Cancilla exornata (Bellardi, 1887)

Harzhauser, Mathias & Landau, Bernard, 2021, The Mitridae (Gastropoda: Neogastropoda) of the Miocene Paratethys Sea, Zootaxa 4983 (3), pp. 1-72 : 53

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Plazi (2021-06-10 00:51:57, last updated 2024-11-24 21:02:59)

scientific name

Cancilla exornata (Bellardi, 1887)


Cancilla exornata (Bellardi, 1887) View in CoL

Figs 14A View FIGURE 14 1 –A View FIGURE 1 2 View FIGURE 2 , B 1 –B View FIGURE 1 2 View FIGURE 2 , C 1 –C View FIGURE 1 2 View FIGURE 2 , D

Mitra scrobiculata Brocc. — Hörnes 1852b: 100, pl. 10, fig. 16 [non Brocchi, 1814].

* Mitra exornata Bell. View in CoL — Bellardi, 1887b: 4, pl. 2, fig. 8, pl. 5, fig. 10.

Mitra (Tiara) colligens Bellardi 1887 —Kojumdgieva in Kojumdgieva & Strachimirov 1960: 158, pl. 42, fig. 4 [non Bellardi, 1887].

Mitra (Nebularia) scrobiculata Brocchi, 1814 — Strausz 1966: 365, pl. 26, fig. 8 [non Brocchi, 1814].

Mitra exornata Bellardi 1887 View in CoL —Ferrero-Mortara et al. 1981: 162, pl. 50, figs 4a–b.

Cancilla exornata (Bellardi, 1887) View in CoL — Davoli 2000: 186, pl. 4, figs 1–2, 9–10.

Type material. Syntype ( BS.019.01.183) illustrated in Ferrero Mortara et al. (1981, pl. 50, figs 4a–b), late Miocene ( Tortonian ), San Agata ( Italy), stored in the Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Torino .

Additional material. NHMW 2020 View Materials /0111/0001, SL: 36.5 mm , MD: 9.5 mm, Baden ( Austria) , figs 14B 1 –B 2; NHMW 2020 View Materials /0111/0002, SL: 50.5 mm , MD: 10.9 mm, Baden ( Austria) , fig. 14D; NHMW 2020 View Materials /0111/0003, SL: 45.8 mm , MD: 10.4 mm, Baden ( Austria) , illustrated in Hörnes (1852b, pl. 10, fig. 16), figs 14A 1 –A 2; NHMW 2020 View Materials /0111/0004, SL: 36.9 mm , MD: 10.0 mm, Baden ( Austria) , figs 14C 1 –C 2; NHMW 2020 View Materials /0111/0005, 12 specimens, Baden ( Austria) .

Revised description (based on Paratethyan material). Shell moderately large, slender fusiform with distinctly incised suture. Protoconch unknown. Teleoconch of eight whorls. Early teleoconch whorls weakly convex with periphery at abapical suture; later whorls nearly straight sided. Spiral sculpture on early teleoconch whorls of six to seven densely spaced, convex cords separated by narrow spiral grooves. Number of spiral cords on subsequent spire whorls about seven or eight; abapically spiral cords narrowing with convex tops, rarely crest-like; spiral grooves widening, often slightly wider than cords. Spiral grooves filled with densely spaced axial riblets. Secondary spiral threads may be intercalated in wide spiral grooves, resulting in delicate, cancellate pattern. Last whorl elongate, slowly contracting with slight basal concavity, with about 18 to 20 spiral cords. Aperture narrow, posteriorly angulated. Columellar callus thin, glossy, sharply delimited, forming small denticle-like swellings where thin callus covers spiral cords on base. Columella with four oblique columellar folds, placed relatively deeply inside aperture, weakening rapidly abapically. Outer lip thin. Siphonal canal long, narrow, straight with deep siphonal notch. No colour pattern in UV light.

Shell measurements and ratios. SL = 36.5–45.8 mm, MD: 9.5–10.9 mm, AA = 24–28°, SL/ MD: 3.8–4.6, AL/AW: 6.0–7.5, AH/S: 1.8–2.1.

Discussion. Cancilla exornata is reminiscent of Cancilla praescrobiculata , but differs in its smaller size and the narrow, convex (not flattish) spiral cords and wide spiral grooves with prominent axial riblets forming a secondary cancellate sculpture. Cancilla elegantissima (Bellardi, 1887) differs from C. exornata in its less elongate shell and higher number of spiral cords, forming a rather regular cancellate pattern with the axial riblets. The holotype of C. elegantissima (illustrated by Ferrero-Mortara et al., 1981, pl. 50, figs 3a–b) derives from the upper Miocene of Stazzano ( Italy) where it co-occurs with C. exornata . It is possible that the two taxa are extreme morphotypes of a single species (see also Davoli 2000: 187). Note that Mitra elegantissima was already used by Röding (1798: 137) for an extant species as nomen nudum. Therefore, Mitra elegantissima Bellardi, 1887 is an available name.

Palaeoenvironment. The specimens from the Vienna Basin were collected from basinal clays of the Baden Formation, indicating middle to outer neritic environments with up to 250 m water depth ( Hohenegger et al. 2008).

Distribution in Central Paratethys. Badenian (middle Miocene): Vienna Basin: Baden, ( Austria) (Hörnes 1852); Pannonian Basin: Szob ( Hungary) ( Strausz 1966); Dacian Basin: Lipen (Kojumdgieva in Kojumdgieva & Strachimirov 1960).

Proto-Mediterranean Sea. Tortonian (late Miocene): Po Basin: Montegibbio, Stazzano, San Agata ( Italy) ( Davoli 2000).

Bellardi, L. (1887 b) I molluschi dei terreni terziarii del Piemonte e della Liguria. Parte 5; Mitridae (continuazione). Ermanno Loescher, Torino, 85 pp. [https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / item / 45379 # page / 113 / mode / 1 up]

Brocchi, G. (1814) Conchiologia fossile subapennina, con osservazioni geologiche sugli Apennini e sul suolo adiacente. Stamperia Reale, Milano, 2 + 712 pp. [https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / item / 43873 # page / 9 / mode / 1 up] https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 11569

Davoli, F. (2000) I gasteropodi mitriformi del Tortoniano di Montegibbio (Subappennino modenese). Bolletino della Societa Paleontologica Italiana, 39 / 2, 165 - 215.

Ferrero Mortara, E., Montefameglio, L., Pavia, G. & Tampieri, R. (1981) Catalogo dei tipi e degli esemplari figurati della collezione Bellardi e Sacco. Parte I. Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Catalogo, 6, 1 - 327. [https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / item / 269998 # page / 5 / mode / 1 up]

Hohenegger, J., Andersen, N., Baldi, K., Coric, S., Pervesler, P., Rupp, C. & Wagreich, M. (2008) Palaeoenvironment of the Early Badenian Middle Miocene in the southern Vienna Basin Austria - multivariate analysis of the Baden-Sooss section. Geologica Carpathica, 59, 461 - 487. [http: // www. geologicacarpathica. com / browse-journal / volumes / 59 - 5 / article- 458 /]

Hornes, M. (1852 b) Die fossilen Mollusken des Tertiar-Beckens von Wien. Abhandlungen der K. K. Geologischen Reichsanstalt, 3, pp. 43 - 208, pls. VI - XX (1852). [https: // opac. geologie. ac. at / ais 312 / dokumente / Abh- 3 - GRA-gesamt. pdf]

Kojumdgieva, E. M. & Strachimirov, B. (1960) Les fossiles de Bulgarie. VII. Tortonien. Academie des Sciences de Bulgarie, Sofia, 317 pp.

Roding, P. F. (1798) Museum Boltenianum sive Catalogus cimeliorum e tribus regnis naturae quae olim collegerat Joa. Fried Bolten, M. D. p. d. per XL. annos proto physicus Hamburgensis. Pars secunda continens Conchylia sive Testacea univalvia, bivalvia & multivalvia. Trapp, Hamburg, viii + 199 pp. [https: // gdz. sub. uni-goettingen. de / id / PPN 578291126]

Strausz, L. (1966) Die Miozan-Mediterranen Gastropoden Ungarns. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 693 pp.

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FIGURE 1. A. Map of central and south–eastern Europe, representing the area that was partly covered by the Central Paratethys Sea (for detailed maps with the localities mentioned in the text see Kroh (2005) and Nosowska (2020). The white insert corresponds to the area that is restored in the palaeogeographic map below. B. Palaeogeography of the Middle Miocene Paratethys Sea (modified from Harzhauser & Landau 2017) showing the most important sedimentary basins (NAFB: North Alpine Foreland Basin, E–Sopr B: Eisenstadt–Sopron Basin).

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FIGURE 2. Measurements for shell morphology and whorl profiles. SL: shell length, MD: maximum diameter, AA: apical angle, LWH: last whorl height, AH: aperture height. AL: aperture length. AW: aperture width. S: length of siphonal canal.

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FIGURE 14. A1–A2. Cancilla exornata (Bellardi, 1887), Baden (Austria), NHMW 2020/0111/0003. B1–B2. Cancilla exornata (Bellardi, 1887), Baden (Austria), NHMW 2020/0111/0001. C1–C2. Cancilla exornata (Bellardi, 1887), Baden (Austria), NHMW 2020/0111/0004. D. Cancilla exornata (Bellardi, 1887), Baden (Austria), NHMW 2020/0111/0002. E1–E2. Cancilla planicostata (Bellardi, 1887), Coşteiu de Sus(Romania), NHMW 2020/0112/0002.F1–F2. Cancilla planicostata (Bellardi, 1887), Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania), NHMW 1854/0035/0092. G1–G2. Cancilla planicostata (Bellardi, 1887), Coşteiu de Sus (Roma- nia), NHMW 2020/0112/0001. H. Cancilla planicostata (Bellardi, 1887), Coşteiu de Sus (Romania), NHMW 2020/0112/0003. I1–I2. Cancilla praescrobiculata (Toldo, 1889), lectotype of Mitra orientalis Oppenheim, 1918 [non Griffith & Pidgeon, 1834], Baden (Austria), NHMW 1846/0037/0098. J1–J2. Cancilla praescrobiculata (Toldo, 1889), Baden-Sooss (Austria), NHMW 2020/0114/0001. K1–K. Cancilla praescrobiculata (Toldo, 1889), Baden-Sooss (Austria), NHMW 2020/0114/0002. L. Cancilla praescrobiculata (Toldo, 1889), Baden-Sooss (Austria), NHMW 2020/0114/0003.


Museum Donaueschingen


Departamento de Biologia de la Universidad del Valle















