Phylloporus septocystidiatus C.K. Pradeep & K.B. Vrinda, 2015

Pradeep, C. K., Vrinda, K. B., Varghese, Shibu P. & Kumar, Thiruvoth Kottuvetta Arun, 2015, A new species of Phylloporus (Agaricales, Boletaceae) from India, Phytotaxa 226 (3), pp. 269-274 : 270-272

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.226.3.7

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scientific name

Phylloporus septocystidiatus C.K. Pradeep & K.B. Vrinda

sp. nov.

Phylloporus septocystidiatus C.K. Pradeep & K.B. Vrinda View in CoL sp.nov. Fig.1 View FIGURE 1 , 2 View FIGURE 2

MycoBank MB 812564

Diagnosis:—Distinct from the similar Phylloporus parvisporus by the brown, hygrophanous pileus, lamellae neither intervenose nor anastomosing, large amyloid spores broadly ellipsoid to elongate, and hymenial cystidia flexuous and multiseptate.

Holotype:— INDIA. Kerala State: Trivandrum District, Palode, JNTBGRI campus: 24 July 2012, Shibu , TBGT14204 About TBGT ( K ( M) 192596!)

Etymology:— septocystidiatus (L.) refers to the multi-septate hymenial cystidia.

Basidiomata medium sized, omphalioid. Pileus 23–55 mm diam., convex, plano-convex to applanate, with or without a shallow depression at center, surface brown (5F5/5F6/6E4/6E6/6F4/6F5/6F6/7E4/7E5), tomentose, hygrophanous, dry; margin straight to sometimes uplifted, wavy, faintly striate, entire. Hymenophore lamellate. Lamellae broadly adnate to decurrent with a tooth extending up to half way, thick, yellow (2A5/3A3/3A4/3A5/3A6), not anastomosing, not intervenose, bruising light blue, up to 8 mm wide, close to subdistant with lamellulae of 3–4 lengths; edge concolorous, entire. Stipe 18–60 × 3–8 mm, central (rarely excentric), cylindric, curved, solid, attenuated towards the base; surface brown (5D4/5E3/5E4/5F3/6E4) paler towards the base, tomentose especially in the upper half; basal mycelium white. Context of the pileus off-white slowly turning pale grey, up to 5 mm thick, soft. Odor mild, like fresh cashew nut oil. Pileus and context turn reddish brown with concentrated NH 4 solution.

Basidiospores (6.5–)6.8–8.8(–9.6) × 3.6–4.4 μm, avL = 8, avW= 4.04, Q = 1.5–2.6, avQ = 1.98, broadly ellipsoid to elongate, thick-walled, inamyloid. Basidia 31–35 × 6.5–8 μm, clavate, 4-spored, thin-walled with refractive guttules. Lamella edge heterogeneous. Hymenial cystidia tramal in origin, numerous on both sides and edges of the lamellae, 28.5–47.5 × 8.5–15 μm, variously shaped, mostly cylindro-clavate, fusoid, often strangulated, sometimes with a short flexuous neck, or with a subacute apex, 1,2,3 septate, thick-walled, hyaline. Hymenophoral trama bilateral with slightly divergent hyphae; hyphae 6–14 μm wide, short, thin-walled, hyaline. Subhymenium composed of interwoven hyphae. Pileal trama interwoven; hyphae 8–28(–33) μm wide, inflated. Pileipellis a trichoderm composed of cylindric to cylindro-clavate elements, 23–53 × 5–9 μm, thin-walled with yellowish brown intracellular plasmatic contents. Stipitipellis composed of parallel vertically oriented hyphae, 2.5–6.4 μm, projecting out in tufts as caulocystidia which are more towards the upper and middle, while lesser towards the stipe base. Caulocystidia, 32.5–87 × 7.8–10.4 μm, cylindrical, flexuose, often with subacute or obtuse apex, thick-walled, with yellowish brown plasmatic contents. Stipe trama 5.2–13(–15.6) μm, parallel, thin-walled, hyaline. Clamp connections absent. Oleiferous hyphae present.

Habit and habitat:––Solitary to scattered on soil or on mud wall under Hopea parviflora Bedd. ( Dipterocarpaceae ) and Xanthophyllum arnottianum Wight ( Xanthophyllaceae ) trees in tropical evergreen forest, April–October.

Additional collections examined: –– INDIA, Kerala State, Trivandrum District, Palode , JNTBGRI campus: 7 June 2012, TBGT14048 About TBGT ; 7 September 2012, TBGT14267 About TBGT ; May 2013, TBGT14455 About TBGT ; 18 October 2013, TBGT14833 About TBGT ; 30 April 2014 TBGT14970 About TBGT ; 2 May 2014, TBGT14975 About TBGT ; 4 July 2014, TBGT15154 About TBGT .

A BLAST search with the ITS sequence of the new Phylloporus species showed that the closest species with publicly available molecular sequences ( Table 1) having maximum sequence similarity and coverage indices is P. parvisporus (85%). In molecular analyses, P. septocystidiatus clustered with P. parvisporus , Phylloporus sp. and P. bellus with 100% bootstrap support. Phylloporus orientalis settled as a sister taxon with 57% support value.


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