Kiwi canterberus Khalaim & Ward, 2019

Khalaim, Andrey I. & Ward, Darren F., 2019, Tersilochinae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) from New Zealand. Part 2. Review of genera Kiwi gen. nov. and Zealochus Khalaim, Zootaxa 4613 (3), pp. 521-545 : 526-529

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4613.3.6

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scientific name

Kiwi canterberus Khalaim & Ward

sp. nov.

Kiwi canterberus Khalaim & Ward , sp. nov.

( Figs 8 View FIGURES 7–10 , 22, 23, 60)

Comparison. The new species is similar to K. earlyi from which it differs by the darker colouration of body ( Fig. 8 View FIGURES 7–10 ), weaker foveate groove without distinct transverse wrinkles ( Fig. 22 View FIGURES 18–23 ), and shorter robust ovipositor which is swollen ventrally in apical 0.7 ( Fig. 23 View FIGURES 18–23 ).

Description. Female. Body length 1.75 mm. Fore wing length 1.65 mm.

Head in dorsal view roundly tapered behind eyes, with gena 0.65–0.75× as long as eye width. Head without distinct punctures; clypeus smooth; face and frons shallowly granulate, dull; vertex smooth or very shallowly granulate, weakly shining; gena polished. Clypeus lenticular, weakly convex. Flagellum very slightly clavate, slender, usually with 14–16 flagellomeres (14 in holotype), rarely (in two large specimens) with 17–18; sub-basal flagellomeres 2.0–2.5× and subapical flagellomeres 1.2–1.5× as long as broad. Mandible slender, with upper tooth longer than the lower. Malar space 0.8–1.0× as long as basal mandibular width.

Mesosoma granulate, impunctate, dull; mesopleuron ventrally and in upper part (above foveate groove) almost smooth. Notaulus with distinct longitudinal wrinkle on anterolateral side of mesoscutum. Foveate groove weak and shallow, often represented by densely granulate area, sometimes with very fine wrinkles ( Fig. 22 View FIGURES 18–23 ). Propodeal spiracle separated from pleural carina by about one diameter of spiracle. Propodeum mediodorsally with indistinct longitudinal wrinkle or wrinkles; with basal part 0.8–1.0× (0.9× in holotype) as long as apical area; transverse carina well developed; apical area widely rounded anteriorly; apical longitudinal carinae complete. Fore wing with vein 2m-cu postfurcal, unpigmented in front 2/3 or more, with posterior end distinct.

First tergite about 3.3–3.8× as long as posteriorly broad, in lateral view with upper margin evenly arcuate; petiole longitudinally striate, postpetiole granulate or sometimes striate over granulation. Glymma deep, situated in centre of tergite; furrow between glymma and ventral part of postpetiole sometimes indistinct. Second tergite about 1.2× as long as anteriorly broad. Thyridial depression elongated, 1.5–2.0× as long as broad. Ovipositor short, robust, weakly upcurved, with shallow dorsal subapical depression (Fig. 23); sheath 1.0–1.2× as long as hind tibia.

Brown or dark brown species ( Fig. 8 View FIGURES 7–10 ). Clypeus, mouthparts, mandible (teeth red) and tegula yellow. Pterostigma pale brown. Legs yellow; hind coxa darkened with brown. Scape and pedicel yellow-brown or brown; flagellum brown to dark brown, slightly paler basally.

Male. Flagellum filiform, with 17 flagellomeres; foveate groove absent; otherwise similar to female.

Variation. Some paler specimens have pronotum orange-brown. Two females from Rereauira Swamp (BP) are conspicuously larger than other specimens and have body length 2.7 mm, fore wing length 2.4 mm and flagellum with 17–18 flagellomeres.

One female from Prices Valley (MC) has malar space 0.6× as long as basal mandibular width, vein 2m-cu weakly antefurcal and ovipositor sheath 1.6× as long as hind tibia; this specimen is not included to paratype series.

Etymology. The species is named after the province of Canterbury.

Material examined. Holotype female (NZAC), South Island, MC, Banks Peninsula, Prices Valley, edge of native forest , Malaise trap, X.1980, coll. R.P. Macfarlane, NZAC04034621 About NZAC .

Paratypes. AK: 1 ♀ ( NZAC) Huia, in bush , Malaise trap, XI.1980, coll. B.M. May. 1 ♀ ( NZAC) Lynfield, Malaise trap, 16.XI.1980, coll. G. Kuschel. 3 ♀ (1 ♀ in NZAC, 2 ♀ in ZISP) Huapai, Kauri forest , 25.XI.2009, coll. A.I. Khalaim. BP: 2 ♀, 1 ♂ (1 ♀ and 1 ♂ in NZAC, 1 ♀ in ZISP) Rereauira Swamp, Malaise trap, 16.IX–20.X.1992, coll. J.D. Dugdale. 1 ♀ ( NZAC) Te Puke, kiwifruit orchard , intercept trap, X.2007, coll. J. Todd, NZHYM648-10 ( BOLD process number). CL: 2 ♀ ( AMNZ) Great Barrier Island, Little Windy Hill, 220 m, forest edge , Malaise trap, 25.X–21.XI.2002, coll. P. Sutton. CO: 1 ♀ ( NZAC) Old Man Ra, 1340 m, Malaise trap, 31.I.1996, coll. B.I.P. Barratt. MC: same data as holotype, but 2 ♀ ( NZAC, ZISP) X.1980, 5 ♀ (4 ♀ in NZAC, 1 ♀ in ZISP) XI.1980, 1 ♀ ( NZAC) XII.1980. ND: 1 ♀ ( NZAC) Te Paki, Kohuronaki, native bush , pitfall trap, 14.IX–13.X.2006, coll. O. Ball, NZHYM649-10 ( BOLD process number).

Non-type material. MC: 1 ♀ (ZISP) Banks Peninsula , Prices Valley, edge of native forest, Malaise trap, XI.1980, coll. R.P. Macfarlane.

Distribution. North Island (ND, AK, CL, BP), South Island (MC, CO).


New Zealand Arthropod Collection


Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences


Auckland Institute and Museum


Museo de Cipolleti













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