Hylaeus (Hylaeus) hungaricus ( Alfken, 1905 )

Dathe, Holger H. & Proshchalykin, Maxim Yu., 2016, The genus Hylaeus Fabricius in Mongolia, an updated species inventory (Hymenoptera: Apoidea, Colletidae), Zootaxa 4121 (4), pp. 351-382 : 361

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Plazi (2016-06-10 06:14:24, last updated 2016-06-12 15:57:27)

scientific name

Hylaeus (Hylaeus) hungaricus ( Alfken, 1905 )


Hylaeus (Hylaeus) hungaricus ( Alfken, 1905)

Hylaeus affinis Morawitz, 1876: 273 , ♀, Ƌ (lectotype—Ƌ, designated by Warncke 1981: 148, “Osch”, Tadzhikistan, ZMMU) (nom. praeocc., nec Smith 1853).

Prosopis morawitzi Dalla Torre, 1896: 27 (nom. praeocc., nec Radoszkowski, 1893), nom. nov. for Hylaeus affinis Morawitz, 1876 .

Prosopis hungarica Alfken, 1905: 94 , nom. nov. for Hylaeus affinis Morawitz, 1876 .

Hylaeus hungaricus: Dathe 1986 a: 291 .

Material examined. Mongolia. Khovd Aimag: 1 ♀, 1 ♂, 25 km N Bulgan, Ulyastain-Gol, 31.VII. 1970, MK ( ZISP); 4 ♂, 25 km N Uench, Uench River, 1700 m, 15.VI. 2012, AT ( IBSS); Zavkhan Aimag: 1 ♀, 3 ♂, Khangai Ridge, 1877, Potanin; Govi-Altai Aimag: 1 ♀, 60 km SE Bugat, Khaichi-Bulak stream, 19.VII. 1970, MK ( ZISP); 1 ♀, 10 km N Shara-Khulsny-Bulak stream, 3.IX. 1970, IK ( ZISP); 2 ♂, 17 km S Dzhargalan, Khasagt-Khairkhan Ridge, 1600–2100 m, 6.VI. 2012, AT ( IBSS); 1 ♀, Altayn, Orgon, 11.VII. 2005, JH ( OLBL); 5 ♀, 3 ♂, Gichgeniin- Nuruu Mts., 12.VII. 2005, JH ( OLBL); Bayan-Khongor Aimag: 1 ♀, Talyn-Bilgekh-Bulak, 13 km E Tsagan- Bogdo-Ula, 16.VIII. 1969, MK ( ZISP); 2 ♀, 2 ♂, 180 km S Shine-Dzhinst, Tsagan-Bogdo-Ula, 28.VI. 1985, AG ( ZISP); 1 ♀, 86 km NW Bayankhongor, 2070 m, 14.VII. 2004, JH ( OLBL); Tuv Aimag: 1 ♀, Ulaanbaatar, Zuunmod env., 1630 m, 27.VII. 2004, MKA ( OLBL); Sukhbaatar Aimag: Dzotol Khan-Ula, 20.VII. 1976, IK ( ZISP).

Distribution in Mongolia. Uvs Aimag, *Khovd Aimag, *Zavkhan Aimag, *Govi-Altai Aimag, Bayan- Khongor Aimag, Tuv Aimag, *Sukhbaatar Aimag ( Fig. 3 d).

General distribution. Mongolia, Central Asia.

Alfken, J. D. (1905) Neue und wenig bekannte Prosopis - Arten. Zeitschrift fur Systematische Hymenopterologie und Dipterologie, 5, 91 - 95.

Dalla Torre, C. G. de (1896) Catalogus Hymenopterorum, hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus. Vol. X: Apidae (Anthophila). Lipsiae, 643 pp.

Dathe, H. H. (1986 a) Die Bienengattung Hylaeus Fabricius in der Mongolei (Hymenoptera, Colletidae). Annales historiconaturales Musei nationalis Hungarici, 78, 265 - 300.

Morawitz, F. (1876) Pchely (Mellifera) [Bees (Mellifera)]. In: A travel to Turkestan by the member-founder of the society A. P. Fedtschenko accomplished from the Imperial society of naturalists, anthropologists, and etnographists on a commission from the general-governor of Turkestan K. P. von Kaufmann. Issue 13. Vol. II. Zoogeographical Investigations. Pt V. (Division 7). St. Petersburg, Moscow, 161 - 303 + 3 pl. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Amateurs of Natural History Sciences, Anthropology and Ethnography, 21 (3). [In Russian]

Radoszkowski, O. (1893) Faune hymenopterologique transcaspienne. (Suite et Fin). Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae, 27 (1 / 2), 38 - 81.

Smith, F. (1853) Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum, Part 1. British Museum, London. 199 pp., 6 pls.

Warncke, K. (1981) Beitrag zur Bienenfauna des Iran 12. Die Gattung Prosopis F., mit Bemerkungen zu weiteren bekannten und unbekannten palaarktischen Arten. Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Venezia, 31 [1980], 145 - 195.


Zoological Museum, Moscow Lomonosov State University


Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences











