Axina fortipes Pic, 1941

Opitz, Weston, 2020, Taxonomic revision of the Western Hemisphere checkered beetle genus Axina Kirby (Coleoptera: Cleridae: Clerinae), Insecta Mundi 2020 (793), pp. 1-70 : 38

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Felipe (2021-02-26 15:10:01, last updated 2024-11-26 01:30:12)

scientific name

Axina fortipes Pic, 1941


Axina fortipes Pic, 1941

Figures 48 View Figures 44–49 , 59, 72, 120.

Axina fortipes Pic, 1941: 10 . Holotype. Male. Type locality: Brésil (MRSN). Corporaal 1950: 98.

Diagnosis. The midelytral black fascia traverses the sutural margin in specimens of this species, which is not the case in superficially similar specimens of A. basalis .

Redescription. Size. Length 14.0 mm; width 3.3 mm. Form. As in Fig. 120 View Figures 118–121 . Color. Cranium, thorax, legs and abdomen castaneous; antenna testaceous; elytra bicolorous, mostly black, each elytron with three castaneous maculae, one in front of middle, one behind middle, and one at apex, only the apical macula reaches sutural margin. Head. Cranium finely punctate, frons about as wide as length of antennal pedicel; EW/FW 70/20. Thorax. Pronotum finely punctate, with 2 tumescences, concave at middle; PW/PL 155/190; elytra, asetiferous punctures substriate, punctures extend posteriorly slightly beyond elytral ½, width of interstitial spaces variable; EL/EW 590/110. Abdomen. Female pygidium narrows slightly to a blunt point; female visible abdominal sternite VI with transverse flap ( Fig. 59 View Figures 58–59 ); aedeagus ( Fig. 48 View Figures 44–49 ), phallobasic lobes very short, slightly diverged and curvate; phallic plates minutely serrate; phallobasic apodeme abbreviated.

Variation. Size. Length 10.0–14.0 mm; width 2.2–3.3 mm. In the holotype specimen the premedial castaneous macula reached the sutural margin.

Natural history. Specimens were collected in Bolivia during October, at 430 m.

Distribution (for map see Fig. 72 View Figure 72 ). In addition to a photograph of the holotype, I examined 20 specimens from: Bolivia: Departamento de Santa Cruz, near Potrerillos, 27-29-X- 2013, 430 m, Wappes & Kuckartz; 3.7 km SSE Buena Vista, Hotel Flora & fauna, 14-19-X- 2000, 430 m, M. C. Thomas. Brazil: Estado do Goías, Mineiro Goyaz. Specimens are deposited in: ACMT, FSCA, MNHN, and WOPC.

Notes. A photograph of the holotype was examined. The redescription is based on a non-type specimen.

Corporaal JB. 1950. Cleridae. In: Hinks WD (ed.). Coleopterorum catalogus supplementa, Pars 23 (editio secunda). W. Junk; Gravenhage, The Netherlands. 373 p.

Pic M. 1941. Coleopteres du Globe. L'Echange, Revue Linneenne 57 (485): 9 - 12.

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Figure 72. Distribution map for Axina species: A. analis, A. conspicua, A. equestris, A. ingnota, A. ordinis, A. trinalis, A. fortipes, A. furcula, A. megaspina, A. sexmaculata.

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Figures 44–49. Aedeagi. 44) Axina chiasta. 45) A. conspicua. 46) A. fasciata. 47) A. centrimaculata. 48) A. fortipes. 49) A. furcula.

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Figures 118–121. Habitus of Axina species. 118) Axina trinalis. 119) A. acutipennis. 120) A. fortipes. 121) A. furcula.

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Figures 58–59. Female genitalia. 58) Axina conspicua. 59) A. fortipes.











