Arctonoe vittata ( Grube, 1855 )

Park, Taeseo, Lee, Sang-kyu & Kim, Won, 2016, New record of commensal scale worms, Arctonoe vittata (Grube, 1855) and Hyperhalosydna striata (Kinberg, 1856) (Polychaeta: Polynoidae) from Korean waters, Journal of Species Research 5 (3), pp. 517-529 : 518-520

publication ID 10.12651/JSR.2016.5.3.517

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scientific name

Arctonoe vittata ( Grube, 1855 )


Arctonoe vittata ( Grube, 1855) View in CoL ûợffiẖ갯mǵÑ (ṵAE)

( Figs. 1 View Fig , 3 View Fig )

Polynoe vittata Grube, 1855: 82 View in CoL .

Polynoe lordi View in CoL : Johnson, 1897: 175, Pl. 7, figs. 35, 44, Pl. 8, fig. 51.

Acholoe vittata : Marenzeller, 1902: 576, Taf. III, fig. 13.

Arctonoe lia Chamberin, 1920: 6 View in CoL , Pl. 1, figs. 1 - 4, Pl. 2, figs. 1 - 3.

Halosydnoides vittata : Seidler, 1924: 134; Monro, 1928: 312; Okuda, 1936: 565 - 568, figs. 4 - 5.

Arctonoe vittata View in CoL : Hartman, 1939: 29 - 30, Pl. 3, figs. 33 - 37; 1948: 11, fig. 2a - f; 1968: 49, figs. 1 - 3; Berkeley and Berkeley, 1948: 20, figs. 24 - 25; Pettibone, 1953: 57, Pl. 28, fig. 251, Pl. 29, figs. 259 - 271; Uschakov, 1955: 132, fig. 23E - J; Imajima and Hartman, 1964: 19; Hanley, 1989: 4, figs. 1A - F, 2A - L.

Material examined. 3 inds., Gangwon­do, Goseong­gun, Jugwang­myeon, Oho­ri, 4 Apr. 2009, depth 20 m, T Park ( NIBRIV0000287225­7 ); 1 ind., Gangwon­do ,

Goseong­gun, Jungwang­myeon, Oho­ri , 23 Mar. 2010, depth 23m, T Park and HJ Kil ( NIBRIV0000226000 ); 3 inds., Gyeongsangbuk­do, Uljin­gun, Buk­myeon, Nagok­ri , Gijam point, 3 Aug. 2010, depth 11.8 m, T Park ( NIBRIV0000287228 , NIBRIV0000326189 - 90 ); 1 ind., Gyeongsangbuk­do, Uljin­gun, Buk­myeon, Nagok­ri , 24 Aug. 2010, depth 15 m, T Park ( NIBRIV0000326191 ); 1 ind., Gangwon­do, Goseong­gun, Jugwang­myeon , Oho­ri , Goraebawi point, 16 Sep. 2010, depth 20 m, T Park, Y Eun ( NIBRIV0000225978 ); 1 ind., Gangwon­do, Goseong­gun, Jugwang­myeon , Oho­ri , Daeseom point, 28 Jul. 2014, depth 12m, T Park, ( NIBRIV0000304745 ); 2 inds., Gangwon­do, Goseong­gun, Jugwang­myeon , Oho­ri , Goraebawi point, 29 Jul. 2014, depth 25 m, T Park ( NIBRIV0000304746 , 51 ); 2 inds., Gangwon­do, Goseong­gun, Jugwang­myeon , Oho­ri , Gamjeongseongae point, 30 Jul. 2014, depth 35 m, D Jung ( NIBRIV 00 00304754 - 5), 1 ind., Gyeongsangbuk­do, Ulleung­gun, Ulleung­eup, Dokdo­ri, 4 Jun. 2015, depth 15 m, SH Kim ( NIBRIV0000324299 ); 1 ind., Gyeongsangbuk­do, Ulleung­gun , Ulleung­eup , Dokdo­ri , 11 Jun. 2015, depth 15 m, T Park ( NIBRIV0000226138 ) .

Description. Based on 16 specimens. Body elongat­ ed, flattened, with 45 - 82 segments, widest part of body about 1/3 from head, tapering rapidly anteriorly, gradually posteriorly. Length 12 - 57.8 mm, widest width 3 - 6.3 mm including parapodium. Body surface variably pigmented. Some specimens with brown streaky transverse bands across dorsal surface, and one broad band near segment 8 ( Fig. 1A View Fig , Table 1).

Elytra large, smooth, usually attached on segments 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, (14), alternate segments to 23, 26, 28, 29, 31, thereafter attachment pattern variable among specimens, some specimens having asymmetrical elytra sequence ( Table 1). Elytra tubercles, fringe of papillae absent ( Fig. 1C View Fig ). First pair of elytra overlapping medially covering prostomium but rest of dorsum exposed medially.

Prostomium bilobed, wider than long, prostomial peaks absent. Four small subequal eyes on posterior half. Palps not long, stout, abruptly tapering to tips, often with dark subterminal pigment bands. Three antennae; median antenna with large cylindrical ceratophore and short, smooth, clavate style, with long filiform terminal tip; lateral antennae with distinct ceratophores thinner and shorter than median ceratophores, styles similar with median style but shorter ( Fig. 1A, B View Fig ).

Tentacular (first) segment achaetous, invisible dorsally. Lateral tentaculophores large, with two pairs of dorsal and ventral subequal cirri similar in length and shape to median antenna. Facial tubercle not well developed. Buccal (second) segment without nuchal fold, with first pair of elytra, subbiramous parapodia, noto and neurochaetae. Ventral buccal cirri longer than following ventral cirri ( Fig. 1A, B View Fig ).

Parapodia subbiramous. Notopodium small, digitiform, on anterodorsal face of large neuropodium. Neuropodium notched dorsally and ventrally with rounded pre­, postchaetal lobes ( Fig. 1E View Fig ). Dorsal cirrophores on elytraless segment, large, cylindrical, styles basally cylindrical with subterminal inflation and long filiform tips ( Fig. 1A View Fig ). Ventral cirri short, subulate ( Fig. 1E View Fig ). Nephridial papillae well developed from segment 6 ( Fig. 1J View Fig ).

Notochaetae short, slightly curved with subterminal serrations and notched tips ( Fig. 1F View Fig ). Notochaetae often lacking in median and posterior segments. Neurochaetae long, thick, present on all chaetigerous segments. Superior neurochaetae slender with prominent serration raws and notched tips ( Fig. 1G View Fig ). Inferior neurochaetae stouter, with relatively faint serration raws and curved hooked tips ( Fig. 1H View Fig ).

Pygidium small, anus terminal, anal cirri similar to dorsal cirri but longer ( Fig. 1D View Fig ).

Remark. Genus Arctonoe Chamberlin, 1920 has three nominal species; A. vittata , A. fragilis ( Baird, 1863) and A. pulchra ( Johnson, 1897) . Among these species, only A. vittata has been reported from northern part of eastern Asian waters ( Okuda, 1936; Uschakov, 1955; Imajima and Hartman, 1964; Imajima, 1988; 2001) ( Fig. 5 View Fig ). Arctonoe vittata is easily distinguished from its congeners by two kinds of neurochaetae (curved hooked tip and notched tip) ( Fig. 1F - H View Fig ) and by pigmented dorsal band near segment 8 ( Fig. 1A View Fig ), in contrast to only hooked tip neurochaetae and absence of pigmented dorsal band in A. fragilis and A. pulchra . The present Korean specimens well agree with morphological characteristics of A. vittata in this respect. According to the original description of Polynoe vittata by Grube (1855), the elytra were arranged on segments 2, 4, 5, and alternating segments to 26, 28, 29, 31, and subsequently on alternating segments to the end of the body. Later, Pettibone (1953) reported irregular elytra attachment patterns in elongated individuals based on specimens from Puget Sound and adjacent waters. Some of the present Korean specimens show irregularity in elytra attachment and seem closely related in individual size, as reported by Pettibone(1953) ( Table 1).

Arctonoe vittata is both free­living and associated commensally with other invertebrates such as asteroids, gastropods or other tube dwelling polychaetes ( Hanley, 1989; Ruff, 1995). However, all present specimens were associated with other invertebrates ( Fig. 3 View Fig , Table 2). Especially, some specimens were collected inside the mantle cavity of nudibranchs; Cadlina japonica Baba, 1937 ; Triopha catalinae ( Cooper, 1863) for the first time. This is the first discovery of the symbiotic relationship between A. vittata and nudibranchs ( Fig. 3F - H View Fig ).

According to Pettibone (1953) and Ruff (1995), body coloration of A. vittata tends to be adapted to their host coloration. Among present Korean specimens, some individuals were well adapted in host coloration ( Fig. 3A, D, H, I View Fig ), while, some individuals show different body coloration from their hosts ( Fig. 3B, E, G, J View Fig ). Previous studies have reported that A. vittata individuals compete over hosts frequently ( Palmer, 1968; Britayev, 1991) and switch hosts to increase survival rate ( Tokaji et al., 2014). Therefore, A. vittata individuals with different coloration from the hosts seem to move to a new host and are not yet adapted to the new host’s coloration.

Genus Hyperhalosydna Augener, 1922


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics














Arctonoe vittata ( Grube, 1855 )

Park, Taeseo, Lee, Sang-kyu & Kim, Won 2016

Arctonoe vittata

Hanley, J. R. 1989: 4
Imajima, M. & O. Hartman 1964: 19
Uschakov, P. V. 1955: 132
Pettibone, M. H. 1953: 57
Berkeley, E. & C. Berkeley 1948: 20
Hartman, O. 1939: 29

Halosydnoides vittata

Okuda, S. 1936: 565
Monro, C. C. A. 1928: 312
Seidler, H. J. 1924: 134

Acholoe vittata

Marenzeller, E. von 1902: 576

Polynoe lordi

Johnson, H. P. 1897: 175

Polynoe vittata

Grube, A. E. 1855: 82
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