Lineostethus marginellus ( Stål, 1872 )

Garbelotto, Thereza de Almeida, Kochenborger, Ana Paula Leite & Campos, Luiz Alexandre, 2018, Revision of Lineostethus (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Discocephalini), Zoologia (e 21232) 35, pp. 1-24 : 10-12

publication ID 10.3897/zoologia.35.e21232

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scientific name

Lineostethus marginellus ( Stål, 1872 )


Lineostethus marginellus ( Stål, 1872)

Figs 3, 27–36, 78

Discocephala marginella Stål, 1872: 6 ; Distant (1880: 45, plate 5, fig.2); Uhler (1886: 5); Lethierry and Severin (1893: 84); Banks (1910: 92).

Platycarenus (Discocephalessa) marginellus : Kirkaldy (1909: 215). Lineostethus clypeatus marginellus : Ruckes (1966: 26).

Lineostethus marginellus : Hildebrand and Becker (1982: 778–780).

Diagnosis. Males of L. marginellus differ from the other species by the subrectangular foliaceous expansions of the dorsal rim of pygophore ( Fig. 27: fdr); and the projections of the superior layer of ventral rim acute at apex and forming an acute to right angle with the posterolateral angles ( Figs 29–31: psl). In this species the enlargement of the median portion of the projections of the superior layer of the ventral rim is variable ( Figs 29–31: psl), and consequently their apex length and shape also vary a little. The foliaceous expansions of the dorsal rim are subrectangular as in L. acuminatus sp. nov. but the species differ by the projections of ventral rim and by the phallus. The females are like L. clypeatus in the general shape of the genital plates, however in L. marginellus the gonocoxites VIII are longer ( Figs 17, 35: gcVIII). Also, the sinuous thickening of gonapophysis IX, the subrectangular thickening of the vaginal intima, and the enlarged and straight ductus receptaculi distal are diagnostic and differ L. marginellus from L. clypetus ( Figs 36: tgIX, vi, ddr).

Redescription. Antennal segments II–III with longitudinal brown line. Anterolateral pronotal margins and proximal portion of lateral margin of corium punctured in some specimens. Scutellum sometimes with a spot of brown punctures on disc and on post-frenal lobe. Unpunctured area laterad to the apex of radial vein of coria subequal to the width of one eye or inconspicuous. Hemelytral membrane slightly surpassing the apex of abdomen, with 6–7 veins. Ventrally, punctures sparse and concentrated laterally. Femora with sparse brown circular spots on apical half.

Male genitalia. Foliaceous expansions of dorsal rim subrectangular; apex of expansions not surpassing the posterior limit of ventral rim; posterolateral angles visible dorsally ( Fig. 27: fdr, pa). Basal impression of the foliaceous expansions subrectilinear, cutting of dorsal rim U-shaped ( Fig. 27: bi, dr). Posterolateral angles with rounded apex, sometimes with setae on the posterior margin ( Fig. 27: pa). Margin of the superior layer of ventral rim sinuous, median excavation narrow and drop-shaped ( Fig. 28: vr). Margin of the inferior layer of ventral rim with one arc of short bristles ( Fig. 28: b). Projections of the superior layer of ventral rim forming an acute to right angle with the posterolateral angles; projections covered by setae on the posterior margin, base and median portions enlarged, apex acute ( Figs 29–31: psl, pa); posterior surface of the projections usually depressed. Parameres parallel to segment X, usually projected over the cutting of the dorsal rim; head lozenge ( Figs 29, 32–33: par, dr, X). Ventral surface of phallotheca subrectilinear ( Fig. 34: ph, ap). Vesica apical margin sinuous, extending to mid of ductus seminis distalis ( Fig. 34: v, av, ds). Distal portion of ductus seminis distalis half the length of vesica; uniformly wide ( Fig. 34: ds).

Female genitalia.Posterior margin of urosternite VII concave ( Fig. 35: VII). Gonocoxites VIII subtriangular; posterior margin subrectilinear ( Fig. 35: gcVIII). Posterior margin of laterotergites VIII subrectilinear; limit between laterotergites VIII and tergite VIII indistinguishable ( Fig. 35: la8). Posterior margin of gonocoxites IX subrectilinear ( Fig. 35: gcIX). Laterotergites IX subtriangular, mesial margin slightly convex. Posterior margin of segment X slightly concave ( Fig. 35: X). Thickening of gonapophyses IX sinuous, surpassing the lateral margin of the thickening of vaginal intima ( Fig. 36: gpIX, tgIX). Thickening of vaginal intima subquadrangular ( Fig. 36: vi). Distal portion of ductus receptaculi enlarged and more sclerotized; anterior and posterior annular crests perpendicular to pars intermedialis; pars intermedialis almost twice the length of capsula seminalis ( Fig. 36: ddr, pi, cs).

Measurements. Male (n = 5): head length, 1.53 ± 0.04 (1.48–1.60); width, 3.03 ± 0.11 (2.88–3.16); length of antennal segments: I, 0.42 ± 0.02 (0.40–0.44); II, 0.70 ± 0.06 (0.64–0.78); III, 0.67 ± 0.09 (0.54–0.80); IV, 0.84 ± 0.03 (0.80–0.86); V, 1.01 ± 0.04 (0.98–1.06); length of labial segments: I, 0.66 ± 0.04 (0.60–0.70); II, 1.37 ± 0.08 (1.30–1.50); III, 0.64 ± 0.04 (0.60–0.68); IV, 0.43 ± 0.03 (0.40–0.46); pronotum length, 1.70 ± 0.08 (1.60–1.80); width, 4.07 ± 0.33 (3.80–4.65); scutellum length, 3.30 ± 0.08 (3.20–3.40); width, 2.61 ± 0.11 (2.48–2.76); total length, 6.48 ± 0.28 (6.11–6.82); abdominal width, 4.35 ± 0.17 (4.20–4.55).

Female (n = 5): head length, 1.58 ± 0.04 (1.52–1.64); width, 3.08 ± 0.12 (3.04–3.28); length of antennal segments: I, 0.40 ± 0.01 (0.38–0.42); II, 0.76 ± 0.07 (0.70–0.84); III, 0.75 ± 0.07 (0.64–0.82); IV, 0.90 ± 0.10 (0.80–1.00); V, 1.11 ± 0.09 (1.00–1.24); length of labial segments: I, 0.66 ± 0.08 (0.58–0.78); II, 1.35 ± 0.16 (1.30–1.52); III, 0.61 ± 0.08 (0.52–0.70); IV, 0.44 ± 0.04 (0.40–0.50); pronotum length, 1.80 ± 0.15 (1.60–1.94); width, 4.24 ± 0.38 (3.72–4.65); scutellum length, 3.50 ± 0.23 (3.20–3.76); width, 2.77 ± 0.23 (2.45–3.04); total length, 7.67 ± 0.95 (6.39–8.60); abdominal width, 4.80 ± 0.55 (4.30–5.54).

Material examined. Lectotype male: MEXICO, Sallé – type, marginella Stål – Paratypus, 82 81 – Lectotype Discocephala marginella Stål, 1872 – NHRS-GULI 000011383 (NHRS – photographs examined). Paralectotype female: MEXICO, Sallé – type – Typus, 81 81 – NHRS-GULI 000011382 (NHRS – photographs examined). Paralectotype female: MEXICO, Sallé – type – Typus, 80 81 – NHRS-GULI 000011384 (NHRS – photographs examined). Other specimens: USA, Arizona: Portal Cochise Co., 1 female, 14-19-VIII-1965, W.J. Gertsch Collector leg. (AMNH); Camp Washington Patagonia Mts, 4 females, 22- VI-1948, HSB Barber Request 1950 leg. (USNM); Texas: Star Co. (along Rio Grande at. Salineño), 1 female, 27-X-1991, E.G.Riley leg. (DARC); Cameron Co, 1 male, 8-III-1929, R.H. Beamer leg. (UFRG); Cameron Co. (Sabal Palm Grove Sanct.), 2 males, 28- 29-III-1986, E.G. Riley leg. (DARC); Cameron Co. (Sabal Palm Groove Sanct.), 1 male, 4-X-1986, E.Riley & J.Negrón leg. (DARC); Cameron Co. (Sabal Palm Grove Audi. Sanct.), 2 males, 3-V-1987, E.Riley & Whitford leg. (DARC); Cameron Co. (Sabal Palm Grove Sanct.), 1 male, 5-IV-1987, E.Riley & D.Rider leg. (DARC); Cameron Co. (Sabal Palm Grove Sanct), 2 males and 2 females, 26-X-1991, E.G.Riley leg. (DARC); Cameron Co. (Paloma Blanca rd., nr. Sabal Palm Grove Sanct), 1 female, 26-X-1991, E.G.Riley leg. (DARC); Cameron Co., Brownsville (Sabal Palm Grove), 2 males, 14-IX-1982, C.W. & L.O’Brien & G. Wibmer leg. (DARC); Brownsville, 1 male, 3-VI-1932 (CAS); Brownsville, 1 female, 3-VI-1932, J.O. Martin leg. (CAS); Brownsville (Esper Rch), 1 male, no date (USNM); Brownsville, 1 male, June 1901, H.G. Barber Colln 1950 leg. (USNM). MEXICO, Tamaulipas: (Hwy. 80, 8mi W Jen. Hwys. 80 & 85, 1100), 1 male, 19-VI-1983, C.W. & L.O’Brien & G.B.Marshall leg. (DARC); (4 mi W Cd. Victoria, Canon del Navillo), 1 female, 14-XI-1985, P.Kovarik R.Jones & K.Haack leg. (DARC); San Luis Potosi: (10 Mi N. Tamazunchale), 1 female, 24- XII-1940, G.E. Bohart leg. (CAS); (Hwy.85, 8mi SW Tamazunchale, 600), 1 female, 24-VII-1982, C.W. & L.O’Brien & G.Wibmer leg. (DARC); Vera Cruz Crawford, 1 male, no date (CAS); (7 mi N of San Juanito nr. Santos, Route 85, about 15mi S. of Ciudad Valles), 1 male, 23-IV-1965, H.V. Weems Jr. Cool leg. (DARC); Veracruz: Catemaco (Playa Azul), 1 male, 9-VIII-1966, J. & W. Ivie leg. (AMNH); (5mi E Catamaco), 1 female, 2-4-VII-1971, Clack Murray Hart Schaffner leg. (DARC); Acuyucan, 1 male, VIII-1966 J. & W. Ivie leg. (AMNH); 50’ Montepio, 1 male and 2 females, 23-VIII-1982, C.W. & L.O’Brien & G. Wibmer leg. (DARC); (4 mi S Sontecomapan, 150), 2 females, 23-VIII-1982, C.W. & L.O’Brien & G.Wibmer leg. (DARC); Hidalgo: Otongo (3400), 1 female, 1-VIII-1982, O’Brien leg. (DARC); Otongo (3400, Minera Autlan), 1 male, 1-VIII-1982, C.W. & L.O’Brien & G.Wibmer leg. (DARC); Colima: (Hwy. 54, 24 mi W Manzanillo), 1 female, 9-VIII-1982, C.W. & L.O’Brien & G.Wibmer leg. (DARC); Oaxaca: (Hwy 147, 6 mi SE Jcn 175 & 147, 200), 1 male, C.W. & L.O’Brien & G.Wibmer leg. (DARC); Tabasco: (38 mi E Cardenas), 1 male, 4-X-1976, Cate & Clark leg. – beating flowers Hampea nutricea [sic] (male) (DARC); Chiapas: Hwy 307 (off Rd to Lacanja, 403m, 16.93°N 91.26°W), 3 males and 5 females, 07-VII-2009, D. Forero & G. Zhang leg. (UFRG); (in bananas, intercept N. Orleans US), 1 male, 19-II-1976 (USNM). HONDURAS, Cortes: (5 km N Cofradia), 1 male, 5-VIII-1977, C.W. & L.O’Brien & Marshall leg. PANAMA, Los Santos: Taboga, 1 female, XIII-1953, N.L.H. Kraus leg. (AMNH).

Distribution ( Fig. 78). USA: Arizona (new record), Texas ( Ruckes 1966; Hildebrand and Becker 1982). Mexico: Nuevo León ( Ruckes 1966), Tamaulipas (new record), San Luis Potosi (new record), Veracruz ( Ruckes 1966), Hidalgo (new record), Tabasco (new record), Chiapas ( Hildebrand and Becker 1982). Honduras: Cortes (new record). Panama: Los Santos (new record).

Remarks. From the data retrieved of specimens’ labels, banana ( Musa paradisiaca L., Musaceae ) and flowers of Hampea nutricia Fryxell ( Malvaceae ) are possible host plants.














Lineostethus marginellus ( Stål, 1872 )

Garbelotto, Thereza de Almeida, Kochenborger, Ana Paula Leite & Campos, Luiz Alexandre 2018

Lineostethus marginellus

Hildebrand R & Becker M 1982: 778

Platycarenus (Discocephalessa) marginellus

Ruckes H 1966: 26
Kirkaldy GW 1909: 215

Discocephala marginella Stål, 1872: 6

Banks N 1910: 92
Lethierry L & Severin G 1893: 84
Uhler PR 1886: 5
Distant WL 1880: 45
Stal C 1872: 6
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