Axina analis Kirby, 1818

Opitz, Weston, 2020, Taxonomic revision of the Western Hemisphere checkered beetle genus Axina Kirby (Coleoptera: Cleridae: Clerinae), Insecta Mundi 2020 (793), pp. 1-70 : 33-34

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Felipe (2021-02-26 15:10:01, last updated 2024-11-26 01:30:12)

scientific name

Axina analis Kirby, 1818


Axina analis Kirby, 1818

Figures 1–14 View Figures 1–2 View Figures 3–4 View Figures 5–6 View Figures 7–8 View Figures 9–10 View Figures 11–12 View Figures 13–14 , 72 View Figure 72 , 113 View Figures 110–113 .

Axina analis Kirby, 1818: 391 . Holotype. Female. Type locality: Brazilia, D. Hancock (BMNH). Corporaal 1950: 97. Ekis 1975: 19.

Diagnosis. In A. analis specimens the distal limits of the metatibia is testaceous, which is not the case in superficially similar specimens of A. pollex , in which the distal limits are dark.

Redescription. Size. Length 13.0 mm; width 3.6 mm. Form. As in Fig. 113 View Figures 110–113 . Color. Cranium, legs, and pterothorax castaneous; antenna testaceous; prothorax bicolorous, venter and pronotum sides black, pronotum middle disc castaneous; pterothorax black; elytra bicolorous, humeral angle and epipleural margin brown, disc with faintly visible marking at middle and transverse fascia before apex, asetiferous punctures brown; legs brown; abdomen bicolorous, basal visible sternites I–III black, visible sternites IV–VI flavotestaceous. Head. Cranium finely punctate, frons slightly wider than length of antennal pedicel; EW/FW 60/20 (1–6). Thorax. Pronotum finely punctate, with 2 tumescences, concave at middle; PW/PL 130/185; elytra, asetiferous punctures not striate, punctures extend to elytral apical 3/4, interstitial spaces very wide; EL/EW 570/155 (7–14). Abdomen. Female pygidium trilobed along distal margin; aedeagus, phallobasic lobes short and narrow, contiguous; phallic plates serrate subapically; phallobasic apodeme abbreviated.

Variation. Size. Length 9.0–14.0 mm; width 2.1–3.4 mm. The brown markings on the elytral disc vary in conspicuousness.

Natural history. Brazil specimens were collected throughout the year, some at 200 m. In Argentina they were captured during February.

Distribution (for map see Fig. 72 View Figure 72 ). In addition to the holotype, I examined 59 specimens from: Bolivia: Depatamento de Santa Cruz, Sara, collection date and collector not noted. Brazil: Estado do Mato Grosso, Corumba,?-V-?, collector not noted; Estado do Minas Gerais, Mar de Hespanha, 9-XII-1910, J. F. Zikán; Serra do Caraça, Santa Barbara,?- I-1970, F. M. Oliveira; Estado do Espírito Santo, Vila de Alegre, 3-XII-1910, J. Zikan; Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Angra dos Reis, 13-16-XI-1993, A. Bonaldo; Rio de Janeiro, collection date and collector not noted; Tijuca, collection date and collector not noted; Petrópolis, collection date not noted, F. Sahlberg; Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Barracão, Guarda–chuva ent., 8-V-2001, L. Moura & R. Ott; Porto Alegre, I. do Lino, 11-I-2000, I. Heydrich; Triumfo, Copesul, 14-II-2008, R. Moraes; El Dorado do Sul, Fazenda São Jose, 26-I-1999, A. Bonaldo; S. Leopoldo, 24-IV-1987, C. J. Becker; Campo Bom, 14-VII-1987, C. J. Becker; Viamao, 6-I-1977, A. Lise; Viamão, 17-I-1977, A. Lise. Estado do São Paulo, Fazenda Campininas, Mogi Guacu, 1-8-I-1970, J. M. & B. A. Campbell; Rio Claro,?- I-1947, collector not noted; Inst. Florestal, 19-I-1979, E. P. Teixeira; Tabaquara,?-I-?, B. Pohl; Marumby,?- II-1945, collector not noted; Estación Experimental Instituto Flor,?- X-1977, E. P. Teixeira; São Paulo, 5-I-1919; Parque Jabaquara,?- XII-1945, collector not noted; Estado do Paraná, Caviuna,?- II-1944, A. Maller; Estado do Santa Catarina, Imbituba, Praia do Rosa, 10-18-XI-2000, collector not legible; 10 km SW Santo Amaro de Esperatriz, 1-I- 1993, 200 m, beating Mata Atlantica (First growth), J. & E. Beierl; idem,?- XII- 1965, F. Plaumann; idem, 1-V-1954, F. Plaumann; idem, 11-II-1954, F. Plaumann;. idem, 14-I-1941, F. Plaumann; idem, I. de Santa Catarina, 31-XII-1992, beating Mata Atlantica (second growth), J. & E. Beierl. Argentina: Provincia de Salta, Los Laureles, 6-II-1982, H. & A. Howden. Specimens are deposited in: AMNH, BMNH, CASC, CMNH, CNCI, CUIC, FMNH, FSCA, JNRC, MCNZ, MNHN, OXUM, SDEI, USNM, WFBM, and WOPC

Corporaal JB. 1950. Cleridae. In: Hinks WD (ed.). Coleopterorum catalogus supplementa, Pars 23 (editio secunda). W. Junk; Gravenhage, The Netherlands. 373 p.

Ekis G (now Opitz W). 1975. Taxonomic and nomenclatural status of clerid taxa described by Massimiliano Spinola (1780 - 1857) (Coleoptera: Cleridae). Bolletino del Museo di Zoologia dell'Universita di Torino 1: 1 - 80.

Kirby W. 1818. A century of insects, including several new genera described from his cabinet. The Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 12 (2): 375 - 453.

Gallery Image

Figure 72. Distribution map for Axina species: A. analis, A. conspicua, A. equestris, A. ingnota, A. ordinis, A. trinalis, A. fortipes, A. furcula, A. megaspina, A. sexmaculata.

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Figures 1–2. Structure of Axina analis. 1) Mouthparts. 2) Gula.

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Figures 3–4. Structure of Axina analis. 3) Mandible. 4) Maxilla.

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Figures 5–6. Structure of Axina analis. 5) Labium. 6) Antenna.

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Figures 7–8. Structure of Axina analis. 7) Metendosternite. 8) Prothorax.

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Figures 9–10. Structure of Axina analis. 9) Pronotum. 10) Elytron.

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Figures 11–12. Structure of Axina analis. 11) Prothoracic leg. 12) Mesothoracic leg.

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Figures 13–14. Structure of Axina analis. 13) Metathoracic leg. 14) Unguis.

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Figures 110–113. Habitus of Axina species. 110) Axina vista. 111) A. nigrifrons. 112) A. ochra. 113) A. analis.











