Amygdalops geniculatus DE MEIJERE, 1916

ROHÁČEK J., 2008, Revision Of The Genus Amygdalops Lamb, 1914 (Diptera, Anthomyzidae) Of The Oriental, Australasian And Oceanian Regions, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 54 (4), pp. 325-400 : 372-374

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12584953

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scientific name

Amygdalops geniculatus DE MEIJERE, 1916


Amygdalops geniculatus DE MEIJERE, 1916 View in CoL

( Figs 117–123 View Figs 117–123 , 171 View Figs 171–174 )

Amygdalops geniculata DE MEIJERE, 1916: 207 View in CoL [description]; VOCKEROTH, 1977: 241 [catalogue]. Amygdalops geniculatus View in CoL : ROHÁČEK, 1998 b: 172 [world checklist].

Type material: Lectotype female, labelled: “E. Jacobson, Nongkodjadjar, JAVA Jan 1911 ” (printed), “ Amygdalops geniculata de Meijere, 1916 , ZMAN type DIPT.0043.2” (red label), “ LECTOTYPUS f, Amygdalops geniculatus de Meijere, 1916 , J. Roháček des. 2006” (red label) ( ZMAN, genit. prep., some legs missing, one wing and hind legs removed and preserved with genit. prep. in glycerine). Paralectotype female, labelled: “Batavia, VIII.07, Jacobson” (handwritten), “ Amygdalops geniculata , det. de Meijere., type” (partly handwritten, on black framed label), “ Amygdalops geniculata de Meijere, 1916 , ZMAN type DIPT.0043.1” (red label) and “ PARA- LECTOTYPUS f, Amygdalops geniculatus de Meijere, 1916 , J. Roháček des. 2006” (yellow label) ( ZMAN, genit. prep.).

Note: A third female specimen from Java in ZMAN, identified as A. geniculata by DE MEIJERE, but obviously not a member of the type series (because it is not mentioned in the original description and was probably identified and added subsequently), belongs to A. nigrinotum and was designated as a paratype of the latter species by SUEYOSHI and ROHÁČEK (2003) – see also under A. nigrinotum .

Description – Male unknown. Female. Total body length 2.14–2.70 mm. Similar to A. nigrinotum but larger and darker. Head about as high as long. Occiput dark brown, sometimes paler brown around bases of vte. Orbit with anterior third yellow and microtomentose (besides shiny spots around bases of ors), rest brown and shining. Face yellow with ochreous medial and marginal stripes. Mouthparts dorsally (including palpus) brown, strikingly contrasting with orange-yellow proboscis. Cephalic chaetotaxy: vti about two-thirds of length of vte; anterior ors distinctly shorter than posterior, only as long as oc but thicker; 5 peristomal setulae. Eye with longest diameter 1.4 times as long as shortest one. Genal smallest height 0.05–0.06 times as long as shortest eye diameter. Antenna dark yellow to orange, partly darkened on pedicel and around base of arista.

Thorax as in A. nigrinotum but darker brown. Thoracic chaetotaxy: hu and npl setae relatively long; anterior dc reduced, slightly longer and thicker than dc microsetae; ac microsetae in 4 to 6 (in lectotype) rows on suture, in 2–4 rows between posterior dc; laterobasal sc small but markedly longer than anterior dc. Legs bicolourous, yellow to pale yellow, but all femora brown to dark brown (paler in f 1) in distal third to two-fifths (except for knees, see Fig. 123 View Figs 117–123 ) and also t 2 and t 3 proximally somewhat darkened (ochreous-brown). f 1 with rather long setae in posteroventral row; f 3 uniformly finely setulose. Wing ( Fig. 171 View Figs 171–174 ) with pattern and venation of A. thomasseti type, thus with preapical brown spot, darkened also between R 4+5 and M, and with pale area between C and R 4+5. R 4+5 very slightly sinuate apically, M amost straight; r-m situated in front of middle of discal (dm) cell; terminal section of CuA 1 relatively long, 2.5 times as long as dm-cu. Wing measurements: length 2.00– 2.68 mm; width 0.71–0.85 mm, Cs 3: Cs 4 = 1.89–1.94, r-m\dm-cu: dm-cu = 3.06–3.36. Haltere with ochreous to pale brown stem and dark brown knob.

Abdomen. Preabdominal terga uniformly dark brown coloured and shortly setose. Preabdominal sterna small and very narrow, distinctly brown (but paler than terga), all longer than broad (S4 most markedly) and becoming somewhat wider posteriorly, S5 the widest but still slightly longer than broad and narrower than S6.

117, 119 = 0.05 mm, Figs 121–122 View Figs 117–123 = 0.1 mm, others = 0.2 mm

Postabdomen ( Figs 118, 120 View Figs 117–123 ). T6 large, broader than T7, densely shortly setose in posterior three-fourths, largely brown, only posterior marginal stripe yellow and small anterolateral spots paler brown. S6 pale brown with posterior unpigmented marginal area, hardly narrower than T7. T7 dark brown, posteriorly with paler marginal stripe, anteriorly shallowly emarginate, on ventral side embedding spiracles and with small marginal emargination near them. S7 relatively small, markedly shorter than T7, brown except for pale posterior marginal area, with lighter anterior third provided medially with a pair of blackish convergent stripes (small area between them pale-pigmented) and with darker middle part finely setose and distinctly microtomentose. T8 brown, plate-shaped, with small anteromedial unpigmented subtriangular area ( Fig. 118 View Figs 117–123 ). S8 dark (particularly posteriorly), small, only as wide as S7, shortly setulose, with only posterolateral seta longer. T10 small and short, dark and bare laterally, pale-pigmented and microtomentose medially, with a pair of longer setae in central part. S10 pale brown, distinctly larger than T10, micropubescent except for anterior marginal area (see also Fig. 121 View Figs 117–123 ). Internal sclerotization of genital chamber formed by 2 pairs of coalesced sclerites (medial pair narrow, lateral pair broad, wider anteriorly) and of twisted and thin annular sclerite (secondarily prolonged due to condition of postabdomen in the lectotype – see Figs 121–122 View Figs 117–123 ); vaginal part densely spinulose ( Fig. 122 View Figs 117–123 ). Ventral receptacle ( Fig. 119 View Figs 117–123 ) simple, membranous, smooth, proximally broader, distally gradually tapered and curved ventrally to form digitiform projection. Spermathecae distinctly pyriform ( Fig. 117 View Figs 117–123 ), narrowed at duct insertion, with dense curved but blunt spines inserted on narrowed part of spermatheca; duct cervix weakly developed and pale-pigmented. Cerci ( Fig. 118 View Figs 117–123 ) moderately long but rather robust, with a number of short setae and apical seta reduced to a small spine ( Fig. 121 View Figs 117–123 ).

Discussion – A. geniculatus DE MEIJERE belongs together with its closest relative A. sp. n. (c) to the A. nigrinotum subgroup. With its sister-species it shares not only a brown distal annulus on the femora (this colouring is otherwise also known in A. bisinus sp. n.) but the chiefly similarly formed and pigmented female S7 and the cerci with a short apical spine. Unfortunately, males of both these species remain unknown, so that their affinities to other relatives cannot be tested more rigourously. The differences between A. geniculatus and A. sp. n. (c) are given in the description and discussion of the latter species below.

Biology – The two type females were captured in I and VIII.

Distribution – Only known from type specimens from Indonesia (Java).


Instituut voor Taxonomische Zoologie, Zoologisch Museum














Amygdalops geniculatus DE MEIJERE, 1916


Amygdalops geniculata DE MEIJERE, 1916: 207

ROHACEK, J. 1998: 172
VOCKEROTH, J. R. 1977: 241
MEIJERE, J. C. H. DE 1916: 207
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