Fraudiziba subcarinata (Bellardi, 1887), 2021
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Plazi (2021-06-10 00:51:57, last updated 2024-11-24 21:02:59) |
scientific name |
Fraudiziba subcarinata (Bellardi, 1887) |
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comb. nov. |
Fraudiziba subcarinata (Bellardi, 1887) View in CoL nov. comb.
Figs 9H View FIGURE 9 1 –H View FIGURE 1 2 View FIGURE 2 , I 1 –I View FIGURE 1 2 View FIGURE 2 , 10B View FIGURE 10 1 –B View FIGURE 1 2 View FIGURE 2 , C
* Mitra subcarinata Bell. View in CoL — Bellardi 1887a: 69, pl. 4, fig. 9.
Mitra goniophora Var. View in CoL c— Hoernes & Auinger 1880: 78, pl. 9, figs 14a–b.
Mitra goniophora transsylvanica View in CoL n. sp. — Csepreghy-Meznerics 1954: 47, 140 [non pl. 6, figs 1–2, 15–16] [non Mitra transsylvanica Hoernes & Auinger, 1880 View in CoL ].
? Mitra goniophora Bellardi, 1850 View in CoL — Strausz 1966: 364, pl. 41, figs 24, 25 [non Bellardi, 1850].
Mitra goniophora Bellardi, 1850 View in CoL — Švagrovský 1982: 396, pl. 4, fig. 1 [non Bellardi, 1850].
Mitra subcarinata Bellardi, 1887 —Ferrero-Mortara et al. 1981: 159, pl. 48, 7ª1a–b.
? Ziba goniophora ( Bellardi, 1850) — Cernohorsky 1991: 84 (pars), pl. 76, figs 1, 2 [non Bellardi, 1850].
Cancilla (Ziba) subcarinata (Bellardi, 1887) — Davoli 2000: 196, pl. 3, figs 1–2, 4, 6–7.
non Mitra goniophora transsylvanica Csepr. View in CoL -Mezn.— Csepreghy-Meznerics 1972: 31, pl. 14, figs 8–9 [= Fraudiziba paratethyca View in CoL nov. nom].
non Mitra goniophora transsylvanica Meznerics 1954 View in CoL — Bohn-Havas 1973: 1116, pl. 5, figs 19–20, pl. 9, fig. 8 [= Fraudiziba paratethyca View in CoL nov. nom.].
Type material. Holotype ( BS. 019.01.147) illustrated in Bellardi (1887a, pl. 4, fig. 9) and Ferrero-Mortara et al. (1981, pl.48, figs 7a–b), stored in the Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali , Torino , late Miocene (Tortonian), Stazzano ( Italy).
Additional material. NHMW 2020 View Materials /0102/0001, Modra-Kráľová ( Slovakia), SL: 31.3 mm , MD: 9.9 mm, illustrated in Hoernes & Auinger (1880, pl. 9, figs 14a–b), holotype of Mitra goniophora transsylvanica CsepreghyMeznerics , 1954, figs 9H 1 –H 2, 10B 1 –B 2 ; NHMW 1861 View Materials /0033/0010, SL: 36.5 mm , MD: 12.3 mm, Bujtur ( Romania), figs 9I 1 –I 2 ; NHMW 2020 View Materials /0104/0001, SL: 29.3 mm , MD: 10.2 mm, Bujtur ( Romania), figs 10C 1 –C 2 .
Revised description (based on Paratethyan material). Shell medium sized, moderately slender fusiform with gradate spire and impressed suture. Protoconch unknown. Teleoconch of nine whorls. Early teleoconch whorls subcylindrical without shoulder (surface strongly corroded). Angulated shoulder with steep sutural ramp (55–60°) develops by fifth to sixth whorl coinciding with onset of spiral sculpture. Spiral sculpture of up to four broad, flat spiral cords below angulation, separated by narrow, slightly punctate spiral grooves; sutural ramp smooth. Spiral grooves persist on subcylindrical last whorl. Last whorl with faint concavity below shoulder, slowly contracting, smooth on middle part. Numerous broad, flat spiral cords on base and fasciole, narrowing towards siphonal canal, separated by distinct spiral grooves. Spiral cords partly bifid by intercalation of weak secondary spiral grooves. Aperture moderately narrow, elongate; anal canal indistinct. Columellar callus narrow, sharply delimited. Columella with four oblique columellar folds, adapical ones weak, abapical two folds subobsolete. Outer lip thin. Siphonal canal moderately short, straight with broad, shallow siphonal notch.
Shell measurements and ratios. SL: 29.3–36.5 mm, MD: 9.9–12.3 mm, AA: c. 36–49°, SL/ MD: 3.2–3.3, AL/AW: 5.5–5.7, AH/S: 2.7.
Discussion. This species is characterised by its angulated whorls and the deep spiral grooves (although these may be strongly reduced in number). When introducing Mitra goniophora transsylvanica, Csepreghy-Meznerics (1954) referred to the specimen from Modra-Kráľová ( Slovakia) illustrated by Hoernes & Auinger (1880, pl. 9, figs 14a–b). Therefore, this specimen is the holotype [note that Csepreghy-Meznerics (1954) described several new species in her paper for which she always designated holotypes if the description was based on Hungarian material. That she did not do so for Mitra goniophora transsylvanica implies that she considered the specimen of Hoernes & Auinger (1880) as type and not her Hungarian specimen]. This act, however, was unfortunate in two aspects. Firstly, Mitra transsylvanica was already preoccupied by Hoernes & Auinger (1880: 90) for another Mitridae from Romania, and secondly, her smooth specimens from Sámsonháza ( Hungary) are not conspecific with the holotype from Modra-Kráľová ( Slovakia). Subsequent authors, however, always referred to the specimens illustrated in Csepreghy-Meznerics (1954), thus confusing the species concept.
Davoli (2000) identified the specimen illustrated by Hoernes & Auinger (1880, pl. 9, figs 14a–b) as Cancilla (Ziba) subcarinata (Bellardi, 1887) , although the specimen differs from the Italian material in its higher spire and more slender outline. Other Paratethyan specimens described herein and illustrated by Švagrovský (1982) from Borský Mikuláš ( Slovakia), agree fully with the shells from Stazzano and Montegibbio. Therefore, we refrain from separating the slender morphotype as a separate species, and follow Davoli (2000). Nevertheless, we disagree with Davoli (2000), who listed the French middle Miocene Mitra goniophora perangulata Peyrot, 1928 as potential junior synonym of Fraudiziba subcarinata , as the French species lacks any spiral sculpture (see Peyrot 1928: 107).
Fraudiziba scalarata ( Bellardi, 1850) , from the Tortonian of Santa Agata ( Italy), has comparable spiral sculpture, but develops more and narrower spiral cords on the spire whorls and lacks an angulation and sutural ramp.
Palaeoenvironment. Inner neritic environments.
Distribution in Central Paratethys. Badenian (middle Miocene): Danube Basin: Modra-Kráľován ( Slovakia) ( Hoernes & Auinger 1880); Vienna Basin: Borský Mikuláš ( Slovakia) ( Švagrovský 1982);? Pannonian Basin: Várpalota ( Hungary) ( Strausz 1966).
Proto-Mediterranean Sea. Tortonian (late Miocene): Po Basin: Stazzano, Montegibbio ( Davoli 2000).
1887), Bujtur ( Romania), NHMW 2020/0104/0001. D1–D 2. Fraudiziba paratethyca nov. nom., Bad Vöslau ( Austria), NHMW 2010/0004/0981a. E 1 –E 2. Fraudiziba paratethyca nov. nom., Bad Vöslau ( Austria), 2010/0004/0981b. F 1 –F 2. Wormsina transsylvanica ( Hoernes & Auinger, 1880) , paralectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus ( Romania), NHMW 2020/0132/0002. G 1 –G 2. Wormsina transsylvanica ( Hoernes & Auinger, 1880) , paralectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus ( Romania), NHMW 2020/0132/0003. H 1 –H 2. Wormsina transsylvanica ( Hoernes & Auinger, 1880) , paralectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus ( Romania), NHMW 2020/0131/0001.
I 1 –I 2. Wormsina transsylvanica ( Hoernes & Auinger, 1880) , lectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus ( Romania), NHMW 1874 View Materials / 0025/0008. J. Wormsina transsylvanica ( Hoernes & Auinger, 1880) , paralectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus ( Romania), NHMW 2020 View Materials /0132/0001.
A – G in UV light.
Not in Paratethys:
Baluk, W. (1997) Middle Miocene (Badenian) gastropods from Korytnica, Poland; Part III. Acta Geologica Polonica, 47, 1 - 75. [https: // geojournals. pgi. gov. pl / agp / article / view / 13688 / 12126]
Bellardi, L. (1850) Monografia delle mitre fossili del Piemonte. Memorie della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, 2 / 11, 357 - 390. [https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / item / 32672 # page / 441 / mode / 1 up] https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 59630
Bellardi, L. (1887 a) I molluschi dei terreni terziarii del Piemonte e della Liguria. Parte 5; Mitridae. Ermanno Loescher, Torino, 85 pp. [https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / item / 45379 # page / 9 / mode / 1 up]
Bohn-Havas, M. (1973) Tortonische Molluskenfauna des ostlichen Mecsek-Gebirges. Magyar Allami Foldtani Intezet evkonyve, 53, 947 - 1161. [http: // epa. oszk. hu / 03200 / 03274 / 00081 / pdf / EPA 03274 _ mafi _ evkonyv _ 1973 _ 04 _ 1083 - 1140. pdf]
Cernohorsky, W. O. (1991) The Mitridae of the World. Part 2. The Subfamily Mitrinae concluded and Subfamilies Imbricariinae and Cylindromitrinae. Monographs of Marine Mollusca 4, 1 - 164.
Csepreghy-Meznerics, I. (1954) Helvetische und tortonische Fauna aus dem ostlichen Cserhatgebirge. Annales Instituti Regii Hungarici Geologici, 41, 1 - 185. [http: // olivirv. myspecies. info / sites / olivirv. myspecies. info / files / EPA 03274 _ mafi _ evkonyv _ 1954 _ 04. pdf]
Csepreghy-Meznerics, I. (1972) La faune Tortonienne-inferieure des gisements tufiques de la Montagne de Bukk: Gastropodes II. Az Egri Muzeum Evkonyve (Annales Musei Agriensis), 8, 26 - 46.
Davoli, F. (2000) I gasteropodi mitriformi del Tortoniano di Montegibbio (Subappennino modenese). Bolletino della Societa Paleontologica Italiana, 39 / 2, 165 - 215.
Hoernes, R. & Auinger, M. (1880) Die Gasteropoden der Meeres-Ablagerungen der ersten und zweiten Miocanen Mediterran- Stufe in der Osterreichisch-Ungarischen Monarchie. Abhandlungen der k. k Geologischen Reichsanstalt, 12, 53 - 112, pls. 7 - 12. [https: // opac. geologie. ac. at / ais 312 / dokumente / Hoernes % 20 und % 20 Auinger % 20 _ 1879 _ Gasteropoden. pdf] https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 151405
Peyrot, A. (1928) Conchologie neogenique de l'Aquitaine. Actes de la Societe Linneenne de Bordeaux, 79, 5 - 263. [https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / item / 192271 # page / 155 / mode / 1 up]
Strausz, L. (1966) Die Miozan-Mediterranen Gastropoden Ungarns. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 693 pp.
Svagrovsky, J. (1982) Gastropoda, Prosobranchia. Teil 2. Neogastropoda des oberen Badeniens von Borsky Mikulas (NO-Teil des Wiener Beckens) und ihre stratigraphische Bedeutung. Geologicky Zbornik; Geologica Carpathica, 33 / 4, 383 - 435. [http: // www. geologicacarpathica. com / browse-journal / archive- 1950 - 1996 / #]
FIGURE 1. A. Map of central and south–eastern Europe, representing the area that was partly covered by the Central Paratethys Sea (for detailed maps with the localities mentioned in the text see Kroh (2005) and Nosowska (2020). The white insert corresponds to the area that is restored in the palaeogeographic map below. B. Palaeogeography of the Middle Miocene Paratethys Sea (modified from Harzhauser & Landau 2017) showing the most important sedimentary basins (NAFB: North Alpine Foreland Basin, E–Sopr B: Eisenstadt–Sopron Basin).
FIGURE 2. Measurements for shell morphology and whorl profiles. SL: shell length, MD: maximum diameter, AA: apical angle, LWH: last whorl height, AH: aperture height. AL: aperture length. AW: aperture width. S: length of siphonal canal.
FIGURE 9. A1–A2. Fraudiziba mathiasi (Bałuk, 1997), Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania), NHMW 1854/0035/0085. B1–B2. Fraudiziba mathiasi (Bałuk, 1997), holotype, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania), NHMW 2020/0101/0001. C1–C2. Fraudiziba mathiasi (Bałuk, 1997), Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania), NHMW 1854/0035/0100. D1–D2. Fraudiziba paratethyca nov. nom., lectotype, Pötzleinsdorf-Vienna (Austria), NHMW 1846/0037/0108. E1–E2. Fraudiziba paratethyca nov. nom., paralectotype, Gainfarn (Austria), NHMW 2020/0105/0001. F1–F2. Fraudiziba paratethyca nov. nom., paralectotype, Gainfarn (Austria), NHMW 2020/0103/0001. G. Gainfarn (Austria), NHMW 1863/0015/0921. H1–H2. Fraudiziba subcarinata (Bellardi, 1887), Modra- Kráľová (Slovakia), NHMW 2020/0102/0001. I1–I2. Fraudiziba subcarinata (Bellardi, 1887), Bujtur (Romania), NHMW 1861/0033/0010. J1–J2. Fraudiziba rudolfi (Bałuk, 1997), holotype, Pöls (Austria), NHMW 1861/0001/0238.
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Museum Donaueschingen |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Order |
SuperFamily |
Mitroidea |
Family |
SubFamily |
Mitrinae |
Genus |
Fraudiziba subcarinata (Bellardi, 1887)
Harzhauser, Mathias & Landau, Bernard 2021 |
Cancilla (Ziba) subcarinata (Bellardi, 1887)
Davoli, F. 2000: 196 |
Ziba goniophora ( Bellardi, 1850 )
Cernohorsky, W. O. 1991: 84 |
Mitra goniophora
Svagrovsky, J. 1982: 396 |
Mitra goniophora transsylvanica
Bohn-Havas, M. 1973: 1116 |
Mitra goniophora transsylvanica Csepr.
Csepreghy-Meznerics, I. 1972: 31 |
Mitra goniophora
Strausz, L. 1966: 364 |
Mitra goniophora transsylvanica
Csepreghy-Meznerics, I. 1954: 47 |
Mitra subcarinata Bell.
Bellardi, L. 1887: 69 |
Mitra goniophora
Hoernes, R. & Auinger, M. 1880: 78 |
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