Amygdalops, ROHÁČEK J., 2008

ROHÁČEK J., 2008, Revision Of The Genus Amygdalops Lamb, 1914 (Diptera, Anthomyzidae) Of The Oriental, Australasian And Oceanian Regions, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 54 (4), pp. 325-400 : 381-383

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12584953

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scientific name


sp. n.

Amygdalops View in CoL sp. n. (d) near stenopteryx

( Figs 144–148 View Figs 144–148 , 173 View Figs 171–174 )

Material examined: POHNPEI (= formerly Ponape): SE. Nanponmal, 70 m, 12.i.1953, 1 female, J. L. Gressitt leg. ( USNM, in very poor condition, damaged, wings and some legs broken and preserved in coalesced plastic tube with glycerine pinned below specimen, genit. prep.) .

Description – Male unknown. Female. Resembling A. stenopteryx sp. n. in some external features, e.g. flattened head and wing pattern. Total body length 2.58 mm. Body bicolourous, brown and yellow. Head about 1.3 times as long as high, quadrangular in profile and dorsally somewhat flattened. Occiput brown, with pale brown areas behind eyes and insertion of pvt, vti and vte setae, with sparsely grey microtomentose medial spots above foramen. Frontal triangle reaching to anterior two-fifths of frons, with narrowed anterior corner, bare and polished, including ocellar triangle. Frons paler than in most relatives, brown with ochreous-brown to ochreous-yellow anterior half; stripes between frontal triangle and orbits depressed, meeting medially in front of frontal triangle and reaching to ptilinal suture, darker brown and dull due greyish microtomentum. Orbit pale brown to ochreous-yellow (paler in anterior half and around vte and ors bases), largely shiny. Face ochreous-brown; parafacialia, gena and postgena whitish yellow to almost white, with silvery white microtomentum, narrowly brown margined. Mouthparts with clypeus dark brown; palpus reduced (? broken), very slender and yellow; proboscis also small, orange-brown. Cephalic chaetotaxy: pvt small, convergent but apices not meeting; vti weak, slightly more than two-thirds of length of vte, the latter (probably) longest of cephalic setae; oc weak, shorter and thinner than vti; 2 strong ors, posterior missing on both sides (so not measurable), anterior distinctly longer than vti but smaller than vte; 2 microsetulae in front of anterior ors, anterior hardly discernible but posterior unusually long (almost as long as subvibrissa); only 1 pair of microsetulae medially in front of frontal triangle visible; 1 vi very weak (somewhat shorter than oc) and 1 subvibrissa, only slightly shorter than vi; peristomal setulae not observed (reduced or lost). Eye very convex, of elongately ovoid shape, with longest diameter almost 1.7 times as long as shortest one. Gena anteriorly very narrow; its smallest height 0.05 times as long as shortest eye diameter. Antenna relatively dark; pedicel brown with only distal part of inner side orange; 1st flagellomere also largely brown, only ventroapical part yellowish orange. Arista of unknown length (partly or completely broken off on antennae), long-pectinate, particularly dorsally.

Thorax markedly narrower than broad head. Mesonotum dark brown posteriorly but becoming lighter in anterior third and its anterior sixth yellowish ochreous; scutellum uniformly dark brown. Humeral callus ochreous-yellow but notopleural area pale brown; pleural part of thorax with usual brown dorsal band somewhat narrower than in relatives (incl. A. stenopteryx ); ventral portion of pleura yellow to orange-ochreous. Thoracic chaetotaxy: 1 prs, reduced to microseta; 2 dc, posterior lost, not measurable (probably long), anterior reduced, less than three times as long as dc microsetae; ac microsetae in 6 irregular rows on suture; 2 sc, apical very long but rather fine, laterobasal weak, as long as anterior dc; 2 stpl, posterior lost but surely longer and thicker than anterior; a few additional paler setae on sternopleuron ventral to stpl. Legs dark orange-yellow, coxae and trochanters paler, hind femur and tibia darkest. Pedal chaetotaxy probably without peculiarities, f 3 uniformly setulose. Wing ( Fig. 173 View Figs 171–174 ) rather short compared to body length; wing pattern somewhat resembling that of A. stenopteryx , with preapical brown spot extended proximally but covering only most of cell r 1. R 4+5 and M subparallel, distally somewhat convergent, the former very slightly sinuate; r-m situated near middle of dm cell; CuA 1 long, almost reaching wing margin. Wing measurements: length 2.06 mm; width 0.66 mm, Cs 3: Cs 4 = 1.84, r-m\dm-cu: dm-cu = 3.60. Halteres lost (undescribed).

Abdomen with preabdominal terga broad, transverse and entirely dark brown. Preabdominal sterna small, narrow, very pale ochreous, becoming wider posteriorly; S5 largest, as long as broad but markedly narrower and paler than darkened brown S6 (see below).

Postabdomen ( Figs 144–145 View Figs 144–148 ) relatively dark, largely brown. T6 large, nearly twice broader than T7, dark brown except for pale anterior and posterior margins ( Fig. 144 View Figs 144–148 ), with short and thick 0.05 mm, others = 0.1 mm

setae (also in anterior half). S6 broad, transverse, hardly wider than T7, with brown middle part and pale to unpigmented anterior and posterior marginal areas. T7 narrow but wider than long, dark brown with posterior margin pale-pigmented and with short setae laterally reaching to anterior third. S7 ( Fig. 145 View Figs 144–148 ) brown (darker laterally), setose in posterior half, rounded trapezoid (tapered anteriorly), anteromedially with small pale-pigmented area and its anterolateral corners darkened and laterally projecting. Pleural membrane between S7 and T7 strikingly sclerotized and darkened, bare near S7 but strikingly micropubescent along T7 and anterolaterally with microsetulae modified to dark curved spinulae. T8 small, brown, transversely oblong, sparsely finely setose. S8 dark brown, finely setulose, with small posteromedial bulge. T10 small, brown in anterior half, pale and microtomentose in posterior half and with a pair of unusually short medial setae. S10 wider than T10, transversely oval, brown and micropubescent ( Fig. 145 View Figs 144–148 ). Internal sclerotization of genital chamber with a complex of crooked sclerites, including a ventral one protruding (? always) behind 8th segment (see Figs 145, 147 View Figs 144–148 ); annular sclerite curved, small and narrow ( Fig. 147 View Figs 144–148 ) as in A. stenopteryx ; vaginal area finely tuberculate rather than spinulose. Ventral receptacle ( Fig. 146 View Figs 144–148 ) hyaline, membranous, elongately pouch-shaped, simple and with curved terminal digitiform projection. Spermathecae broadly ovoid-subspherical ( Fig. 148 View Figs 144–148 ), with (not numerous) very short, blunt spines around duct insertion; duct cervix short. Cerci ( Fig. 144 View Figs 144–148 ) robust compared to T10 but not long, brown, with short fine setae.

Discussion – This distinctive new species somewhat resembles A. stenopteryx sp. n. in having the wing darkened (but more narrowly) along the anterior margin and the elongate, somewhat dorsally flattened head but can easily be recognized from it by its shorter head, bare orbit, enlarged microseta in front of anterior ors, the anterior sixth of the mesonotum yellowish ochreous, the wing broad with normal R 2+3 etc. (see also key). Also the female postabdominal features distinguish it distinctly (shape and pattern of S6, S7, internal sclerites, T10 with short setae) from all known Amygdalops species. Despite its distinctiveness I did not name this new species because of the insufficient material (single damaged female).

Biology – Unknown. The only specimen was found in I.

Distribution – Probably endemic to Pohnpei (= Ponape).


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History











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