Amygdalops, ROHÁČEK J., 2008

ROHÁČEK J., 2008, Revision Of The Genus Amygdalops Lamb, 1914 (Diptera, Anthomyzidae) Of The Oriental, Australasian And Oceanian Regions, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 54 (4), pp. 325-400 : 349-351

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12584953

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scientific name


sp. n.

Amygdalops View in CoL sp. n. (a) near cuspidatus

( Figs 52–57 View Figs 52–57 , 165 View Figs 163–166 )

Material examined: TAIWAN: Taichung Hsien, No. 24, N 24°09’25.2’’, E 120°52’9.6’’, 585 m, over/along Ma-Chu-Ken river & in river valley, 6.iv.2003, 1 female, L. Papp & M. Földvári leg. ( HNHM, genit. prep.) .

Description – Male unknown. Female. Total body length 2.78 mm. Body colouring and chaetotaxy similar to those of A. nigrinotum . Head about as long as high, quadrangular in profile. Occiput dark brown, with small pale brown spots medially above foramen (? always). Frontal triangle shorter, reaching to half of frons. Frons darker than in related species, dark brown with paler brown anterior third (up to ptilinal suture). Orbit largely brown and shiny, darker posteriorly, paler 52, 56 = 0.05 mm, others = 0.1 mm

anteriorly, only small foremost part with orbital microsetulae yellowish. Face ochreous to pale brown. Mouthparts dorsally brown, palpus pale brown with darkened apex and proboscis orange-ochreous, lighter distally. Cephalic chaetotaxy: vti weak, slightly more than half length of vte; oc slightly longer than vti; 2 strong ors, anterior only slightly shorter than posterior; 1 vi (only somewhat longer than oc) and 1 subvibrissa, about two-thirds of vi, both weak; 8–9 peristomal setulae. Eye very convex, of rounded rhomboid shape (thus rather angular). Antenna also relatively dark, orange ochreous, with brownish darkened dorsal side of pedicel and anterior half of 1st flagellomere.

Thorax similar to that of A. nigrinotum but darker brown. Humeral and notopleural areas relatively dark, largely pale brown, only partly ochreous-yellow. Thoracic chaetotaxy: 1 prs, slightly longer than mesonotal microsetae; 2 dc, anterior short, weak but not reduced, about half length of posterior dc; 2 sc, laterobasal weak and shorter than anterior dc. Legs dark yellow, only coxae and trochanters pale to whitish yellow. Pedal chaetotaxy without peculiarities, f 3 uniformly setulose. Wing ( Fig. 165 View Figs 163–166 ) pattern most similar to that of A. cuspidatus , with rather large preapical brown spot confluent with broad darkened stripe along R 4+5. R 4+5 very slightly sinuate or bent apically; r-m situated near middle of dm cell. Wing measurements: length 3.10 mm; width 0.93 mm, Cs 3: Cs 4 = 2.04, r-m\dm-cu: dm-cu = 3.59. Haltere with paler brown stem and dark brown knob.

Abdomen with preabdominal terga entirely dark brown. Preabdominal sterna small, narrow, pale ochreous-brown, becoming wider posteriorly; S2 as long as broad, S3-S4 distinctly longer than broad; S5 largest but slightly longer than broad and markedly narrower and paler than S6 (see below).

Postabdomen ( Figs 53–54 View Figs 52–57 ) very dark (T6 distinctly darker than T5) relatively short and broad. T6 markedly wider than T7, transverse, dark brown, densely shortly setose. S6 transverse, as broad as T7, remarkably dark brown, only anteriorly with irregular paler brown area. T7 dark brown, anteromedially shallowly emarginate and its lateral sides extended on ventral side, embedding 7th spiracles but anterolateral corners not projecting. S7 larger than in A. cuspidatus , tapered anteriorly, dark brown except anteromedial narrow area surrounded by darkest parts of S7, this pattern most resembling that of A. bisinus . T8 dark brown (anterior margin paler) plate-shaped and similar to that of A. cuspidatus , but with more setae in posterior half. S8 dark brown, as wide as S7 and slightly narrower than T8. T10 small, brown, shortly triangular, finely microtomentose apart from medial pair of setae. S10 paler than S8, distinctly transverse and wider than T10, micropubescent in addition to marginal setulae. Internal sclerotization of genital chamber formed by coaslesced complex of brownish sclerites ( Figs 55, 57 View Figs 52–57 ) being anteriorly suddenly dilated laterally; annular sclerite very thin and manifold twisted; vaginal area finely spinulose. Ventral receptacle ( Fig. 56 View Figs 52–57 ) vesiculate, with a digitiform, relatively slender terminal projection; receptacular duct short, dilated distally. Spermathecae subspherical, both of almost same size ( Fig. 52 View Figs 52–57 ), with small blunt spines around duct insertion (less numerous than in A. cuspidatus ); duct cervix short but longer than in A. bisinus . Cerci ( Fig. 53 View Figs 52–57 ) rather robust, longer than in A. cuspidatus , shortly setose.

Discussion – This new but unnamed species (known from a single female) is closely allied and most similar (including wing pattern) to A. cuspidatus sp. n. but differs from it by its shorter frontal triangle, darker frons, pale brown palpus with darker apex, different female S6 and S7 and markedly shorter cervix of spermatheca.

Biology – The only available female was collected in a river valley, in IV.

Distribution – Taiwan.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)











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