Alticola (Alticola) albicaudus True 1894

Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn, 2005, Order Rodentia - Family Cricetidae, Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 2, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 955-1189 : 958

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Guido (2022-12-13 04:19:03, last updated 2022-12-13 10:45:26)

scientific name

Alticola (Alticola) albicaudus True 1894


Alticola (Alticola) albicaudus True 1894

Alticola (Alticola) albicaudus True 1894 , Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus ., 17: 12.

Type Locality: India, Baltistan, Braldu Valley.

Vernacular Names: White-tailed Mountain Vole.

Synonyms: Alticola (Alticola) acmaeus Schwarz 1939 .

Distribution: Himalayan portions of Baltistan (Braldu Valley, Nahr Nulla) and Ladakh (Phyang Nulla), NW India ( Rossolimo and Pavlinov, 1992; Rossolimo et al., 1994).

Conservation: IUCN – Lower Risk (nt).

Discussion: Subgenus Alticola , A. roylei-A. argentatus species group ( Rossolimo and Pavlinov, 1992). Although usually included in A. roylei ( Corbet, 1978 c; Ellerman and Morrison-Scott, 1951; Gromov and Polyakov, 1977), Hinton (1926 a) earlier pointed out the diagnostic specific traits of albicaudus . Rossolimo and Pavlinov (1992) verified this ranking, fully redescribed the species, and contrasted it with morphologically similar forms. Schwarz’s (1939) acmaeus represents another population of A. albicaudus ( Rossolimo and Pavlinov, 1992; our study of holotype).

Corbet, G. B. 1978 c. The mammals of the Palaearctic region: A taxonomic review. British Museum (Natural History), London, 314 pp.

Ellerman, J. R., and T. C. S. Morrison-Scott. 1951. Checklist of Palaearctic and Indian mammals 1758 to 1946. Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History), London, 810 pp.

Gromov, I. M., and I. Ya. Polyakov. 1977. Fauna SSSR, Mlekopitayushchie, tom 3, vyp. 8 [Fauna of the USSR, vol. 3, pt. 8, Mammals]. Polevki [Voles (Microtinae)]. Nauka, Moscow-Leningrad, 504 pp. (in Russian).

Hinton, M. A. C. 1926 a. Monograph of the voles and lemmings (Microtinae) living and extinct. Volume 1. British Museum (Natural History), London, 488 pp.

Rossolimo, O. L., and I. Ya. Pavlinov. 1992. Species and subspecies of Alticola s. str. (Rodentia: Arvicolidae). Pp. 149 - 176, in Prague studies in mammalogy (I. Horacek and V. Vohralik, eds.). Charles University Press, Praha, 245 pp.

Rossolimo, O. L., I. Ya. Pavlinov, and R. S. Hoffmann. 1994. Systematics and distribution of the rock voles of the subgenus Alticola s. str. in the People's Republic of China (Rodentia: Arvicolinae). Acta Theriologica Sinica, 14 (2): 86 - 99.

Schwarz, E. 1939. On mountain-voles of the genus Alticola Blanford: A taxonomic and genetic analysis. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, ser. B, 108: 663 - 668.

True, F. W. 1894. Notes on mammals of Baltistan and the Vale of Kashmir, presented to the National Museum by Dr. W. L. Abbott. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 17 (976): 1 - 16.











