Cyrtandra hendrianii Karton. & H.J.Atkins

Atkins, H. J. & Kartonegoro, A., 2021, A TAXONOMIC REVISION OF CYRTANDRA (GESNERIACEAE) IN SULAWESI, INDONESIA, Edinburgh Journal of Botany 78 (364), pp. 1-122 : 51-53

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Felipe (2024-01-09 18:05:05, last updated 2024-01-16 00:01:38)

scientific name

Cyrtandra hendrianii Karton. & H.J.Atkins


14. Cyrtandra hendrianii Karton. & H.J.Atkins View in CoL , Edinburgh J. Bot. 75(2): 185 (2018).

– Type: Indonesia, Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, Mt Hek , 660 m, 25 ii 2004, Hendrian, Newman, Scott, Nazre Saleh & Supriadi 883 (holotype BO, isotype E). Figure 27 View Figure 27 .

Shrub to 2 m in height. Stems striate, reddish, more or less glabrous, slightly hairy in axils. Leaves opposite, subequal; petioles red, 2–4 cm long, densely hairy when young, becoming more glabrous with age; blades, 16.5–29.5 × 5.5–9.5 cm, narrow oblong, narrow elliptic or oblanceolate, base decurrent, only narrowly winged at base, margin serrate, apex acute to short acuminate; 8–11 pairs of lateral veins and with reticulate tertiary venation; dark green and mostly glabrous above with a few scattered hairs and on the tips of the marginal teeth, paler green below, with red to pink venation, densely fine hairy on midrib and veins with some scattered hairs on the blade. Inflorescences axillary, subsessile, with c.8–10 flowers at various stages of development; peduncle 1–2 mm long, sparsely hairy; bracts greenish, 25–35 × 5–6 mm, oblong to lanceolate, acuminate, with shallowly serrate margins and a few scattered hairs externally, more densely hairy along the margins and at the apex; bracteoles 15–20 mm long, lanceolate to linear, long-acuminate, sparsely hairy, more densely hairy along margins and particularly at the apex; pedicels 5–7 mm long sparsely hairy, extending slightly in fruit. Calyx tubular, red, 7–8.5(–10) mm long, appearing 2-lobed, lobes triangular, 3–3.5(–5) mm long, acuminate, divided very briefly at the apex into three in the upper lobe and two in the lower, sparsely hairy at the base, more densely so at apex. Corolla pink, 15–18 mm long, narrow funnelform, lobes rounded, lower lobes slightly more elongate, spreading to somewhat recurved, c.4 × 3 mm, hairy externally with a dense covering of short glandular hairs internally on the lobes and in the mouth of the corolla. Stamens with filaments 1.5–2 mm long, attached c. 8 mm from base of corolla, glabrous; anthers c. 1 mm long, glabrous, cohering at apices; staminodes 3, c. 1 mm long, central one slightly shorter. Gynoecium c. 10 mm long; disc cupular, 2 mm long, glabrous with undulate margin; ovary glabrous; style with short, glandular hairs particularly towards the apex; stigma bilobed, c. 1 mm across. Fruits ovoid or rather elongate, glabrous, somewhat verrucose, drying dark brown, 11–15 × 4–7 mm; base of style and calyx persistent.

Distribution. Central Sulawesi (see Figure 29 View Figure 29 ).

Habitat and ecology. Hill forest at an altitude of 660– 680 m.

Etymology. Named after Hendrian, Director of Bogor Botanic Garden and also one of the collectors of this species ( Kartonegoro et al., 2018).

Proposed IUCN conservation category. It has not been possible to calculate an EOO for Cyrtandra hendrianii because of the low number of collections, but it has an AOO of 4 km 2, based on a 2 × 2 km grid cell size, under the B criteria ( Bachman et al., 2011). The species is known only from Mount Hek, where it was collected at relatively low altitude during an expedition in 2004. This forest type is one of the most threatened in Sulawesi ( Cannon et al., 2007), and Mount Hek is in an area with no formal protection (UNEP-WCMC & IUCN, 2019). It is, however, in one of the most under-collected areas of Sulawesi ( Kessler et al., 2002; Cannon et al., 2007), therefore there may be more populations of this species. In view of its narrow distribution in a single location in a threatened forest type and with no formal protection, Cyrtandra hendrianii is assessed as Critically Endangered (CR), B2ab(iii).

Additional specimen examined. INDONESIA. Central Sulawesi. Banggai: Mt Hek, Sungai Spa , 25 ii 2004, Scott 04-316, grown at RBGE as accession 20040646A, vouchered as Scott 503 (E) .

Cyrtandra hendrianii is most similar to C. albiflora collected from the same location. It can be distinguished, however, by its pink corolla and red calyx (versus white corolla and green calyx), more or less glabrous stems (versus densely villous stems), and oblong-lanceolate bracts, 25–35 mm long (versus linear-lanceolate bracts 10–11 mm long).

Bachman S, Moat J, Hill AW, de la Torre J, Scott B. 2011. Supporting Red List threat assessments with GeoCAT: Geospatial Conservation Assessment Tool. In: Smith V, Penev L, editors. E-Infrastructures for Data Publishing in Biodiversity Science. Zookeys. 150: 117 - 126 (version BETA).

Cannon CH, Summers M, Harting JR, Kessler PJ. 2007. Developing conservation priorities based on forest type, condition, and threats in a poorly known ecoregion: Sulawesi, Indonesia. Biotropica 39 (6): 747 - 759.

UNEP-WCMC, IUCN. 2019. Protected Planet: the World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA). Cambridge: UNEP-WCMC and IUCN. https: // www. protectedplanet. net [Accessed 1 November 2019.]

Kartonegoro A, Bone RE, Atkins HJ. 2018. Eleven new species of Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) from Sulawesi, Indonesia. Edinburgh Journal of Botany. 75 (2): 173 - 204.

Kessler PJA, Bos MN, Sierra Daza SEC, Kop A, Willemse LPM, Pitopang R, Gradstein SR. 2002. Checklist of the woody plants of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Blumea Suppl. 14: 1 - 160

Gallery Image

Figure 27. Cyrtandra hendrianii. a, Fruit; b, gynoecium including disc; c, habit; d, opened corolla, showing position of stamens and staminodes; e, anthers; f, opened calyx, showing inner surface; g, side view of corolla; h, bract and bracteole. Drawn by Claire Banks from Hendrian et al. 883. All other parts drawn from Scott 503 (accession 20040646A). Reproduced from Kartonegoro et al. (2018) with the permission of the Trustees of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh.

Gallery Image

Figure 29. Distribution of Cyrtandra gorontaloensis (black diamonds), C. hekensis and C. hendrianii (green star) and C. hispidula (black triangle).











