Amphidoxa costulata Hutton, 1882

Brook, Fred J., Kennedy, Martyn, King, Tania M., Ridden, Johnathon, Shaw, Matthew D. & Spencer, Hamish G., 2020, Catalogue of New Zealand land, freshwater and estuarine molluscan taxa named by Frederick Wollaston Hutton between 1879 and 1904, Zootaxa 4865 (1), pp. 1-73 : 24

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4865.1.1

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scientific name

Amphidoxa costulata Hutton, 1882


Amphidoxa costulata Hutton, 1882 View in CoL

Pl. 2, fig. E

Hutton, 1882. New Zealand Journal of Science, 1: 281.

Type material. Lectotype (designated by Climo 1970: 335), CMNZ M12778 [ex M294], and paralectotypes (2), CMNZ M294 (dry shells). The molluscan collection at CMNZ has radula fragments mounted on a glass slide with the label details ‘ Calymna costulata , Auckland, XVI p. 171’, in Hutton’s handwriting (i.e., CMNZ 2017.17.11), which is probably primary type material (see radula description by Hutton 1883d: 136).

Label details. CMNZ M294—‘38. Calymna costulata Hutton , Auckland’, pillbox label in Hutton’s handwriting.

Type locality. ‘ Auckland (T. F. Cheeseman)’ Hutton (1882p: 281, 1883d: 136).

Previous illustrations of type material. Radula teeth illustrated by Hutton (1884b: pl. 10, fig. D) probably from type material; Pilsbry (1893 [in 1893–1895]: 346, pl. 3, figs. 20–22—‘ Type. Suter, del.’); Suter (1915: pl. 26, figs. 15, a, b—possibly type material).

Remarks. Hutton submitted a description of this species to the Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute issue for 1882, but publication was delayed until May 1883 ( Hutton 1883d: 136), and was preempted by a brief description in an account of a meeting of the Philosophical Institute of Canterbury ( Hutton 1882p: 281). A description by Hutton (1884b: 171) of a radula of costulata was probably based on the putative type material in CMNZ 2017.17.11 mentioned above. Amphidoxa costulata Hutton, 1882 is the type species of Calymna Hutton, 1883 , by original designation, and of Flammocharopa Climo, 1970 , also by original designation. As noted in the section on Hutton’s genus group names (above), Calymna Hutton, 1883 has been incorrectly interpreted as a homonym of Calymma Hübner , (1816–1826) 1823 [ Lepidoptera ] by Pilsbry (1893 [in 1893–1895]: 17), Suter (1913: 671), Thiele (1931 [1929–1935]: 575), Zilch (1959 [in 1959–1960]: 222) and Schileyko (2001: 1025), based on a subsequent misspelling of the latter name as ‘ Calymna Hübner’ by Walker (1858: 13). Flammocharopa Climo, 1970 has the same type species as Calymna Hutton , and is a junior synonym.

Taxonomy. Calymna costulata (Hutton, 1882) —after Hutton (1883i: 532, 1884c: 199), Pilsbry (1893 [in 1893– 1895]: 346), Hedley & Suter (1893: 645), Suter (1894b: 241).

Distribution. New Zealand; North Island, currently interpreted as being widely distributed from Northland to Wairarapa (e.g., Suter 1913: 676, Climo 1970: 335, Powell 1979: 308), but examination of material in the AIM and NMNZ collections indicates that this refers to a species complex, and the identity and distribution of Hutton’s species need to be re-evaluated.


Canterbury Museum

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