Metapocyrtus hamiguitan Cabras, 2024

Cabras, Analyn A., Buenavente, Perry Archival C. & Villegas, Jhonnel P., 2024, Two new species of Metapocyrtus Heller from Mindanao Island, Philippines (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminae, Pachyrhynchini), Ecologica Montenegrina 73, pp. 125-137 : 127-129

publication ID 10.37828/em.2024.73.13

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scientific name

Metapocyrtus hamiguitan Cabras

sp. nov.

Metapocyrtus hamiguitan Cabras View in CoL sp. nov.

Figure 1 A–D View Figure 1

Holotype ( Fig 1 A, B View Figure 1 ), male: “Philippines- Mindanao Island, Davao Oriental, San Isidro Brgy. La Union Sitio Tumalite, Mt. Hamiguitan Wildlife Sanctuary , Camp 3/ 7-8 vii, 2016 / leg. PACB DEMG (typed on white card) // HOLOTYPE male / Metapocyrtus hamiguitan sp. nov. / CABRAS, 2024 (typed on red card)” ( PNM 15232 View Materials ) . Paratype 1 ♀: same data as the holotype ( SMTD) .

Description. Male. Dimensions: LB: 7.6 mm. LR: 1.5 mm. WR: 1.5 mm. LP: 2.6 mm. WP: 2.8 mm. LE: 5.0 mm. WE: 3.8 mm. N=1

Coloration. Integument black. Body surface, rostrum, head, legs, and underside with a weak luster.

Head covered with subappressed, piliform, and lacriform, blue scales; forehead rugopunctate, and flat; lateral surface below the eye densely covered with appressed, lanceolate, blue scales interspersed with sparse piliform scales of the same color. Eyes medium-sized, feebly convex, and prominent from outline of head.

Rostrum separated from the head by a distinct transverse groove, mostly coarsely rugopunctate except apical fourth minutely punctate; as long as wide (LR 1.5 mm; WR 1.5 mm); dorsal surface with subappressed, piliform, bluish scales; lateral sides covered with subappressed and suberect, piliform, bluish scales and appressed, lanceolate, blue scales before antennal scrobe; dorsum with a distinct midline furrow extending until basal third; dorsal contour in lateral view almost flat and subapically gradually declined towards apex, lateral contour in dorsal view narrowed at base and widened anteriorly, widest at apex; dorsolateral margin weakly rounded, and apical surface with white setae. Antennal scape and funicle subequal in length; scape covered with thin, appressed, and light-colored setae, funicle covered with similar but suberect setae. Antennae with segments 1 and 2 subequal in length, three times longer than wide; segments 3 to 7 nearly as long as wide; club sub ellipsoidal, nearly three times longer than wide.

Prothorax subglobular, basally and apically subtruncate, slightly wider than long (LP 2.5 mm; WP 2.8 mm), covered with appressed, piliform, bluish scales and sparse, appressed, lacriform, blue scales; coarsely rugopunctate, dorsal contour in lateral view very weakly convex, lateral contour in dorsal view from base to apex uniformly arcuate, widest at middle.

Elytra ovate, longer than wide (LE 5.0 mm / WE 3.8 mm), slightly wider and twice longer than prothorax (WE 3.8 mm; WP 2.8 mm; LE 5.0 mm; LP 2.6 mm), body surface coarsely rugopunctate, and covered in uniformly spaced, piliform, bluish scales, and irregularly scattered, appressed, round, blue scales, some clustered together; dorsal contour in lateral view weakly convex with gradual apical declivity, lateral contour in dorsal view uniformly convex, gradually widened from constricted base towards middle, then gradually narrows towards a weakly rounded apex, widest at middle. Legs with moderately clavate femora. Femora black, sparsely covered with subappressed, piliform, bluish scales. Tibiae rugose, weakly serrated along inner margin and covered with long subappressed, white setae. Protibiae and mesotibiae mucronate at apex. Tarsi moderately long with dense and long subappressed setae, mesotarsomere 1, and metatarsomere 1 subequal, longer than protarsomere 1. Tarsomere 1 elongate, and narrowly subtriangular, longer than tarsomere 2; tarsomere 2 short, triangular, and simple without sharp projections at apical corners; tarsomere 3 bilobed, slightly longer than tarsomere 2; tarsomere 5 slightly longer than tarsomere 1; tarsal claws free. Coxae covered with appressed, colored, piliform scales and suberect setae. Mesoventrite covered with suberect, white setae at middle and lacriform and elliptical, blue scales at sides; metaventrite covered with light colored setae, and tesselated pale yellow and light blue scales at sides. Ventrite 1 weakly depressed in the middle, rugose anteriorly, and covered with dense, white setae at middle, and has scaly markings of elliptical, pale yellow and light blue scales at sides.

Ventrite 2 with white setae and has similar scaly markings to Ventrite 1. Ventrite 3–5 sparsely covered with apressed, white setae. Ventrite 5 flattened, and rugose with white setae.

Male genitalia and sternite 9 as shown in Figure 2 View Figure 2 A-C.

Female. Dimensions: LB: 10.5mm. LR: 1.5mm. WR: 1.5mm. LP: 2.8mm. WP: 3.4mm. LE: 6.3mm. WE: 4.8mm. N=1.

Habitus as shown in Figure 1 C, D View Figure 1 .

Females ( Figure 1 C, D View Figure 1 ) differ from males in the following characteristics: a) median furrow of rostrum deeper and wider reaching middle culminating to an almost shallow pit-like depression; b) pronotum wider than long (LP/WP 0.82), and also wider basally, c) elytra longer and wider (LE/WE 1.31, WE/WP 1.4, LE/LP 2.25) than male; d) base of apical declivity with a weak bifid protuberance covered with setae; f) apical declivity abrupt and apex of elytra with semicircular excision; g) Ventrite 1 and 2 convex; h) Ventrite 5 deeply concave. Otherwise, female similar to the male.

Differential diagnosis. Metapocyrtus hamiguitan sp. nov. is closely related to Metapocyrtus poncei Cabras and Medina, 2021 based on the profile of its rostrum, pronotum, elytra and aedeagus but differs for the following characteristics: a) smaller in size and more slender in body, b) more convex eyes, c) rostrum with shorter median furrow not reaching the middle; d) prothorax and elytra covered with piliform, bluish scales and sparse, blue scales instead of the green scales in M. poncei ; e) female with abrupt apical declivity and weak bifid protuberance at the base which is absent in M. poncei , and f) apex of elytra with semicircular excision while M. poncei does not have a semicircular excision instead it has two acute black spines; g) differently shaped aedeagus.

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