Eupholidoptera tahtalica ( Uvarov, 1949 )

Ünal, Mustafa & Gorochov, Andrei V., 2024, Tettigoniinae (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) from South-West of Turkey, with an incognito new species and comments on the genus Eupholidoptera, Zootaxa 5474 (1), pp. 21-34 : 29

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5474.1.2

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scientific name

Eupholidoptera tahtalica ( Uvarov, 1949 )


Eupholidoptera tahtalica ( Uvarov, 1949) View in CoL

(Figs. 11–15, 18a, b)

Material examined. Antalya Vilayet, Takhtali Dagh [Tahtalı Dağ], 2000 m, 17.8.1947, 1 male (holotype), 1 female (paratype) (leg. P. H. Davis) , Antalya, Kemer, Tahtalı Dağ , 1400 m, 9.7.1949, 1 female (leg. P. H. Davis) (topotype) ( NHM) ; Antalya, Tahtalı Dağ , 36.32.22 N, 30.25.13 E, 1828 m, 21.7.2017, 1 male, 1 female (topotypes) (leg. D. Şirin, A. Mol, M.S. Taylan) ( AİBÜEM) ; Antalya Prov., Finike Distr., bank of Akçay River near Arifköy Vill. , 36°30.788´N, 30°01.721´E, 700 m, 8.9.2011, 1 male ( ZIN) 1 female ( AİBÜEM) (leg. M. Ünal & A. Gorochov) GoogleMaps .

Remarks. In the original description ( Uvarov, 1949) and in Karabağ (1961) the date and altitude of type material were given as “ 17.7.1947, 1700 m ” respectively. But they, in the original labels of holo-and paratypes, are different as given above.

One female from “ Antalya, Gebiz, Bozburun Dag” in the NHM London, identified as this species by Karabağ (1961) and Salman (1983), belongs to another species, E. anatolica .

The shapes of male cerci, titillators, last tergite, female subgenital plate are very similar in the different generations from the same place, Tahtalı dağ (type locality) and in a different population, Arifköy. The variation limits are not very wide in the material examined.

The photograph of the female subgenital plate (paratype) of E. tahtalica is given in the Figure 15. Its apical part is seen from the postero-ventral view. If its electronic copy is enlarged it can be seen that inner margins of lateral lobes were cutten and seen straighter. It is actually more rounded as in Figure 18.


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum

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