Cataglyphis bombycinus (Roger)

Agosti, Donat, 1990, Review and reclassification of Cataglyphis (Hymenoptera, Formicidae), Journal of Natural History 24, pp. 1457-1505 : 1484

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Donat (2015-02-10 18:50:43, last updated 2024-11-26 10:34:17)

scientific name

Cataglyphis bombycinus (Roger)

Syn. nov.

Cataglyphis bombycinus (Roger) View in CoL View at ENA

Formica bombycina Roger, 1859: 232 . Syntypes workers, females, males, Egypt, Lybia, Sudan (Red Sea, Nubia, legs. Schaum, Ehrenberg, Sichel). [Later changes: Cataglyphis bombycina, Mayr, 1862: 701 ; Myrmecocystus bombycinus, Emery, 1891: 17 ; Cataglyphis bombycina, Wheeler and Mann, 1916: 173 ; Cataglyphis (Machaeromyrma) bombycina, Forel, 1916: 441 ; Cataglyphis bombycina, Menozzi, 1927a: 381 ; Cataglyphis (Machaeromyrma) bombycina, Santschi, 1929a: 30 ; Cataglyphis bombycina, Menozzi, 1932: 95 .] (Description of male genitalia: Karavaiev, 1912a: 18.)

Camponotus phaenogaster Walker, 1871: 10. Syntypes workers, Egypt [no types to be found in the Walker collection, BMNH], Syn. nov.

Emery, C., 1891, Revision critique des fourmis de la Tunisie, in Exploration Scientifique de la Tunisie, Zoologie-Hymenopteres, pp. 1 - 21.

Forel, A., 1916, Fourmis du Congo et d'autres provenances recoltees par MM. Hermann Kohl, Luja, Mayne, etc., Revue Suisse Zoologique, 24, 397 - 460.

Karavaiev, V., 1912 a, Ameisen aus Tunesien und Algerien, nebst einigen unterwegs in Italien gesammelten Arten, Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 12 (1), 1 - 22.

Mayr, G. L., 1862, Myrmecologische Studien, Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 12, 649 - 776.

Menozzi, C., 1927 a, Risultati zoologici della missione inviata dalla R. Societa Geografica Italiana per l'esplorazione dell'oasi de Giarabub, Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, 52, 379 - 382.

Menozzi, C., 1932, Missione scientifica del Prof. E. Zavattari nel Fezzan, Bollettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana, 64, 93 - 95.

Roger, J., 1859, Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Ameisenfauna der Mittelmeerlander. Erstes Stueck, Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift, 3, 225 - 259.

Santschi, F., 1929 a, Etudes sur les Cataglyphis, Revue Suisse Zoologique, 36, 25 - 70.

Walker, F 1871, A list of Hymenoptera collected by J. K. Lord ... in Egypt in the neighbourhood of the Red Sea, and in Arabia. With descriptions of the new species, pp. iv + 59.

Wheeler, W. M. and Mann, W. M., 1916, The ants of the Phillips expedition to Palestine during 1914, Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard College, 60 (5), 167 - 174.











