Lopesia indaiensis, Maia & Oliveira, 2018

Maia, Valéria Cid & Oliveira, Lázaro Araújo de, 2018, Lopesia indaiensis (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae), a new species of gall midge feeding on Andira fraxinifolia Benth (Fabaceae), an endemic plant in Brazil, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 62 (2), pp. 125-130 : 126-130

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1016/j.rbe.2018.01.001

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scientific name

Lopesia indaiensis

sp. nov.

Lopesia indaiensis View in CoL , sp. n. ( Figs. 2–13 View Figs View Figs View Figs View Figs )

The new species was placed in Lopesia due to four-segmented palpi, R5 curved at its juncture with Rs, Rs situated near the midlength of R1, short female postabdomen and its cerci with many short, sensory setae, and larva with corniform terminal papillae, each on a terminal projection.

Diagnosis. Adults with 1st–11th antennal flagellomeres neck partially setulose in both sexes, 12th flagellomere with apical process entirely setulose in both sexes, four-segmented palpi, male circumfila with all loops similar in length, tarsal claw with two teeth, 8th male tergite narrow, elongated, with only basal pair of trichoid sensilla; pupa with antennal basis modified into anteriorly pointed projection, with inner margin slightly serrated, apical plate deeply bilobed, prothoracic spiracle long and abdominal dorsal spines absent; larva with spatula two-toothed and four pairs of corniform terminal papillae.

Larva. Fusiform and cylindrical body; 1.90–2.60 mm long (n = 05). Integument rough. Spatula ( Fig. 2 View Figs ): 0.17–0.26 mm long (n = 05), two-toothed, apical teeth triangular, stalk long. Two groups of three lateral papillae on each side of spatula (two pairs setose and a single setose papilla in each group) ( Fig. 2 View Figs ). Terminal segment ( Fig. 3 View Figs ): four pairs of corniform papillae similar in length.

2 0.04 3 0.05

Pupa. Body length: 3.10–4.40 mm (n = 17). Head ( Fig. 4 View Figs ): apical setae 0.07–0.13 mm long (n = 11); vertical plate deeply bilobed at upper margin, antennal projections slightly serrated, 0.10–0.17 mm long (n = 17) (from apex to the upper antennal margin); two pairs of lower facial papillae (one asetose and the other setose), three pairs of lateral facial papillae, one pair setose and two without seta. Prothoracic spiracle ( Fig. 4 View Figs ) elongate 0.25–0.35 mm long (n = 17), sclerotized.Prothoracic integument partially rough ( Fig.5 View Figs ). Abdominal segments 2–8 without dorsal spines.

Male. Body length 2.70–3.80 mm long (n = 12) (including terminalia). Head ( Fig. 6 View Figs ): apical process absent. Eye facets circular, all closely approximated. Antenna (n = 05): scape obconical,


0.20 pedicel globose, flagellomeres binodal and tricircumfilar; nodes and internodes setulose, necks partially setulose; three circumfila of each flagellomere with loops regular in length ( Fig. 7 View Figs ); 1st and 2nd flagellomeres connate, 12th flagellomere 0.20 mm long (n = 5), with apical process entirely setulose. Frontoclypeus with 10–12 setae (n = 10). Labrum triangular, long-attenuate, with 3 pairs of ventral sensory setae. Hypopharynx with anteriorly directed lateral setulae. Labella elongate-convex, each with long lateral setae and three pairs of short mesal sensory setae. Palpus (n = 07) with four segments, all cylindrical with setae, 1st segment shorter than the others, 0.03–0.04 mm long, 2nd segment 0.08–0.09 mm long, 3rd segment 0.08 mm long, and 4th segment 0.08 mm long.

Thorax. Wings: length: 2.40–2.70 mm (n = 12). Venation: R5 and Rs as in the genus diagnosis, CuA forked, M3 + 4 present. Scutum with 4 longitudinal rows of setae with a few scales intermixed, the 2 dorsocentral rows broadest anteriorly, forming a single row posteriorly, and the 2 lateral as a single row. Scutellum with several setae.Anepisternum bare. Anepimeron with setae. Tarsal claws bent near base and two-toothed, tooth basal shorter than the distal; empodium short, not reaching bent in claws ( Fig. 8 View Figs ).


0.05 0.05

Abdomen ( Fig. 9 View Figs ): 1st–6th tergites sclerotized, rectangular, with a single distal row of setae, few setae mesally and laterally, basal pair of trichoid sensilla, and scattered scales; 7th tergite sclerotized, rectangular, with a double distal row of setae, few setae mesally and laterally, basal pair of trichoid sensilla, and scattered scales; 8th tergite sclerotized, narrow, elongated, with only basal pair of trichoid sensilla. 2nd–7th sternites sclerotized, rectangular, with a single distal row of setae, many setae mesally and laterally, basal pair of trichoid sensilla, and scattered scales; 8th sternite sclerotized, with scattered setae at ½ distal, lateral setae, basal pair of trichoid sensilla and scattered scales. Terminalia ( Fig. 10 View Figs ): gonocoxite partially setose, 0.21–0.22 mm long, 0.07–0.08 mm wide (n = 07), with setulose rounded mesobasal lobe; gonostylus setulose basally, striated beyond basis, 0.11–0.12 mm long, 0.02–0.03 mm wide (n = 07); cerci apically rounded with setae and setulae, cercal lobes convergent; hypoproct deeply bilobed, with setae and setulae, lobes widely separated and rounded apically; hypoproct much longer than cercus; aedeagus accentuately longer than hypoproct, wider than gonostylus, tapered to apex, rounded apically, bearing several asetose papillae.

Female. Body length 3.90–4.20 mm long (n = 8) (including ovipositor). Antenna: scape and pedicel as in male, flagellomeres cylindrical; nodes entirely setulose and necks partially setulose; circumfila made of two rings, connected horizontally, slightly sinuous ( Fig. 11 View Figs ), 12th flagellomere 0.11–0.13 mm long (n = 6), entirely setulose, apical process 0.05–0.07 mm long (n = 6) with basal node 0.02 mm long (n = 6). Frontoclypeus with 10–14 setae (n = 9). Palpus (n = 9): 1st segment shorter than the others, 2nd–4th segments subequal in length, 1st segment 0.04–0.05 mm long, 2nd segment 0.09–0.10 mm long, 3rd segment 0.08–0.09 mm long, 4th segment 0.09–0.10 mm long.

Thorax. Wings: length: 3.00– 3.30 mm (n = 8).

Abdomen ( Fig. 12 View Figs ): 1st–7th tergites as in male; 8th tergite not sclerotized, with basal pair of trichoid sensilla and distal row of setae. 2nd–7th sternites as in male, 8th sternite not sclerotized, with basal pair of trichoid sensilla and a row of distal setae.

Ovipositor ( Fig. 13 View Figs ) barely protrusible, 0.18–0.21 mm long (from basal margin of segment 9 to cerci apex) (n = 3), cerci separate elongate-ovoid, 0.07–0.08 mm long (n = 4) and setose, hypoproct wide with setae and setulae.

Etymology. The name indaiensis refers to the type locality.

Material examined. Holotype male. Brazil, Minas Gerais: Dores do Indaiá , IV.2009, L. Oliveira col., MNRJ . Paratypes, data as holotype– 10 males, 9 females, 18 pupal exuviae and 06 larvae, MNRJ .

Distribution. Brazil: Pernambuco (Tamandaré), Rio de Janeiro (Mangaratiba) and São Paulo (Bertioga) in Atlantic forest areas, and Minas Gerais (Dores do Indaiá) in Cerrado areas.

Comments. Lopesia includes adults with bare or setulose flagellomere necks. The new species has setulose flagellomeres neck as in L. andirae , L. brasiliensis Rübsaamen, 1908 ; L. caulinaris Maia, 2003 ; L. conspicua Maia, 2003 ; L. davillae Maia, 2017 ; L. eichhorniae Urso-Guimarães, 2014 ; L. elliptica Maia, 2013 ; L. erythroxyli Rodrigues & Maia, 2010 ; L. linearis Maia, 2003 ; L. marginalis Maia, 2001 ; L. maricaensis Rodrigues & Maia, 2010 ; L. similis Maia, 2004 ; L. simplex Maia, 2002 ; and L. tibouchinae Maia, 2004 . Among them, nine species have male flagellomeres with basal and distal circumfila with well developed loops and midcircumfila with shorter loops or without loops (linear circumfila), namely: L. andirae , L. conspicua , L. davillae , L. eichhorniae Urso-Guimarães, 2014 , L. linearis , L. marginalis , L. similis , L. simplex and L. tibouchinae ; two have gynecoid circumfila ( L.caulinaris and L. elliptica ), three including the new species have all circumfila with developed loops ( L. erythroxyli , L. brasiliensis and the new species) and a single one, L. maricaensis , has all circumfila with reduced loops.

Adults of the new species differ from those of L. erythroxyli and L. brasiliensis mainly by the shape of male terminalia. Gonocoxites, gonostyli and aedeagus are wider in L. indaiensis than in the others; the hypoproct of the new species has longer lobes than those of the others, and its cercal lobes are convergent (divergent in the two other species). Pupae differ mainly in the shape and length and of the antennal projections (slightly serrated and conspicuously longer in L. indaiensis , not serrated and shorter in the others), shape of the apical plate (deeply bilobed only in the new species), and number of abdominal dorsal spines (none in L. indaiensis , several in L. brasiliensis and L. erythroxyli ). Besides, the prothoracic spiracles are clearly shorter in the new species than in L. brasiliensis .

As L. andirae and L. indaiensis are the only two congeneric species associated with Andira Lam. , both are compared: larva – the spatula teeth of L. andirae are far apart from each other, while those of L. indaiensis are more closely approximated and the spatula basis of the former is narrow while in the latter is anchor-shaped; pupa – the vertical plate conspicuously more deeply bilobed at upper margin in L. indaiensis , the antennal projections have serrated inner margin only in the new species, the prothoracic spiracle is clearly longer in the new species (0.16 mm in L. andirae and 0.25–0.35 mm in L. indaiensis ), as well as the apical setae (0.06 mm in L. andirae and 0.07–0.13 mm in L. indaiensis ); male – the medial circumfilum has short whorls while in the new species they are long, the 8th tergite of L. andirae is setose whereas that of L. indaiensis has no setae, the cercus of L. andirae is more acute than that of the new species and the hypoproct has sinuous margin while in L. indaiensis its margin is rounded; and female – the circunfila of L. andirae are more sinuous than that of the new species, the 8th tergite of L. andirae has no setae whereas that of L. indaiensis has a distal row of setae and a basal pair of trichoid sensilla (not described in L. andirae ).


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