Figs 6A–C View FIGURE 6 ; 7A–C, G–I View FIGURE 7 ; 9A, B View FIGURE 9 ). Nymphal instars with typical bent cornicle in medioposterior part. Tritonymphal instar with median tubercle. Larva with 11 (dp absent), nymphal instars with 12 (da, dm and dp absent) pairs of setae. Length of gastronotic setae: LA: c 1, h 3: 26–30, c 2: 15–19, c 3: 13–15, da: 37–41, dm: 52–60, la, lm, lp, h 1, h 2: 101–120; PN: c 1, h 1: 26–34, c 2: 19, c 3: 13–15, la, lm, lp: 26–30, p 1, h 2, h 3: 19–22, p 2, p 3: 13–15; DN: c 1, h 1: 30–34, c 2: 19–22, c 3: 15, la, lm, lp: 26–30, p 1, h 2, h 3: 19–22, p 2, p 3: 15–19; TN: c 1, h 1: 30–34, c 2: 22, c 3: 17–19, la, lm, lp: 26–30, p 1, p 2, p 3, h 2, h 3: 19–22. In larval instar, setae c 1, da and dm slightly thickened, acute, barbed, located on porose sclerites; c 2, c 3 and h 3 setiform, slightly barbed; la, lm, lp, h 1, and h 2 thick, narrowed distally, heavily barbed. In nymphal instar, all setae setiform, slightly barbed. Opisthonotal gland opening and all cupules distinct.

Gnathosoma ( Figs 7E–F View FIGURE 7 ). Subcapitulum size: LA: 82–86 × 64–67; PN: 105–109 × 75–82; DN: 124–127 × 90– 97; TN: 146–154 × 97–105; length of subcapitular seta a: LA: 24–28; PN: 34–37; DN: 36–45; TN: 49–52; length of subcapitular seta m: LA: 24–28; PN: 34–37; DN: 41–49; TN: 52–56; length of subcapitular seta h: LA: 19–22; PN: 30–34; DN: 34–41; TN: 41–49; a and m setiform, barbed; h narrowly phylliform, narrowed distally; posterolateral tectum of subcapitular mentum well developed; length of adoral setae: LA, PN: 5; DN, TN: 7; both adoral setae setiform, smooth. Palp length: LA: 49; PN: 60–64; DN: 64–71; TN: 79–82; palp formula in LA: 0-1-1-3-8(+ω); palp formula in PN, DN, TN: 0-2-1-3-8(+ω); length of postpalpal seta: LA: 4; PN: 5; DN, TN: 7. Chelicera length: LA: 82–86; PN: 105–109; DN: 109–116; TN: 123–139; length of cha: LA: 30; PN: 30–34; DN: 34–36; TN: 41–49; length of chb: LA: 19; PN: 19–22; DN: 22–26; TN: 26–30.

Epimeral region ( Figs 6B, C View FIGURE 6 ; 7G–I View FIGURE 7 ). Setal formulas for epimeres: larva: 3-1-2 (1c as typical scale covering Claparède’s organ); protonymph 3-1-2-1; deutonymph 3-1-3-2, tritonymph 3-1-3-3. Length of setae: LA: 1a, 2a, 3a: 15–19, 1b, 3b: 19–22; PN: 1a, 2a, 3a: 11–15, 1c: 7; 1b, 3b, 4a: 19–22; DN, TN: 1a, 2a, 3a: 11–15, 1c: 7–9; 1b, 3b, 3c, 4a, 4b: 19–22; setae 1a, 2a and 3a slightly phylliform, narrowed distally, 1c simple, others setiform, roughened.

Anogenital region ( Figs 6B, C View FIGURE 6 ; 7G–I View FIGURE 7 ). Ontogeny of genital (PN, DN: 15–19; TN: 19–22), aggenital (DN: 15–19; TN: 19–26), anal (TN: 15–22), and adanal (DN: 15–19; TN: 19–22) setal formulas, larva to tritonymph: 0- 1-3-5, 0-0-1-3, 0-0-0-2, 0-0-3-3, respectively; all setae setiform, roughened; small round porose area at the base of adanal setae. Adanal cupule distinct; anal cupule not observed.

Legs ( Figs 8A–F View FIGURE 8 ; 9A, B View FIGURE 9 ). Claw of all legs comparatively thin, slightly roughened dorsally. Formulas of leg setation and solenidia: larva I (0-2-3-4-16) [1-1-1], II (0-2-3-3-13) [1-1-1], III (0-2-2-2-13) [1-1-0]; protonymph I (1-3-3-4-16) [1-1-2], II (1-3-3-3-13) [1-1-1], III (1-3-2-2-13) [1-1-0], IV (0-0-0-0-7) [0-0-0]; deutonymph I (1-4-3- 4-16) [1-2-2], II (1-4-3-4-13) [1-1-2], III (2-3-2-3-13) [1-1-0], IV (1-2-2-2-12) [0-1-0]; tritonymph I (1-5-4-5-16) [1-2-2], II (1-5-4-5-13) [1-1-2], III (2-3-2-4-13) [1-1-0], IV (1-3-2-4-12) [0-1-0]; homology of setae and solenidia indicated in Table 1 View TABLE 1 . Famulus medium-sized, rod-like; all or some setae on leg segments thick, narrowed distally, heavily barbed; solenidion ω 2 on tarsus I medium-sized, rod-like versus other solenidia short or medium-sized, slightly bacilliform (in addition, φ 2 on tibia I slightly dilated mediodistally).

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