Phlugiolopsis minoriproceris, Pan & Ran & Bian, 2024

Pan, Yangyang, Ran, Yiqi & Bian, Xun, 2024, Five new species of the genus Phlugiolopsis (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Meconematinae) from Yunnan, China, Zootaxa 5474 (3), pp. 243-258 : 253-257

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5474.3.3

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scientific name

Phlugiolopsis minoriproceris

sp. nov.

Phlugiolopsis minoriproceris View in CoL sp. nov.


Figures 11–12 View FIGURE 11 View FIGURE 12

Description. Male. Body small. Fastigium verticis conical, apex obtusely rounded, dorsal surface faintly furrowed along the midline ( Fig. 11A View FIGURE 11 ). Eyes nearly semiglobular, projecting outwards. Apical segments of maxillary palpi slightly shorter than subapical ones, apices faintly inflated ( Fig. 11B View FIGURE 11 ).

Anterior margin of pronotum arced, posterior margin roughly rounded, protruding backward; lateral lobes longer than deep, narrowing to backward, humeral sinus absent ( Fig. 11B View FIGURE 11 ). Tegmina overlapped and concealed beneath pronotum, or slightly surpassing the posterior margin of pronotum, reaching the middle area of second abdominal tergite, apices rounded; hind wings absent.

Fore coxae with 1 spine. All femora unarmed, apices of genicular lobes of hind femora obtusely rounded. Ventral surfaces of fore and middle tibiae with 4 internal and 5 external spines, apices with 1 pair of ventral spurs; tympana of fore tibiae oval, opened on both sides. Hind tibiae with 29–34 internal spines and 37–37 external spines on dorsal surface, ventral surface with 2–3 internal spines and 4–6 external spines, apices with 1 pair of dorsal spurs and 2 pairs of ventral spurs.

Tenth abdominal tergite projecting with arched concavity in the middle of posterior margin ( Fig. 11E View FIGURE 11 ). Cerci densely setose; interno-dorsal margin of basal area with 1 semicircular lobe which extending to the internal surface of middle area forming 1 rectangular lobe ( Fig. 11D, E View FIGURE 11 ); interno-ventral margin of basal area with 1 small hook, its apices upcurved behind base ( Fig. 11H View FIGURE 11 ); apical one-third area of cerci spine-shaped, apices subacute ( Fig. 11E View FIGURE 11 ). Subgenital plate with transverse base, surface convex, lateral margins gradually narrowing and constricted in apical third area, apical area projecting with posterior margin obtusely rounded. Styli slightly curved forward, apices obtuse, inserted at the apical third area of subgenital plate on ventral surface ( Fig. 11H View FIGURE 11 ).

Female. Seventh abdominal tergite with 1 small angular on each side at apex ( Fig. 12C View FIGURE 12 ); lateral margins of eighth abdominal tergite with 1 small tuberculate process at apex on each side ( Fig. 12D View FIGURE 12 ); posterior margin of ninth abdominal tergite arched projecting; posterior margin of tenth abdominal tergite faintly concave ( Fig. 12C View FIGURE 12 ). Epiproct small, semi-oval, dorsal surface faintly concave. Cerci short and conical ( Fig. 12E View FIGURE 12 ). Ovipositor moderately upcurved, dorsal and ventral margins smooth; apices of dorsal valvulae acute, apices of ventral valvulae with a small hook ( Fig. 12D View FIGURE 12 ). Subgenital plate transverse, baso-lateral angles terminating into a digitate process ( Fig. 12H View FIGURE 12 ), lateral margins narrowing, the apico-lateral angles round, posterior margin almost straight medially with an indistinct angle ( Fig. 12G View FIGURE 12 ).

Coloration. Body yellowish brown. Eyes brown. Antennal socket and internal margins of basal two segments of antennae brown, flagellum with brownish rings at apical area of each segment. Dorsal surface of head with four longitudinal brown stripes, the external stripes fine and extending to the internal margins of antennal sockets, the inner stripes wide and fused at the apices of fastigium verticis. Disc of Pronotum with a longitudinal yellowish brown stripe on each side, which reaching the middle of metazona. Apices of femora and tarsi brown. Abdominal tergites yellowish brown on both sides, sternites yellowish.

Material examined. Holotype: male, Nongguang, Funing , Yunnan, August 1, 2021, coll. by Wei Bin, Xiaoyu Peng and Xun Bian . Paratypes: 4 males and 5 females, the other information as holotype.

Measurements (mm). Body: ♂ 7.4 – 7.9, ♀ 7.2 – 7.6; pronotum: ♂ 4.3 – 4.5, ♀ 4.0 – 4.5; tegmen: ♂ 4.2 – 4.3, ♀ 3.1 – 4.1; hind femur: ♂ 9.5 – 9.6, ♀ 9.4 – 9.8; ovipositor: 4.4–4.7.

Distribution. Yunnan (Funing).

Discussion. The new species can be distinguished from Phlugiolopsis huangi Bian, Shi & Chang, 2012 (Chinese name: nae吟ª) by basal area of male cerci with 1 small upcurved hook on ventral surface, posterior margin of male subgenital plate rounded projecting, female subgenital plate transverse with 1 process on the baso-lateral angle.

Etymology. The name refers to the small hook of on the ventral surface of the male cerci.

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