Floridotarsonemus Attiah, 1970

MashkovK, Kirill A., KhaustovK, Alexander A. & GoncharovK, Anton A., 2023, First record of Floridotarsonemus from Russia (Acari: Heterostigmata: Tarsonemidae) with a new species description, Acarologia 63 (4), pp. 1211-1218 : 1212

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.24349/8rdx-1y0u

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scientific name

Floridotarsonemus Attiah, 1970


Genus Floridotarsonemus Attiah, 1970

Type species: Floridotarsonemus scaber Attiah, 1970 , by original designation

Diagnosis — To assign the new species to the genus Floridotarsonemus , we followed the diagnosis of Lindquist (1986). He proposed the following features of female: femurogenu and tibia of leg III immovably connected, thin-walled pump, enlarged pharynx occupying one-third of the gnathosomal capsule, setae sc 2 inserted on anterior half of prodorsal shield. As can be seen ( Fig. 1A View Figure 1 ), the description of the presented species does not comply with the latter feature because setae sc 2 are located in the middle of prodorsal shield. It should be noted that approaches to the system of allocation to the genus Floridotarsonemus have changed over time and at the moment there are diagnostic approaches available by Ochoa et al. (1991) and

Mondal and Karmakar (2021). The features of the new species fit to the diagnoses provided by above mentioned authors, with the exception of the narrow gnathosomal capsule. Despite some contradictions, we thus consider this species belongs to the genus Floridotarsonemus .

Differential diagnosis — The female of this new species differs from all species of

Floridotarsonemus in having an unusually narrow gnathosomal capsule about 1.5 times longer than its width. (vs. gnathosomal capsule with subequal length and width in other species). The new species is most similar to F. scaber in having seta pl″ in the distal position to solenidion

ω on tarsus II. The new species differs from F. scaber in having extended laterally apodeme 3,

shorter setae c 2 14–18 (vs. 22–24 in F. scaber ), shorter setae e 7–9 and h 5–6 (vs. setae e and h

11 in length in F. scaber ), and setae h more bluntly pointed than other dorsal setae (vs. tips of setae h not differ from other dorsal setae in F. scaber ).

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