Iuati Martins & Galileo, 2010

Nascimento, Francisco Eriberto de Lima, Santos-Silva, Antonio & Hernández, Juan José Ramírez, 2018, Description of the female of Poeciloxestia plagiata (Waterhouse, 1880), and of the male of Iuati spinithorax Martins & Galileo, 2010 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 58, pp. 1-8 : 4-5

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11606/1807-0205/2018.58.55

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Iuati Martins & Galileo, 2010


Iuati Martins & Galileo, 2010 View in CoL

Iuati Martins & Galileo, 2010: 84 View in CoL View Cited Treatment ; Monné, 2012: 12 (cat.), 2018: 96 (cat.).

Redescription (mostly translation from Martins & Galileo, 2010): Frons transverse, elevated in relation to the ocular lobes. Frontoclypeal sulcus deep and curved. Median groove very distinct between antennal tubercles. Vertex carinate between antennal tubercles and upper eye lobes. Antennal tubercles close to each oth- er, slightly elevated, rounded at apex. Eyes without setae between ommatidia. Lower eye lobes more distant from each other than insertion of antennae; upper eye lobes more distant from each other than width of one upper lobe. Genae with rounded apex. Antennae in female reaching posterior third of elytra; in male distinctly surpassing elytral apex. Scape subcylindrical, not reaching anterior margin of pronotum. Antennomere III 1/3 longer than IV; IV slightly shorter than V. Prothorax wider than long in both sexes; sides with lateral tubercle from rounded and slightly distinct to more spiniform and distinct; sides with punctures abundant and confluent. Pronotum with large smooth area centrally; remaining dorsal area coarsely punctate, partially confluent, sides coarsely, densely, confluently punctate. Prosternum coarsely rugose-punctate. Scutellum triangular or with rounded apex. Elytra glabrous, with silky appearance, unicolorous; apex rounded, with minute projection at sutural angle (three females),unarmed in the single male examined. Femora fusiform, with rounded apical projection at inner and outer apices; center of dorsal side of metafemora with long, thick, yellowish setae. Meso- and metatibiae with short spiniform projection at apex. Apex of abdominal ventrite V rounded in both sexes.

Remarks: According to Martins & Galileo (2010) (translated): “The presence of the spine at the sides of the prothorax distinguishes Iuati gen. nov. from all oth- er known genera of Sphallotrichina. By the fusiform metafemora and femora unarmed at apices, it is similar to Butherium Bates, 1870 . It differs by the vertex not convex, absence of laterobasal gibbosities on pronotum, pronotal disc with crateriform punctures, scutellum an obtuse triangle, and meso- and metatibiae with short spiniform projection at outer apex. In Butherium , the vertex is notably convex, pronotum (female) has a rounded gibbosity on each side, the pronotal disc is nearly smooth, scutellum has the shape of an equilateral triangle, and the spiniform projection at outer apex is longer.”With the description of the first male specimen of Iuati , we know that the the spiniform lateral tubercle of the prothorax may or may not be present, the shape of the scutellum appears to be very variable, and the vertex (between upper eye lobes and prothorax) is convex as in Butherium . Furthermore, although the center of the pronotum in Iuati is distinctly punctate, there are specimens of Butherium with sparse punctures on this area. However, there are differences between Butherium and Iuati , especially in the distance between antennal tubercles, which are distinctly separated in the former ( Fig. 16 View Figures 7-16 ), and more proximate in the latter ( Fig. 10 View Figures 7-16 ). Also, the procoxal cavities in Butherium are closed or nearly so posteriorly (more distinctly open in Iuati ), laterobasal gibbosities on the pronotum of Butherium are much more conspicuous (slightly distinct in Iuati ), protibiae in Butherium are notably and moderately abruptly widened near apex (slightly and gradually widened in Iuati ), and the spiniform projection of the outer apex of meso- and metatibiae is longer in Butherium (shorter in Iuati ). As for the affirmation that Iuati is the only genus with spiniform tubercles at sides of prothorax in Sphallotrichina, this is not true: Ochrodiongahani (Gounelle, 1909), a species questionably included in this genus, has a very conspicuous spiniform tubercle.

According to Monné (2014): “ Paracriodion can be distinguished from Iuati Martins & Galileo, 2010 by the unarmed sides of the prothorax and the pronotum with gibbosities and crateriform punctures; in Iuati , the sides of the prothorax are armed with a prominent median tubercle, and the surface of the pronotum is ornamented with large crateriform punctures, without gibbosities.” Actually, Paracriodion Fragoso, 1982 differs from Iuati only by the antennal tubercles being not nearly contiguous. The crateriform punctures in I. spinithorax are somewhat variable, and do not differ from those in females of P. morrisi Monné, 2014 , but the pronotal gibbosities, distinct in I. spinithorax , are very slightly conspicuous in I. spinithorax . The general appearance of I. spinithorax , especially females, is much like that of females of P. morrisi (including the shape of the area between antennal tubercles and posterior level of upper eye lobes). However, males of the former have antennae distinctly longer, spiniform projection of the tibiae is shorter in both sexes, distance between upper eye lobes is somewhat smaller, and apex of mesoventral process with lateral tabs (according to Monné (2014), absent in Paracriodion ).

The presence or absence of the spiniform lateral tubercle in the prothorax has also been observed in another species of Coleoxestia Aurivillius, 1912 , genus of Sphallotrichina,described as having an unarmed prothorax, although the presence is rare in that genus ( Galileo & Santos-Silva, 2016).












Iuati Martins & Galileo, 2010

Nascimento, Francisco Eriberto de Lima, Santos-Silva, Antonio & Hernández, Juan José Ramírez 2018


Monne, M. A. 2012: 12
Martins, U. R. & Galileo, M. H. M. 2010: 84
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