Episomus lumawigi Bramanti, Bramanti &, 2021

Bramanti, Alessandro, Bramanti, Andrea & Rukmane-Bārbale, Anita, 2021, To the knowledge on the Philippine weevils of the genus Episomus Schoenherr, 1826 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae) with description of one new species from Palawan Island, Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 21 (1), pp. 35-42 : 36-41

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12520175

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scientific name

Episomus lumawigi Bramanti, Bramanti &

sp. nov.

Episomus lumawigi Bramanti, Bramanti &

Rukmane sp. nov.

Fig. 2, 3, 4, 5, 7.

Type material. Holotype. Male. ( Fig. 2) ‘’ PHILIPPINES / Palawan isl. / Palawan prov. / Roxas / X. 2020 / local collector leg.’’ (white label) ; ‘’ HOLOTYPE / Episomus lumawigi Bramanti, Bramanti & Rukmane, 2021 ’’(red label) ( BRAA) . Paratypes. PHILIPPINES / Palawan isl . / Palawan prov. / Roxas / VI. 2020 / local collector leg. (4females) // VII. 2020 (1 female) // X. 2020 (1female) /

same length and width laterally; distance between anterior margin 1.37 as distance between middle of eyes; distance between posterior margins 1.16 times as that between middle and 1.05 times as that between anterior margins; space between eyes at middle 1.36 times as distance between scrobes.Antennae light brown. Scape broadened 2.2 times from the subbasal part to apex, 2.21 times as long as club, with long dark brown setae from subbasal part to apex and rest of the antenomers, club with shorter, dark brown hairs. Funicle 0.93 as long as scape and 2 times as long as club; segments nearly equal in lenght, with II longer than others, segment VII broadest of all. Club 2.33 times as long as wide.

Prothorax plicate, covered with short dark brown seate, with transverse impressed line along api-

/ III. 2021 (3females) (all in BRAA) // VII. 2020 (1female) ( DUBC). Total: 10 females ( Fig. 3) .

Distribution. Palawan Island ( Fig. 7).

Description. Male. General color light to dark brown above and below. Head without lateral impressions, 2.5 times as long as rostrum, 2.1 times as long as apical emargination and 2.2 times as long as prothorax. Base slightly wider than rostrum, 1.88 as broad as distance between scrobes and 1.57 as broad as apical emargination. Central furrow broad and deep, 3.5 times as long as apical emargination. Rostrum with lateral costae strongly impressed at posterior margin, 1.19 times as long as broad, in lateral contour dorsum slightly impressed along basal 1/2, straight to apical 1/2, impressed along apical 1/2 and increased to bulged apex. Dorsum and forehead covered with long dark brown setae. Eyes big, strongly prominent from the outer line of the head, 1.6 times as long as broad dorsally and cal 1/2 and one slightly after the middle; apical margin dorsally straight, basal margin with medial concavity; in dorsal contour narrowest along subapical part and broadest along subbasal part; same lenght and width; dorsum strongly rugose, dorsally divided into three longitudinal intervals, with medial beeing dark brown, and side intervals beeing signifficalntly lighter; laterally with two more short transverse medial impressed lines, in lateral contour nearly straight, with basal part slightly widened; underside strongly lighter in colour. Scutellum moderate in size, enclosed, 2.1 times as long as broad. Legs with femora 3 times as long as broad, 1.2 times as long as lenght of tibia and 1.89 times as broad as breadth of tibia; tibia slender, 5.1 times as long as broad.

Elytra obovate, with clearly expressed intervals of puncture rows, covered with dark brown setae in all lenght; upper surface with dark brown ovate medial spot at basal part, one larger dark brown spot at medial part and two rounded spots at apical part near apex, rest of the elytra covered with wight brown scales; in dorsal contour narrowest at the base, then widened to just before the middle, nearly straight to apical 1/2, then narrowed to constricted apex; in lateral contour impressed at subbasal part, widened to widest apical 1/3, then sharply reduced to apex; lateral margin impressed along middle; base 0.6 times as wide as widest apical 1/2; dorsally elytra 1.39 times as long as wide, laterally elytra 1.57 times as long as wide.

Lenght: LB: 11.5; LR: 1.3; WR: 1.55; LP: 2.9; WP: 3.0; LE: 7.1; WE: 4.7. Dorsal habitus as shown in Fig. 2, genitalia as shown in Fig. 4.

Female. Scaly markings on elytra more strongly pronounced, brighter. Elytra wider both in dorsal and lateral view.Apex more strongly elongated. Otherwise essentially as in males. Dorsal habitus as shown in Fig. 3, wing veining as shown in Fig. 8. Genitalia as shown in Fig. 5.

Differential analyses. The new species is most closely related to E. lentus from Luzon Island, Philippines. Species can be easily distinguished by narrower and longer rostrum and bigger eyes. Shape of pronotum of the new species is less rounded dorsally, with basal margin having medial concavity that lacks E. lentus having straight margin instead. Elytra of the new species is narrowed at base, widest along apical 1/2 while elytra of E. lentus is widest at the subbasal part. Vertex of aedegal body of E. lumawigi sp. nov. straight, while vertex of E. lentus curved dorsally ( Fig. 6). Together with unique scally markings at elytra and dark brown setae that lacks E. lentus , geographically isolated to Palawan Islanad E. lumawigi sp. nov. forms a new species.

Etymology. The new species is dedicated to Ismael Lumawig (Sta. Maria, Bucalan) as an appreciation for long term cooperation and providence of beetle material.


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute

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