Lyomyces subcylindricus Yurchenko & Riebesehl, 2024

Yurchenko, Eugene, Langer, Ewald & Riebesehl, Janett, 2024, A high species diversity of Lyomyces (Basidiomycota, Hymenochaetales) in Central and South America, revealed after morphological and molecular analysis, MycoKeys 109, pp. 131-169 : 131-169

publication ID 10.3897/mycokeys.109.127606


persistent identifier

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MycoKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Lyomyces subcylindricus Yurchenko & Riebesehl

sp. nov.

Lyomyces subcylindricus Yurchenko & Riebesehl sp. nov.

Figs 8 H View Figure 8 , 15 View Figure 15 , 16 H View Figure 16


Panama • Chiriquí Province: W of Boquete town, Bajo Boquete community , 08 ° 46.45 ' N, 082 ° 28.03 ' W, about 1400 m a. s. l., evergreen montane tropical angiosperm forest, on decorticated fallen branch, 27 Jul 2019, E. Yurchenko EYu 190727-25 (holotype: BLS M-2668 ; isotype: CFMR). GenBank: ITS = PP 471817 GoogleMaps .


The epithet refers to the subcylindrical shape of cystidia and basidiospores.


Basidiomata effused, 0.15–1.5 cm in extent, soft- to moderately membranaceous, 30–85 μm thick between aculei. Hymenial surface minutely odontoid or warted, dirty white with faint cream tinge; aculei or warts conical to cylindrical, 6–8 / mm, 30–55 μm high, 20–50 μm in diam. Margin slightly paler than the main surface, mould-like, 0.3–1 mm wide. Hyphal system monomitic, hyphae clamped at all septa, moderately branched, colourless, with scattered to abundant loosely attached rosette-shaped crystals. Subicular hyphae (1.7 –) 2–4 μm wide, thin- to slightly thick-walled; subhymenial hyphae 1.7–4.3 μm wide, thin-walled, somewhat short-celled and inflated. Cystidia smooth or variously encrusted, of several types: 1) subulate (fusoid) scattered to common, (18 –) 20–33 × 2.5–4.3 μm; 2) subcylindrical and cylindrical scarce, 18–32 × 2.5–4.5 μm; 3) subcapitate or capitulate rare, 12–20 × 2–3 μm. Outgrowths of hymenial surface consisting in the upper part of subulate and subcylindrical cystidia. Basidioles ovoid, short cylindrical, subclavate, 7.5–13.5 × 3.5–4.5 μm. Basidia utriform to narrowly utriform, 15–20 × 3.5–4.5 μm; sterigmata four, 2–3 × 0.7–1 μm. Basidiospores narrowly ellipsoid to subcylindrical, with adaxial side from slightly convex to slightly concave, (4.5 –) 5–6 (– 6.5) × 2.5–3.3 (– 3.5) μm (in holotype L = 5.5 μm, W = 2.95 μm), Q = 1.6–1.8 (– 2), thin-walled, smooth, colourless, Mz –, acyanophilous; apiculus minute.


So far, known from the western part of Panama.


The fungus grows on dead wood in evergreen montane tropical angiosperm forests.

Additional specimen examined

(paratype). Panama • Chiriquí Province: W of Boquete town, Bajo Boquete community , 08 ° 46.58 ' N, 082 ° 28.17 ' W, about 1450 m a. s. l., evergreen montane tropical angiosperm forest, bottom of canyon with a rivulet, on a fallen partly corticated woody stem, 27 Jul 2019, E. Yurchenko EYu 190727-10 a ( BLS M-2992 ). GenBank: ITS = PP 471816; 28 S = PP 471832 GoogleMaps .


The main diagnostic features of this species are minutely odontoid, dirty white basidiomata, thin-walled hyphae, the presence of subulate and subcylindrical cystidia, and subcylindrical, thin-walled basidiospores. The species is morphologically closest to L. crustosus . It differs from the latter by its whitish, densely and minutely odontoid hymenial surface, looser texture of basidioma, not copious subulate cystidia, and the presence of subcylindrical cystidia.