Balaniger virgulosa ( Thomsen and Oates 1978 ) Thomsen and Østergaard 2014

Thomsen, Helge A. & Østergaard, Jette B., 2014, Coccolithophorids in Polar Waters: Pappomonas spp. Revisited, Acta Protozoologica 53 (3), pp. 235-256 : 247-249

publication ID 10.4467/16890027AP.14.022.1997

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scientific name

Balaniger virgulosa ( Thomsen and Oates 1978 ) Thomsen and Østergaard

comb. nov.

Balaniger virgulosa ( Thomsen and Oates 1978) Thomsen and Østergaard comb. nov.

Syn. Pappomonas virgulosa Manton and Sutherland 1975

Balaniger balticus Thomsen and Oates 1978

Balaniger virgulosa HET ( Figs 46, 50 View Figs 46–53 ) carries oval body coccoliths and circumflagellar coccoliths that terminate in a tuft of elongated elements. Body coccoliths measure 0.8 ± 0.10 × 0.5 ± 0.04 µm. The rim consists of erect and slightly tilted rectangular elements (0.1 µm) that are distinctly separated by small rod-shaped elements arranged along the base plate scale surface ( Figs 49 View Figs 46–53 , 58F View Fig ). The central area calcification typically comprises a single oval ring arranged in parallel to the rim and a line of elements inside the oval. The calcification is formed by a sequence of upright larger elements distinctly separated by small adnate rod-shaped elements. This arrangement thus basically mirrors that of the coccolith rim with the exception that the upright elements are not inclined but appear to be positioned at right an- gles to the base plate scale ( Figs 49 View Figs 46–53 , 58G View Fig ).

The circumflagellar coccolith is oval ( Fig. 48 View Figs 46–53 ; material from Bergen, Norway). The rim and central area calcification mirrors that of the body coccoliths while also integrating a cruciform arrangement of elements that lead into the central shaft. The central shaft (ca. 1 µm) is terminated ( Fig. 47 View Figs 46–53 ) by a characteristic tuft of four elongated elements (0.6–0.9 µm). Coccoliths with a reduced central appendage (shaft missing) are frequently observed at the posterior cell end ( Fig. 46 View Figs 46–53 ).

We are here providing evidence ( Figs 52–57 View Figs 46–53 View Figs 54–57 ) that Pappomonas virgulosa and Balaniger balticus are part of the very same life history. The combination cells shown in Figs 54 and 57 View Figs 54–57 thus comprise periplast areas where the characteristic pyramid-like structures of B. balticus occur mixed in between P. virgulosa coccoliths. The two morphotypes of B. balticus pyramids ( Figs 55–56 View Figs 54–57 ) were introduced already when the species was originally described ( Thomsen and Oates 1978). In a single specimen from Svalbard ( Fig. 52 View Figs 46–53 ) it is apparent that the body coccoliths are widely separated. When scrutinizing the area between the coccoliths ( Fig. 53 View Figs 46–53 ) it was revealed that these areas comprised clusters of B. balticus pyramids. The Svalbard cell illustrated in Fig. 52 View Figs 46–53 is thus yet another combination cell further strengthening the P. virgulosa and B. balticus life history case.

The finding of combination cells that link P. virgulosa to B. balticus in combination with: 1) an aberrant organization of rim and central area calcification in comparison with the generic type species P. flabellifera , and 2) a markedly different concept with regard to the termination of circumflagellar coccolith processes, renders impossible the continued inclusion of P. virgulosa within Pappomonas . The straightforward solution is to synonymise P. virgulosa with B. balticus (as B. virgulosa because ‘ virgulosa ’ takes precedence over ‘ balticus ’) and to refer in the future to the specific stages using the informal keyword HET for the heterococcolithophorid stage Pappomonas virgulosa and HOL for the holococcolithophorid stage Balaniger balticus .

The original diagnosis ( Manton and Sutherland 1975) is detailed enough to unequivocally circumscribe the heterococcolithophorid stage. The observations provided here basically corroborates the information in Manton and Sutherland 1975, however also adds information previously lacking with regard to the ex- act configuration of the circumflagellar coccolith and new knowledge with regard to life history stages of this taxon. As none of these features are crucial to species identification it is not considered relevant to emend the original description.

The currently known biogeographical range of B. virgulosa HET and HOL is summarized in Table 2.














Balaniger virgulosa ( Thomsen and Oates 1978 ) Thomsen and Østergaard

Thomsen, Helge A. & Østergaard, Jette B. 2014

Balaniger virgulosa HET

Thomsen and Ostergaard 2014

Balaniger balticus

Thomsen and Oates 1978
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