Irepacma curva, Wang & Li, 2005

Wang, S. & Li, H., 2005, The Genus Irepacma (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae) From China, Checklist, Key To The Species, And Descriptions Of New Species, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 51 (2), pp. 125-133 : 128-130

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12586397

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scientific name

Irepacma curva

sp. nov.

Irepacma curva View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 1 View Figs 1–4 , 5 View Figs 5–8 , 9–10 View Figs 9–12 )

Holotype: male, Jiangkou (27.41°N, 108.50°E), Guizhou Province, alt. 1700 m, 29.VII.2001, leg. Houhun Li and Xinpu Wang. GoogleMaps

Paratype: 1 female, same data as holotype GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. This species is similar to Irepacma pingensis MORIUTI, SAITO et LEWVANICH, 1985 , but may be separated from it by the three distinct blackish spots on the fore wing; valva not obviously dilated distally, juxta somewhat rounded and aedeagus with apex slightly sinuate in the male genitalia; signum with basal plate relatively larger than that of the latter species in the female genitalia.

Description: Adult ( Fig. 1 View Figs 1–4 ). Wingspan 19.0–23.0 mm. Head grayish brown. Labial palpi whitish yellow, with dense grayish brown scales on outside surface except for distal end, apex pointed. Antennae with dorsal surface brown, ventral surface pale yellowish brown. Thorax and tegulae fuscous, sparsely with yellowish scales on posterior margin. Fore wings yellowish brown, with scattered ocherous yellow scales and dense dark brown scales at tornus and near apex; costal margin gently arched; termen oblique; apex rounded; blackish brown spot set respectively at middle and near end of cell as well as at middle of fold; cilia brown mixed with grayish yellow. Hind wings and cilia gray. Fore legs grayish black, with whitish yellow rings; mid legs grayish, tarsi deep gray, each segment yellowish white on end; hind legs whitish yellow, tarsi pale gray, each segment with yellowish white rings.

Male genitalia ( Fig. 5 View Figs 5–8 ). Uncus small, somewhat trapezoidal in shape. Gnathos circular, thin, with long hairs. Tegumen broad, trapezoid. Valvae elongate; costa gently arched inward, with naked edge; dorso-proximal process long and sclerotized, bent downward, with long hairs at base and short dense spines in distal 1/7, pointed; apex rounded. Sacculus longer than half length of valva, with distal 1/3 more or less lanceolate, setose, blunt at apex; ventral margin sclerotized, spinulate, distally abnormis sp. n. (holotype, slide no. W01248)

protruded and pointed dorsad. Saccus triangular, with pointed apex. Juxta large, somewhat oval in shape. Aedeagus stout, basal 1/3 much thinner than distal 2/3; apex sinuate.

Female genitalia ( Figs 9–10 View Figs 9–12 ). Papillae anales large, more or less square in shape, caudal margin rounded. Apophyses posteriores almost as long as papillae anales. Eighth sternite posteriorly with two sclerotized subtriangular plates. Antrum short, heavily sclerotized. Ductus bursae short, partially sclerotized. Corpus bursae small, elliptical. Signum large, irregularly triangular, dentate along one edge, spiniform distally.

Distribution: China (Guizhou).

Etymology: The specific name is derived from the Latin curvus (curved), to note the shape of dorso-proximal process of valvae in the male genitalia.













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