Dolicheremaeus csuzdii, Mahunka & Mahunka-Papp, 2007

Mahunka, S. & Mahunka-Papp, L., 2007, Taxonomical And Faunistical Studies On Oribatids Collected In Kenya (Acari: Oribatida) I., Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 53 (1), pp. 51-74 : 59-62

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12585708


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scientific name

Dolicheremaeus csuzdii

sp. nov.

Dolicheremaeus csuzdii View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 14–20 View Figs 14–15 View Figs 16–20 )

Diagnosis – Rostrum widely rouded. Lamellae long, their apices reaching over the insertion of lamellar setae. Sensillus long, narrow, its head minute, hardly dilated. Two pairs of prodorsal and two pairs of notogastral dorsosejugal condyles present. Ten pairs of long notogastral setae observable, varying in length, some of them slightly flagellate. Epimeral setae normal, comparatively long. Surface of genital plates striate. Adanal setae long. Type of the ultimate setae of leg: L–L–L–L.

Material examined – Holotype: Kenya, Nairobi: 19.11.2004. Leg. CS. CSUZDI (Afr. 974).

Holotype (1692-HO-05): HNHM.

Measurements: Length of body: 734 µm, width of body: 379 µm.

Prodorsum: Rostral apex round, ornamented by some foveolae. The whole prodorsal surface nearly smooth, only some granulate fields observable along the basal part of the lamellae and a pustulate exobothridial part also visible. Lamellae very long and narrow, running parallel to each other( Fig. 14 View Figs 14–15 ). Their distal part narrowing anteriorly and their appices curved inwards ( Fig. 17 View Figs 16–20 ). Both pairs of prodorsal condyles distinct, median ones rouded and covered by small granules basally, lateral ones slightly angulate ( Fig. 19 View Figs 16–20 ). Rostral and lamellar setae simple, setiform, strongly ciliate or barbed. Interlamellar setae reaching to the insertion of lamellar setae. Exobothridial setae simple, short. Sensillus long, curved, with a slightly dilated lanceolate head ( Fig. 20 View Figs 16–20 ).

Notogaster: Surface ornamented by small, weak, hardly observable foveolae. Two pairs well developed condyles present, median pair rounded, lateral pair simple. Great differences in length among notogastral setae. Setae c 2 and p3 shortest of all, setae p1 shorter than p2. Some of the setae in the posterior half of the notogaster curved or partly flagellate. All setae slightly ciliate. Lyrifissure ips located between setae p3 and h3.

Lateral part of podosoma ( Fig. 16 View Figs 16–20 ): Tutorium weak, hardly observable. Lateral lamelliform expansion long, arching upwards, directed and reaching to the insertion of rostral setae. Pedotecta 1 narrow, pedotecta 2–3 rectangular in lateral view. Sejugal region pustulate.

Ventral parts ( Fig. 15 View Figs 14–15 ): The shape of the apodemes and epimeral borders typical for the genus, but the posterior border of this region (bo. 4) weak, hardly observable. Great differences exist among the epimeral setae, setae 1c, 3b, 3c and 4b conspicuously long, 1a, 2 a, 3a and 4a much shorter. Surface of the ventral plate nearly smooth, somewhere weakly foveolate, genital plate striated. Anterior pair of the genital setae shorter than the others ( Fig. 18 View Figs 16–20 ). Adanal setae located in pairs very far from each other, setae ad3 near to the lateral margin of the ventral plate, setae ad 1 in adanal position. Lyrifissures iad stand near to the anterior corner of anal opening. Aggenital, anal and adanal setae pilose.

Legs: Type of ultimate setae: L–L–L–L. Tarsi of all legs without teeth.

Remarks – The survey of the Ethiopean species of this genus was completed by WALLWORK (1961, 1962) and by BALOGH and BALOGH (2002). The new species belongs to a species group which may be characterised by the well developed, rounded median condyles ( and co.nm.), the thin, slightly lanceolate sensillus, the partly long and flagellate notogastral setae and the equal adanal setae. It stands nearest to Dolicheremaeus africanus ( WALLWORK, 1962) , however, it is distinguished from the latter by the ratio in the length of prodorsal and notogastral setae (e.g. r2 very short in africanus ), and by the striate genital plates (smooth in africanus ).

Etymology – We dedicate the new species to our friend and excellent earthworm specialist, Dr. CSABA CSUZDI (Budapest), for his continuous pedozoological field work and the organization of some successful projects.


Musee des Dinosaures d'Esperaza (Aude)


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)

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