Eidmanacris gigas Campos, 2017

Nihei, Silvio S., 2017, Taxonomic review of Eidmanacris Chopard, 1956 (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Phalangopsidae), Zootaxa 4321 (1), pp. 1-93 : 62-66

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.897058



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scientific name

Eidmanacris gigas Campos

sp. nov.

Eidmanacris gigas Campos , sp. nov.

( Figs. 43–45 View FIGURE 43 View FIGURE 44 View FIGURE 45 )

http://lsid.speciesfile.org/urn:lsid: Orthoptera .speciesfile.org:TaxonName:499168

Type material. Holotype male, allotype, 4 males paratypes and 2 females paratypes (MZSP). Holotype male, allotype, 3 males paratypes and 2 females paratypes labeled: “ BRASIL (GO) Piripiri , 6 km E de Pirenópolis. 15°50’81’’S, 48°55’94’’W, 12–17/X/97. A. Mesa, P. Garcia. Em mata ciliar . 770m alt.”. 1 male paratype labeled: “ Brasil (GO) Pirenópolis, Outubro 1984, Alexander Dinif, Coleta Noturna”. Specimens preserved in ethanol 80%.

Type locality. Brazil, state of Goiás, municipality of Pirenópolis.

Etymology. Formerly named by Dr. Alejo Mesa (in memorian), but not published. Gigas means very big, this is the largest species of Eidmanacris known so far.

Diagnosis. This species can be distinguished from other Eidmanacris by the following characters: dorsal margin of pseudepiphallic arm almost forming a straight, 90° angle in lateral view; apex of pseudepiphallic arms with ventral projection curved inwards, finger-shaped, with hard bristles; superior, supero-internal and inferointernal projections reduced to spine; inferior projection hook-shaped, upcurved; PsP2 curved inwards, pointing anteriorly, pointed on posterior margin; anterior half of copulatory papilla wider than posterior half in dorsal and ventral views, dorsal and anterior borders unpigmented in lateral view.

Description. Head. Dorsum pubescent, in several shades of brown. Occiput dark brown, yellowish brown band going from occiput to margin of each eye ( Figs. 43C, B View FIGURE 43 ); vertex medium to dark brown, with three almost no discernible lines light brown, vertical ( Fig. 43C View FIGURE 43 ). Fastigium dark brown, with row of bristles, longer than wide, slightly narrowed toward apex, narrower than scape; separated from vertex by transverse line forming “v” ( Fig. 43C View FIGURE 43 ). Frons yellowish brown, with central band dark brown, vertical, two thinner, below eyes ( Fig. 43A View FIGURE 43 ). Three ocelli present, well-developed, lateral rounded, central flattened at bottom ( Figs. 43A, B, C View FIGURE 43 ). Eyes with unpigmented small area on supero-internal angle ( Fig. 43C View FIGURE 43 ). Maxillary palpi light brown, long, thin, joints 3, 4 and 5 almost same-sized ( Fig. 43G View FIGURE 43 ), apex of joint 5 upcurved. Gena yellowish brown, posterior border dark brown in lateral view ( Figs. 43A, B View FIGURE 43 ). Frontoclypeal suture dark yellow, centrally darker. Clypeus whitish, upper part with two bands dark brown, short, vertical; labrum whitish, lower portion light brown. Mandible medium brown, inner and low margins darker. Antennal scape light brown, inner surface dark brown ( Figs. 43A, B, C View FIGURE 43 ); antennae dark brown with whitish bands composed of three antenomeres and five antenomeres consecutively.

Thorax. Pronotum DD dark brown, posterior third darker, wider than long, inflated, slightly pubescent, divided by slender vertical line medium brown; DD cephalic margin slightly concave, caudal margin almost straight. ( Fig. 43C View FIGURE 43 ); ventro cephalic angle rounded, margin medium brown, ventro caudal margin dark brown, gradually ascendant ( Fig. 43B View FIGURE 43 ).

Legs. FI and II yellowish brown, annulated with dark brown. TI and II light to medium brown, annulated with dark brown; TI with two same-sized apical spurs, TII with two inner apical spurs, one outer, smaller. FIII yellowish brown, two bands of several stripes medium brown, thin, on outer surface, apical third dark brown ( Fig. 43F View FIGURE 43 ). TIII medium to dark brown, clearing at apical third; sub apical spurs 4/4, with serrulation above and between sub apical spurs; apical spurs 3/3, more developed on inner surface; inner apical spurs: median one longer (iam), dorsal somewhat shorter (iad), ventral smallest (iav) (iam>iad>iav); outer apical spurs: median one longer (oam), dorsal (oad) little longer than ventral (oav) (oam>oad>oav). Basitarsi I, II and III dark yellowish.

Abdomen. Dark brown, sub-cylindrical, posterior tergites narrower in dorsal view, divided by a thick sagittal line light brown ( Fig. 43D View FIGURE 43 ).

Male. Large-sized body, general coloration reddish brown. FWs dark brown, pubescent, relatively long, subtriangular, apex connected to single vertical vein that divides external part of FW as lateral field, inner margin medium brown, posterior part of inner margin with glandular thickening ( Figs. 43B, C View FIGURE 43 ); inner margins touching each other, covering metanotal gland area, posterior margin reaching posterior border of metanotum ( Fig. 43C View FIGURE 43 ). Metanotal gland present, lateral projections cylindrical, short, tip rounded, with spot dark brown; anteromedian crest triangular with long bristles line on posterior borders ( Figs. 43H, I View FIGURE 43 ). Supra-anal plate yellowish brown, anterior margin sub-straight, posterior margin somewhat concave; lateral-distal projection greyish, not so long, with long setae ( Fig. 43J View FIGURE 43 ). Subgenital plate light brown, lateral border darker, longer than wide, anterior margin sub straight, posterior margin concave, central invagination almost forming “v” ( Fig. 43K View FIGURE 43 ).

Phallic complex ( Figs. 44A–C View FIGURE 44 ; 45A–C). Pseudepiphallus: base of pseudepiphallic sclerite hard sclerotized; pseudepiphallic arm less sclerotized than base of pseudepiphallic sclerite, upcurved, dorsal margin almost forming 90° angle in lateral view; apex of pseudepiphallic arm outer surface with bristles; superior, supero-internal and infero-internal projections reduced to spine; inferior projection hook shaped, upcurved; ventral projection curved inwards like E. corumbatai , finger-shaped with hard bristles; lateral projection short, tip pointed in lateral view; anterior projection of pseudepiphallic sclerite short, thin, anteriorly pointed, not surpassing median part of pseudepiphallus in lateral view; PsP2 elongate, not surpassing posterior tip of pseudepiphallic arms, completely curved inwards, pointing anteriorly, posterior margin pointed, apparently without membranous sphere; PsP1 short, wider than long in dorsal view, upcurved in ventral view. Ectophallic invagination: ectophallic apodeme long, dorso-ventrally flattened in lateral view; ectophallic arc short, located below base of pseudepiphallic sclerite in dorsal and ventral views; dorsal projections well sclerotized, fused, not surpassing PsP2 posteriorly in dorsal view, posterior margin with central concavity; ventro-posterior projection well sclerotized, elongate, posteriorly curved inwards. Endophallus: median-posterior projection of endophallic sclerite elongate, reaching PsP2 apex; lateralposterior lobes of endophallic sclerite long; endophallic apodeme elongate, upcurved in lateral view, its limits almost reaching ectophallic apodeme anterior margin.

Female. Larger than male, general coloration similar ( Fig. 43E View FIGURE 43 ). Supra-anal plate dark brown, anterior and lateral margins light brown, posterior margin somewhat rounded with long bristles ( Fig. 43L View FIGURE 43 ). Subgenital plate medium brown, getting lighter anteriorly, posterior margin concave, central concavity rounded ( Fig. 43M View FIGURE 43 ). Ovipositor as in figs. 43N and 43O.

Copulatory papilla ( Figs. 45D–F View FIGURE 45 ). Cylindrical, longer than wide, anterior half wider than posterior in dorsal and ventral views, anterior and posterior margins concave, dorsal and anterior borders unpigmented in lateral view.

Measurements (mm). Male (n=5): Hw, 3.86 ± 0.34 (3.53–4.27); iod, 1.75 ± 0.23 (1.73–1.98); Lpron, 4.04 ± 0.48 (3.53–4.77); awpron, 3.78 ± 0.4 (3.1–4.15); pwpron, 4.28 ± 0.35 (3.96–4.77); wpron, 5.46 ± 0.6 (4.77–6.38); LFW, 2.64 ± 0.44 (2.1–3.28); wFW, 1.79 ± 0.27 (1.48–2.10); LFIII, 14.49 ± 1.79 (15.6–20.25); wFIII, 3.72 ± 0.26 (3.6–4.2); LTIII, 19.38 ± 1.93 (17.25–21.9); Ltars 1-III, 5.7 ± 0.96 (4.95–7.2).

Female (n=3): Hw, 3.97 ± 0.06 (3.9–4.03); iod, 1.92 ± 0.06 (1.86–1.98); Lpron, 4.27 ± 0.19 (4.09–4.46); awpron, 4.13 ± 0.14 (3.96–4.21); pwpron, 4.83; wpron, 5.76 ± 0.11 (5.7–5.89); LFIII, 17.7 ± 0.54 (17.25–18.3); wFIII, 4.1 ± 0.17 (3.9–4.2); LTIII, 18.1 ± 0.38 (17.7–18.45); Ltars 1-III, 5.05 ± 0.23 (4.8–5.25); OL, 13.1 ± 0.87 (12.45–14.1).















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