Cyrtandra jellesmanii Koord., Meded. Lands Plantentuin 19: 628 (1898)

Atkins, H. J. & Kartonegoro, A., 2021, A TAXONOMIC REVISION OF CYRTANDRA (GESNERIACEAE) IN SULAWESI, INDONESIA, Edinburgh Journal of Botany 78 (364), pp. 1-122 : 60

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Felipe (2024-01-09 18:05:05, last updated 2024-01-16 00:01:38)

scientific name

Cyrtandra jellesmanii Koord., Meded. Lands Plantentuin 19: 628 (1898)


17. Cyrtandra jellesmanii Koord., Meded. Lands Plantentuin 19: 628 (1898) [jellesmani].

Type: Indonesia, Celebes [Sulawesi], North Sulawesi, Minahasa , Pinamorongan camp, 26 i 1895, Koorders 17193β (lectotype BO [ BO-1454372 ], designated here; isolectotype BO [ BO-1454373 ]) .

Herb to 30 cm in height. Stems striate, sparsely hairy, more densely so on young growth. Leaves opposite; both members of a pair well developed but unequal in size; blades 4–14 × 1.5–3.5 cm, oblanceolate to narrow oblanceolate, base decurrent, margin crenateserrulate, apex shortly acuminate; 3–5 pairs of lateral veins, curving upwards and running out to margin, glabrous above, sparsely hairy below, more densely so on midrib and veins. Inflorescences axillary, sessile, 1-flowered; bracts 8–10 × 1 mm, linear, hairy, not connate; pedicels c. 1 mm long, hairy. Calyx 12–15 mm long, 2-lobed, lobes triangular, acuminate at apex, 7–8 mm long, hairy externally. Corolla white, c. 45 mm long, funnel-shaped, lobes not strongly recurved, lower lobes up to 11 × 10 mm, upper lobes 10 × 9 mm, hairy externally. Stamens with filaments c. 11 mm long, attached c. 25 mm above base of corolla, glabrous; anthers 1.5–2 mm long, connected at apices and face to face before dehiscence; staminodes not seen. Gynoecium c. 25 mm long; disc c. 1 mm long, cupular with lobed margin, glabrous; ovary eglandular hairy, glabrous towards base; style densely eglandular hairy for whole length; stigma peltate, c. 2 mm across. Fruits not seen.

Distribution. North Sulawesi ( Figure 31 View Figure 31 ).

Habitat and ecology. Lowland and hill forest at an altitude of 500– 600 m.

Etymology. This species was named after Mr Jellesman, a resident of Manado whom Koorders visited in 1895 ( Koorders, 1898).

Proposed IUCN conservation category. The low number of collections means that an EOO for this species could not be calculated, but the AOO is 8 km 2, based on a 2 × 2 km grid cell size, under the B criteria ( Bachman et al., 2011). Cyrtandra jellesmanii is known only from two collections from North Sulawesi, made in 1895 and 1917. We returned to the collection localities in 2016 and were unable to find any populations. Lowland and hill forest are the most threatened forest types on the island ( Cannon et al., 2007), and much of the forest surrounding the type locality is now gone. For these reasons, this species is considered to be Critically Endangered (CR), B2ab(iii).

Additional specimen examined. INDONESIA. North Sulawesi. Minahasa: Gurupahi , 15 iv 1917, Kaudern 46 (L, S) .

Cyrtandra jellesmanii is a distinctive species, with its oblanceolate leaves and large, funnel-shaped flowers. The sheet in the Bogor herbarium of Koorders’ only collection, Koorders 17193β, which is annotated with full collection details, is designated here as the lectotype. It has the name ‘ Cyrtandra jellesmaniana ’ written on the label, but the original publication has the spelling ‘ C. jellesmani ’ ( Koorders, 1898), corrected here to C. jellesmanii following Article 60.8(b) of the International Code of Nomenclature (Turland et al., 2018).

Bachman S, Moat J, Hill AW, de la Torre J, Scott B. 2011. Supporting Red List threat assessments with GeoCAT: Geospatial Conservation Assessment Tool. In: Smith V, Penev L, editors. E-Infrastructures for Data Publishing in Biodiversity Science. Zookeys. 150: 117 - 126 (version BETA).

Cannon CH, Summers M, Harting JR, Kessler PJ. 2007. Developing conservation priorities based on forest type, condition, and threats in a poorly known ecoregion: Sulawesi, Indonesia. Biotropica 39 (6): 747 - 759.

Koorders SH. 1898. Verslag eener botanische dienstreis door de Minahasa. Mededeelingen uit's Lands Plantentuin 19: i - xvii, 1 - 716.

Gallery Image

Figure 31. Distribution of Cyrtandra hypogaea (black triangles) and C. jellesmanii (red circles).