Campiglossa shensiana ( Chen, 1938 )

Han, Ho-Yeon, 2019, Ten species of the subfamily Tephritinae (Insecta: Diptera: Tephritidae) newly recorded in Korea, Journal of Species Research 8 (3), pp. 294-312 : 303-304

publication ID 10.12651/JSR.2019.8.3.294

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Campiglossa shensiana ( Chen, 1938 )


6. Campiglossa shensiana ( Chen, 1938) View in CoL

üqệŭẖṻƞ (ṵḍ) ( Fig. 5A- H View Fig )

Paroxyna shensiana Chen, 1938: 139 View in CoL (type locality - China, Shaanxi, Tsin-ling ; holotype $, IZAS).

Campiglossa shensiana View in CoL : Wang, 1998: 254, 270 (in East Asian Campiglossa View in CoL key; diagnosis and distribution); Norrbom et al., 1999: 113 (in world catalog); Korneyev and Ovchinnikova, 2004: 553 (in Russian Far East key).

Diagnosis. This is a highly variable species with distinctly sexually dimorphic wing patterns. Unless I had host associated specimens, conspecifity of male and female specimens could have been very difficult to recognize. They can be distinguished from other Korean Campiglossa species by the combination of the following characteristics: 1) wing with more or less rectangular dark grey to black antero-medial marking ( Fig. 5 View Fig C- a, 5G-b) consisting of pterostigma (completely dark in male but with small round hyaline spot in female) plus dark portion of cells r 1 and r 2 + 3 just posterior to it; 2) anterior orbital seta always dark, but posterior seta either dark or white; 3) male wing with dark antero-subapical marking ( Fig. 5 View Fig C-b) well defined (apex of cell r 1 plus similar sized dark area posterior to it surrounded by hyaline spots; in female this spot not well defined as such); 4) cell br with 3-4 round hyaline spots with basal most one often missing or tiny; 5) cell r 4 + 5 with 5-9 hyaline spots (male tends to have more) including apical one; 6) apical 1/3 of cell cu 2 completely grey in male ( Fig. 5 View Fig Cc) but with single hyaline spot in female ( Fig. 5 View Fig G-a); and 7) legs predominantly yellowish brown. Campiglossa shensiana female has somewhat similar wing pattern as both sexes of C. messalina , but the latter species can be easily separated by the 1-3 (mostly 3) clear hyaline spots on cell r 1 area just posterior to pterostigma while the same area is completely dark in the former ( Fig. 5 View Fig Gb). Korneyev and Ovchinnikova (2004) suggested a possible synonymy of C. shensiana and C. messalina , prob- ably because of this superficial similarity.

Description of Korean material. Wing length 3.0- 3.5 mm; most setae on head and thorax strong, dark brown, but most setulae white. Head yellowish brown with moderate sized geniculate mouthparts; genal seta strong, white; anterior orbital seta always dark, but posterior seta either dark ( Fig. 5C, D, G, H View Fig ) or white ( Fig. 5E, F View Fig ); ocellar seta dark brown, distinctly longer than anterior orbital seta. Thorax looks brownish grey due to yellowish brown ground color with heavy grey pruinosity; bases of acrostichal, basal scutellar setae with dark brown spots; scutum often with 5 (mid, sublateral, lateral) narrow dark grey longitudinal stripes; both notopleural setae dark brown; upper anepisternal seta strong, dark brown but lower anepisternal seta white, about half as long as upper one; katepisternal seta strong, dark brown; anepimeral seta thick and strong, white; scutellum with apical setae crossed, about 2/3 as long as basal seta. Legs yellowish brown with fore femur with 6-7 brown postero-ventral setae; mid coxal seta strong, pale brown; fore femur often with grey tinge postero-basally. Male wing dark grey to grey with numerous round hyaline spots in variable sizes; cell c hyaline with dark spot in middle; pterostigma completely dark grey; cell r 1 posterior to cell c hyaline with dark spot in middle, posterior to pterostigma completely dark grey, apical to pterostigma with 3 large hyaline spots; cell r 2 + 3 basally with short hyaline area, posterior to pterostigma completely dark grey, 4-5 hyaline spots posterior to 3 large hyaline spots of r 1; cell br with 3-4 round hyaline spots with basal most one often missing or tiny; cell r 4 + 5 with 7-9 hyaline spots including apical one; cell m with 3-4 hyaline spots; apical 1/3 cell cu 2 completely grey. Female wing dark grey to grey with numerous round hyaline spots in variable sizes; cell c hyaline with dark spot in middle; pterostigma dark grey with round hyaline spot; cell r 1 posterior to cell c hyaline with dark spot in middle, posterior to pterostigma completely dark grey, apical to pterostigma with 3 large hyaline spots; cell r 2+ 3 basally with short hyaline area, posterior to pterostigma completely dark grey, with 2 hyaline spots posterior to 3 large hyaline spots of r 1; cell br with 3-4 round hyaline spots with basal most one often missing or tiny; cell r 4+ 5 with 5-7 hyaline spots including apical one; cell m with 3-4 round hyaline spots; apical 1/3 of cell cu 2 grey with single hyaline spot. Abdomen mostly greyish pale brown, with pair of large submedial dark brown spots on each of tergites 3-5; oviscape about as long as preceding 3 abdominal segments, shiny dark brown to brown.

Material examined. KOREA: Gangwon-do: Hoengseong-gun, Dunnae-myeon, Mt. Cheongtaesan, 20.VII. 2003, D.-S. Choi et al., 1$; Hongcheon-gun, Nae-myeon, Mt. Maenghyeonbong, col. 10.X.1999, em. 4-16.V.2000, ex Chrysanthemum boreale Makino , flower, H.-Y. Han et al., 5$; Hongcheon-gun, Nae-myeon, Woldungol, col. 10.X.2002, em. 6.V.2003, ex Chrysanthemum boreale Makino , flower, H.-Y. Han and K.-E. Ro, 2$; Jeongseon-gun, Mt. Mindungsan, from Yupyeong-ri to 1119 m peak, N37°16 ʹ 15 ʺ E128°46 ʹ 30 ʺ, col. 6.X.2001, em. 9.V.2002, ex Chrysanthemum makino Matsumura and Nakai , flower, H.-Y. Han et al., 3♂ 4$; ditto, em. 25.IV-6.V.2005, ex Chrysanthemum boreale Makino , flower, 9♂ 7$; ditto, col. 15.X.2004, em. 25.IV-6.V.2005, ex Chrysanthemum boreale Makino , flower, 15♂ 22$; ditto, 10.IX.2013, H.- S. Lee et al., 1$; Samcheok-si, Hajang-myeon, Mt. Jungbongsan, col. 8.X.2014, em. V.2015, ex Chrysanthemum boreale Makino , flower, S.-W. Suk and Y.-B. Lee, 1♂; Samcheok-si, Geunsan-dong, Mt. Geunsan, N37°24 ʹ 28 ʺ E129°8 ʹ 9 ʺ, 01.V.2015, Y.-B. Lee et al., 1$; Taebaek-si, Mungok-dong, col. 3.X.1997, em. 12.IV.1998, ex Chrysanthemum indicum L., flower, H.-Y. Han et al., 2♂; Wonju-si, Gwirae-myeon, Unnam-ri, col. 13.X.2001, em. 2-16.V.2002, ex Chrysanthemum boreale Makino , flow- er, D.-S. Choi et al., 3♂ 12$. All deposited in YSUW.

Distribution. Korea, China (Shaanxi).

Biology. This is one of the most common Campiglossa species frequently infesting the flower heads of Chrysanthemum boreale Makino in Korea (new record). I also reared flies of this species from Ch. indicum L. and Ch. makinoi Matsumura and Nakai (new records). All the reared specimens had emerged from overwintered flower heads in May after storing the fall collected host plants in a 4ºC refrigerator (between early December and early April).

Remarks. Wang (1998) mentioned that the head of the holotype female was missing, but the holotype wing photograph ( Wang, 1998 -XXXII: 311) unmistakably shows the female wing characteristics I recognized in the Kore- an specimens. In the present study, for the first time, I was able to recognize the sexually dimorphic male specimens (see Diagnosis) based both on host rearing as well as subsequent DNA barcoding analysis (unpublished personal data). The new Korean name of this species refers to its most common host plant ( Ch. boreale ).














Campiglossa shensiana ( Chen, 1938 )

Han, Ho-Yeon 2019

Campiglossa shensiana

Korneyev, V. A. & O. G. Ovchinnikova 2004: 553
Norrbom, A. L. & L. E. Carroll & F. C. Thompson & I. M. White & A. Freidberg 1999: 113
Wang, X. J. 1998: 254

Paroxyna shensiana

Chen, S. H. 1938: 139
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF