Cancilla suballigata (Bellardi, 1887)
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Plazi (2021-06-10 00:51:57, last updated 2024-11-24 21:02:59) |
scientific name |
Cancilla suballigata (Bellardi, 1887) |
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Cancilla suballigata (Bellardi, 1887) View in CoL
Figs 15G View FIGURE 15 1 –G View FIGURE 1 2 View FIGURE 2 , H 1 –H View FIGURE 1 2 View FIGURE 2 , I 1 –I View FIGURE 1 2 View FIGURE 2
[ Nebularia ] striatula Brocc. —Hoernes 1880: 125.
Mitra (Nebularia) striatula Brocchi — Hoernes & Auinger 1880: 80, pl. 9, figs 20a–b [non Brocchi, 1814].
* Mitra suballigata Bell. View in CoL — Bellardi, 1887a: 71, pl. 4, fig. 15.
Mitra praecedens Bell. — Bellardi, 1887a: 75, pl. 4, fig. 17.
Mitra alligata — Mayer-Eymar 1898: 83.
Mitra suballigata var. transversesulcata Sacc. — Sacco, 1904: 82, pl. 18, fig. 41.
M [itra]. (T [iara].) scrobiculata striatula Brocchi — Sieber 1958a: 154.
Mitra suballigata Bellardi, 1887 View in CoL — Ferrero Mortara et al. 1981: 159, pl. 48, fig. 12.
Mitra praecedens Bellardi, 1887 — Ferrero Mortara et al. 1981: 160, pl. 48, fig. 13.
Cancilla suballigata (Bellardi, 1887) View in CoL — Cernohorsky 1991: 37.
Cancilla suballigata (Bellardi, 1887) View in CoL — Davoli 2000: 191, pl. 5, figs 3–6.
Cancilla suballigata (Bellardi, 1887) View in CoL — Landau et al. 2013: 212, pl. 33, figs 12–13, pl. 80, fig. 8.
non Mitra (Tiara) striatula (Brocchi) 1814 — Bohn-Havas 1973: 1117, pl. 9, fig. 5 [= Fraudiziba sp. ].
Type material. Syntype ( BS.019.01.151) illustrated in Ferrero Mortara et al. (1981, pl. 48, fig. 12), stored in the Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali , Torino , Stazzano ( Italy), Tortonian (late Miocene) .
Material. NHMW 1847 View Materials /0037/0044b, SL: 30.5 mm , MD: 9.6 mm, Vienna / Pötzleinsdorf , illustrated in Hoernes & Auinger (1880, pl. 9, figs 20a–b), figs 15G 1 –G 2 ; NHMW 2020 View Materials /0136/0001, SL: 30.7 mm , MD: 10.4 mm, Bad Vöslau ( Austria) , figs 15H 1 –H 2; NHMW 2020 View Materials /0134/0001 SL: 36.6 mm , MD: 9.7 mm, Forchtenau ( Austria) , figs 15I 1 –I 2; NHMW 1863 View Materials /0015/0622b, SL: 28.8 mm , MD: 9.2 mm, Niederleis ( Austria) ; NHMW 1855 View Materials /0045/0632, 2 specimens, Grund ( Austria) ; NHMW 1846 View Materials /0037/0107, 2 specimens, Steinebrunn ( Austria) ; NHMW 1853 View Materials /0003/0087, 4 specimens, Forchtenau ( Austria) ; NHMW 1853 View Materials /0003/0086, 2 specimens, Forchtenau ( Austria) ; NHMW 1863 View Materials /0015/0621, 10 specimens, Niederleis ( Austria) ; NHMW 1847 View Materials /0037/0045, Mattersburg ( Austria) ; NHMW 1861 View Materials /0001/0425, Marz ( Austria) ; NHMW 1865 View Materials /0036/0105, Jerutek at Lysice ( Czech Republic) .
Revised description (of Paratethyan material). Medium sized, moderately slender fusiform shell, with moderately high spire, and high last whorl. Protoconch unknown. About eight teleoconch whorls with deeply incised suture. Spire whorls weakly convex, periphery below mid-whorl. Sculpture consisting of five to six broad, convex to flattish spiral cords separated by narrow grooves with delicate axial riblets. Last whorl faintly shouldered, subcylindrical to convex, with constricted base. About 20 spiral cords on last whorl, more prominent on adapical quarter of whorl, base and fasciole, blurred along periphery. Aperture elongate, posteriorly angulated with indistinct posterior sinus. Columellar callus narrow, indistinct. Columella with three weak columellar folds; fourth abapical fold subobsolete; outer lip thin, Siphonal canal moderately long, twisted, with incised siphonal notch.
Shell measurements and ratios. SL = 28.8–36.6 mm, MD: 9.2–10.4 mm, AA = 24–30°, SL/ MD: 3.2, AL/AW: 5.0, AH/S: 2.1.
Discussion. This species was identified by Hoernes & Auinger (1880) as Mitra striatula Brocchi, 1814 [= Cancilla alligata (Defrance in Blainville, 1825)]. The holotype of Cancilla alligata is a slender fusiform shell with a high conical spire, weakly convex spire whorls, slowly contracting base, indistinct fasciole, and spiral cords of subequal width (see Rossi-Ronchetti 1955, fig. 132; Pinna & Spezia 1978, pl. 67, figs 4–4a). Thus, Cancilla alligata is superficially similar to the Miocene Cancilla suballigata (Bellardi, 1887) , but differs in its slender shell and proportionally higher spire.
Note on Voluta striatula Brocchi, 1814 : Voluta striatula Brocchi, 1814 is a primary homonym of Voluta striatula Schröter, 1804 ( Schröter 1804: 37) and a secondary homonym of Mitra striatula Lamarck, 1811 ( Lamarck 1811: 210) . Therefore, Defrance in Blainville (1825: 494) introduced Mitra alligata as new name. Obviously, Potiez & Michaud (1838: 497) were unaware of Defrance’s name and introduced Mitra brocchii as new name for the same species. Mitra striosa , mentioned by Sismonda (1841: 41) and Hörnes (1852b: 103) as replacement names for Voluta striatula Brocchi , is a nomen nudum and refers to a label name in the Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Torino written by Franco Andrea Bonelli (1784–1830). Therefore, the valid name for the Pliocene species is Cancilla alligata (Defrance in Blainville, 1825). None of the Paratethyan occurrences listed as Mitra striatula in the literature is conspecific with the Pliocene species.
Palaeoenvironment. The assemblage from Vienna /Pötzleinsdorf ( Austria) indicates shallow marine inner neritic conditions (own data), which is in agreement with Turkish occurrences described by Landau et al. (2013).
Distribution in Central Paratethys. Badenian (middle Miocene): North-Alpine-Carpathian Foredeep: Grund ( Austria), Jerutek at Lysice; Vienna Basin: Niederleis, Vienna /Pötzleinsdorf ( Austria) ( Hoernes & Auinger 1880); Eisenstadt-Sopron Basin: Forchtenau, Marz, Mattersburg ( Austria) ( Hoernes & Auinger 1880).
Proto-Mediterranean Sea. Serravallian (middle Miocene): Karaman Basin: Lale, Akboðazi, Akpýnar-Pýnarlar Yaylasý, Seyithasan ( Turkey) ( Landau et al. 2013); Tortonian (late Miocene): Po Basin: Stazzano, Montegibbio (Davoli 20002).
Bellardi, L. (1887 a) I molluschi dei terreni terziarii del Piemonte e della Liguria. Parte 5; Mitridae. Ermanno Loescher, Torino, 85 pp. [https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / item / 45379 # page / 9 / mode / 1 up]
Bohn-Havas, M. (1973) Tortonische Molluskenfauna des ostlichen Mecsek-Gebirges. Magyar Allami Foldtani Intezet evkonyve, 53, 947 - 1161. [http: // epa. oszk. hu / 03200 / 03274 / 00081 / pdf / EPA 03274 _ mafi _ evkonyv _ 1973 _ 04 _ 1083 - 1140. pdf]
Brocchi, G. (1814) Conchiologia fossile subapennina, con osservazioni geologiche sugli Apennini e sul suolo adiacente. Stamperia Reale, Milano, 2 + 712 pp. [https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / item / 43873 # page / 9 / mode / 1 up] https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 11569
Cernohorsky, W. O. (1991) The Mitridae of the World. Part 2. The Subfamily Mitrinae concluded and Subfamilies Imbricariinae and Cylindromitrinae. Monographs of Marine Mollusca 4, 1 - 164.
Davoli, F. (2000) I gasteropodi mitriformi del Tortoniano di Montegibbio (Subappennino modenese). Bolletino della Societa Paleontologica Italiana, 39 / 2, 165 - 215.
Ferrero Mortara, E., Montefameglio, L., Pavia, G. & Tampieri, R. (1981) Catalogo dei tipi e degli esemplari figurati della collezione Bellardi e Sacco. Parte I. Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Catalogo, 6, 1 - 327. [https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / item / 269998 # page / 5 / mode / 1 up]
Hoernes, R. & Auinger, M. (1880) Die Gasteropoden der Meeres-Ablagerungen der ersten und zweiten Miocanen Mediterran- Stufe in der Osterreichisch-Ungarischen Monarchie. Abhandlungen der k. k Geologischen Reichsanstalt, 12, 53 - 112, pls. 7 - 12. [https: // opac. geologie. ac. at / ais 312 / dokumente / Hoernes % 20 und % 20 Auinger % 20 _ 1879 _ Gasteropoden. pdf] https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 151405
Hornes, M. (1852 b) Die fossilen Mollusken des Tertiar-Beckens von Wien. Abhandlungen der K. K. Geologischen Reichsanstalt, 3, pp. 43 - 208, pls. VI - XX (1852). [https: // opac. geologie. ac. at / ais 312 / dokumente / Abh- 3 - GRA-gesamt. pdf]
Lamarck, M. (1811) Sur la determination des especes parmi les animaux sans vertebres, et particulicrement parmi les mollusques testaces. Annales du Museum d'histoire naturelle, Paris, 17, 195 - 222. [https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / item / 93161 # page / 198 / mode / 1 up] https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 11732
Landau, B. M., Harzhauser, M., Yslamodlu, Y. & Marques da Silva, C. (2013) Systematics and palaeobiogeography of the gastropods of the middle Miocene (Serravallian) Karaman Basin of Turkey. Cainozoic Research, 11 - 13, 3 - 576
Mayer-Eymar, K. (1898) Systematisches Verzeichnis der Fauna des unteren Saharianum (marines Quartaer) der Umgegend von Kairo, nebst Beschreinung der neuen Arten. Palaeontographica, 30, 61 - 90. [https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / item / 109782 # page / 669 / mode / 1 up]
Michelotti, G. (1847) Description des fossiles des terrains miocenes de l'Italie septentrionale. Natuurkundige Verhandelingen van de Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen te Haarlem, Series 2, 3 (2), 1 - 408. [https: // books. google. be / books? id = aQVqpL 58 HrsC & ots = rhEPJ _ C 6 hy & dq = Michelotti % 2 C % 20 G. % 091847 % 09 Description % 20 des % 20 fossiles % 20 de s % 20 terrains % 20 mioc % C 3 % A 8 nes % 20 de % 20 l'Italie % 20 septentrionale. & lr & pg = PP 5 # v = onepage & q = Michelotti, % 20 G. % 091847 % 09 Description % 20 des % 2]
Pinna G. & Spezia L. (1978) Catalogo dei tipi del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano. V. I tipi dei gasteropodi fossili. Atti della Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali, 119, 125 - 180.
Potiez, V. - L. - V. & Michaud, A. - L. - G. (1838) s. n. In: Galerie des mollusques, ou catalogue methodique, descriptif et raisonne des mollusques et coquilles du Museum de Douai. Tome premier. Bailliere, Paris and Londres, pp. 1 - 36 + 1 - 560 + 1 - 56 (altas), pls. I - XXXVII, [https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / item / 41188 # page / 9 / mode / 1 up]
Rossi-Ronchetti, C. (1955) I tipi della ' Conchiologia Fossile Subapennina' di G. Brocchi, 2. Gastropodi, Scafopodi. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, Memorie, 5, 91 - 343.
Sacco, F. (1904) I molluschi dei terreni terziari del Piemonte e della Liguria. Parte 30. Aggiunte e correzioni (con 1400 figure). Considerazioni generali. Indice generale dell'opera. C. Clausen, Torino, 203 + xxxvi pp., 31 pls. [https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / item / 46270 # page / 90 / mode / 1 up]
Schroter, J. S. (1804) Neue Conchylienarten und Abanderungen, Anmerkungen und Berichtigungen nach dem Linneischen System der XII. Ausgabe. (Fortsetzung). Archiv fur Zoologie und Zootomie, 4, 7 - 44. [https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / item / 49031 # page / 19 / mode / 1 up]
Sieber, R. (1958 a) Systematische Ubersicht der jungtertiaren Gastropoden des Wiener Beckens. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, 62, 123 - 192. [https: // opac. geologie. ac. at / ais 312 / dokumente / Annalen _ des _ NHMW _ 1958 _ 062 _ 123 _ 192. pdf]
FIGURE 1. A. Map of central and south–eastern Europe, representing the area that was partly covered by the Central Paratethys Sea (for detailed maps with the localities mentioned in the text see Kroh (2005) and Nosowska (2020). The white insert corresponds to the area that is restored in the palaeogeographic map below. B. Palaeogeography of the Middle Miocene Paratethys Sea (modified from Harzhauser & Landau 2017) showing the most important sedimentary basins (NAFB: North Alpine Foreland Basin, E–Sopr B: Eisenstadt–Sopron Basin).
FIGURE 2. Measurements for shell morphology and whorl profiles. SL: shell length, MD: maximum diameter, AA: apical angle, LWH: last whorl height, AH: aperture height. AL: aperture length. AW: aperture width. S: length of siphonal canal.
FIGURE 15. A1–A2. Cancilla wagreichi nov. sp., holotype, NHMW 2020/0130/0001, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). B1–B2. Cancilla sismondai (Michelotti, 1847), NHMW 1865/0001/0171, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). C1–C2. Cancilla nanostriatula nov. sp., NHMW 2020/0136/0002, paratype, Bad Vöslau (Austria). D1–D2. Cancilla nanostriatula nov. sp., NHMW 1846/0037/0100, holotype, Baden (Austria). E1–E2. Cancilla nanostriatula nov. sp., NHMW 1863/0015/0622a, paratype, Niederleis (Austria). F1–F2. Cancilla nanostriatula nov. sp., paratype, Baden (Austria). G1–G2. Cancilla suballigata (Bellardi, 1887), NHMW 1847/0037/0044b, Vienna/Pötzleinsdorf. H1–H2. Cancilla suballigata (Bellardi, 1887), NHMW 2020/0137/0001, Bad Vöslau (Austria). I1–I2. Cancilla suballigata (Bellardi, 1887), NHMW 2020/0134/0001, Forchtenau (Austria).
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Museum Donaueschingen |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
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SuperFamily |
Mitroidea |
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SubFamily |
Imbricariinae |
Genus |
Cancilla suballigata (Bellardi, 1887)
Harzhauser, Mathias & Landau, Bernard 2021 |
Cancilla suballigata (Bellardi, 1887)
Landau, B. M. & Harzhauser, M. & Yslamodlu, Y. & Marques da Silva, C. 2013: 212 |
Cancilla suballigata (Bellardi, 1887)
Davoli, F. 2000: 191 |
Cancilla suballigata (Bellardi, 1887)
Cernohorsky, W. O. 1991: 37 |
Mitra suballigata
Ferrero Mortara, E. & Montefameglio, L. & Pavia, G. & Tampieri, R. 1981: 159 |
Mitra praecedens
Ferrero Mortara, E. & Montefameglio, L. & Pavia, G. & Tampieri, R. 1981: 160 |
Mitra (Tiara) striatula (Brocchi) 1814
Bohn-Havas, M. 1973: 1117 |
Mitra suballigata var. transversesulcata
Sacco, F. 1904: 82 |
Mitra alligata
Mayer-Eymar, K. 1898: 83 |
Mitra suballigata Bell.
Bellardi, L. 1887: 71 |
Mitra praecedens Bell.
Bellardi, L. 1887: 75 |
Mitra (Nebularia) striatula
Hoernes, R. & Auinger, M. 1880: 80 |
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