
Qayyoum, Muhammad Asif, Ozman-Sullivan, Sebahat K. & Khan, Bilal Saeed, 2016, Description of new records of the family Digamasellidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) from Kızılırmak Delta, Samsun Province, Turkey *, Turkish Journal of Zoology 40 (3), pp. 324-327 : 327

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3906/zoo-1502-28



persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name



Key for the newly recorded species View in CoL View at ENA from Turkey

1. Tibia I with 5 (rarely 4) dorsal setae and sternal shield with 4 pairs of setae .................... Digamasellidae (2)

- Tibia I with 6 dorsal setae and sternal shield with 3 pairs of setae (st 4 in soft cuticle) ............................... Ascidae

2. Caudal setae slightly longer, three ends of the tectum nearly equal and distally split, movable digit of the female chelicerae bearing 4 teeth ............................................ .......................... Dendrolaelaps casualis Huhta & Karg, 2010

- Caudal setae much longer, the middle ramus of the tectum shorter and distally split, movable digit of the female chelicerae bearing more than 5 teeth ......................... ...................... Multidendrolaelaps putte Huhta & Karg, 2010

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