Stictane bokorensis Bayarsaikhan & Bae

Bayarsaikhan, Ulziijargal & Bae, Yang-Seop, 2015, Three new species of Stictane Hampson, 1900 (Erebidae, Arctiinae) from Cambodia, with Checklist of Stictane, Zootaxa 3981 (2), pp. 241-252 : 244

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Stictane bokorensis Bayarsaikhan & Bae

sp. nov.

Stictane bokorensis Bayarsaikhan & Bae , n. sp.

( Figs. 3 View FIGURES 1 – 7 a, 3b, 10, 15)

Type materials. Holotype: Male, Cambodia, Bokor (N10˚39′11″, E104˚03′11″), 27-XII-2014 (Bae, Ju, Qi, Bayarsaikhan, Park, Na, Kim, and Lee), Slide No. UIK-1011A. Paratypes: 1 male, Cambodia, Pramaoy (N12˚12′25.89″, E102˚52′26.16″), 10-II-2014 (Bae, Qi, Ju, Park, Kim, Na, and Lee.), Slide No. UIK-1011C; 1 male, Cambodia, Bokor (N10˚39′11″, E104˚03′11″), 27-XII-2014 (Bae, Ju, Qi, Bayarsaikhan, Park, Na, Kim, and Lee), Slide No. UIK-1011B; 1 male, Cambodia, Samkos (N12˚12′12.6″, E102˚52′10.8″), 7-II-2015 (Bae, Ju, Park, Na, Kim, and Lee), Slide No. UIK-1047; 1 female, Cambodia, Kulen (N13˚36′43″, E104˚06′55″), 15-II-2013 (Bae, Ju, Le, Park, and Lee), Slide No. UIK-1446; 1 female, Cambodia, Pramaoy (N12˚12′25.89″, E102˚52′26.16″), 10- II-2014 (Bae, Qi, Ju, Le, Park, and Lee), Slide No. UIK-1446.

Description ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1 – 7 ). Wingspan 10-11 mm. Antenna white-gray, serrate in both sexes. Head white-gray; frons dark; labial palpus dark, slender, upturned over vertex. Thorax gray. Patagium and tegula fuscous gray. Femur of forelegs fuscous gray; tibia and tarsus dark gray. Femur of midlegs with fuscous gray; tibia fuscous gray with a pair of spurs in middle part (one short, another one long); tarsus fuscous. Hindlegs with femur white-gray; tibia whitegray, with a pair of spurs in middle part (one short, another one long) and a pair of spurs in apical part (one short, another one long); tibia fuscous. Ground color of forewing white-gray, with antemedian series of three dark spots curved; medial fuscous gray band broad, curved, diffuse middle part; two small dark discoidal spots; postmedian series of dark spots convex outwardly; with one dark patch before apex; with one fuscous patch below apex; terminal series of spots fuscous; fringe fuscous gray. Hindwing gray; apex fuscous; fringe gray.

Male genitalia ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 8 – 13 ). Uncus very short, triangular; valva knife-shaped, weakly setose, curved apically, apex with waved seta; costa with a strongly angular projection at middle of costa; saccular process about 1/2 length of valva, with waved, spine-shaped projection at apex; juxta triangular; aedeagus vesica with 2-3 long and spineshaped cornuti.

Female genitalia ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 14 – 17 ). Papillae anales triangular; apophyses posteriores about four times as long as apophyses anteriores, both apophyses slender; ductus bursae weakly sclerotized, stout; corpus bursae obryriform, with strongly sclerotized spine-shaped signa from cervix to middle part of bursae and slender, short spines at posterior part of bursae.

Diagnosis. This species is differs from congeners by having unique wing markings. The male genitalia are very similar to S. chinesica (Draudt) , but it can be distinguished from the latter by the valva narrow, straight, apically tapering into a spike; the costa without a strongly angular projection at middle of costa; the aedeagus with one stout, spine-shaped cornutus, fused laterally with an oval plate.

Distribution. Cambodia (Bokor, Kulen, Pramaoy).

Etymology. The species is named for the type locality, Bokor, Kampot Province, Cambodia.















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