Triglidae Rafinesque, 1815

Smith, W. Leo, Everman, Elizabeth & Richardson, Clara, 2018, Phylogeny and Taxonomy of Flatheads, Scorpionfishes, Sea Robins, and Stonefishes (Percomorpha: Scorpaeniformes) and the Evolution of the Lachrymal Saber, Copeia 106 (1), pp. 94-119 : 119

publication ID 10.1643/CG-17-669


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Triglidae Rafinesque, 1815


Triglidae Rafinesque, 1815 View in CoL View at ENA

Type genus: Trigla Linnaeus, 1758 View in CoL

Sister taxon: Hoplichthyidae View in CoL

Concept and content: 173 species classified in four subfamilies and 15 genera: Peristediinae: Gargariscus View in CoL , Heminodus View in CoL , Paraheminodus View in CoL , Peristedion View in CoL , Satyrichthys View in CoL , and Scalicus View in CoL ; Prionotinae: Bellator View in CoL and Prionotus View in CoL ; Pterygotriglinae: Bovitrigla View in CoL and Pterygotrigla View in CoL ; Triglinae: Chelidonichthys View in CoL , Eutrigla View in CoL , Lepidotrigla View in CoL , Trigla View in CoL , and Trigloporus

Phenotypic diagnosis: First and third circumorbitals attached (character 2, state 1); third circumorbital and lateral ethmoid attached (character 4, state 1); nasal and neurocranium sutured (character 14, state 1); notch between ascending process and cranial condyle absent (character 27, state 1); transversus ventralis anterior and posterior separated (character 92, state 1); transversus ventralis posterior with a tendon anteriorly (character 93, state 1); division of bundles of adductor superficialis serving free pectoral-fin rays present (character 95, state 1).

Support statistics: The bootstrap support for this clade was 1.00.

Systematic comment: Familial classification and treatment of Peristediinae as a triglid subfamily follows our phylogeny and the phylogeny from Portnoy et al. (2017). The remaining triglid subfamilies follow the tribes from Richards and Jones (2002). Generic composition and species recognition follow Kawai (2008) and Eschmeyer View in CoL et al. (2017).

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