Pappomonas Manton and Oates 1975

Thomsen, Helge A. & Østergaard, Jette B., 2014, Coccolithophorids in Polar Waters: Pappomonas spp. Revisited, Acta Protozoologica 53 (3), pp. 235-256 : 237

publication ID 10.4467/16890027AP.14.022.1997

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scientific name

Pappomonas Manton and Oates 1975


Pappomonas Manton and Oates 1975 View in CoL

Manton and Oates (1975) established the genus Pappomonas in a publication where they additionally analysed specimens of the closely related genus Papposphaera Tangen 1972 . The Pappomonas flabellifera type material originated from Cape Town, S. Africa, while additional material from West Greenland served to substantiate features of the new taxon and provide from the outset an indication of intraspecific morphological variability. A transcription of the generic description is included below:

Biflagellate coccolithophorids with a short haptonema, the flagellar pole surrounded by a projecting tuft of calcified appendages each composed of a central unbranched shaft, a distal extremity of different shape and a proximal attachment to a subcircular base plate. Elsewhere the cell covered by oval calcified plates with shallow rims, the elements in the plates mainly in the form of approximately rectangular bars arranged roughly parallel to the long axis of the plate.

Type species: Pappomonas flabellifera

The genus Pappomonas additionally comprises P. virgulosa Manton and Sutherland 1975 (type locality: West Greenland), P. flabellifera var. borealis Manton et al. 1976a (type locality: Homer, Alaska), and P. weddellensis Thomsen in Thomsen et al. 1988 (type locality: Weddell Sea, Antarctica). Based on a substantial collection of new material from a wide range of geographical sites (see Figs 1, 2 View Figs 1–2 ) each taxon, including also P. garrisonii sp. nov., will in turn be thoroughly described and illustrated below to provide a reference document for future investigations. Biogeographical details of all taxa are accounted for under a separate heading.

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