Daviesia pauciflora Crisp (1991a: 257)

Crisp, Michael D., Cayzer, Lindy, Chandler, Gregory T. & Cook, Lyn G., 2017, A monograph of Daviesia (Mirbelieae, Faboideae, Fabaceae), Phytotaxa 300 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.300.1.1

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Daviesia pauciflora Crisp (1991a: 257)


17. Daviesia pauciflora Crisp (1991a: 257) View in CoL , Crisp (1995: 1220). Type [approximate locality data given because the species is rare]: Western Australia, near Esperance , A.E. Orchard 1561, 16 October 1968. Holotype: AD; isotypes: CANB, MEL, PERTH

Diffuse, multi-stemmed shrubs, 0.3–0.8 m tall, glabrous. Root anatomy unknown. Branchlets ascending, ribbed, initially compressed horizontally, becoming terete. Phyllodes sparsely scattered, ascending to erect, continuous with and resembling branchlets, linear, straight, compressed, apically obtuse, mucronate, tapering to base, to 400 × 1–1.5 mm, with 3 primary and 0–2 secondary parallel ribs along each face, green. Unit inflorescences sparse on plant, 1(2) per axil, racemose or occasionally shortly paniculate by reduction of the uppermost 2 or 3 phyllodes to bracts, 1–3(–4)-flowered, mostly with a pair of flowers at the apex of the rachis; peduncle 1–13 mm long; rachis from almost nil to 5 mm long; subtending bracts appressed, ovate, 1–1.5 mm long, keeled. Pedicels 1.5–10 mm long. Calyx somewhat flared at top, 4–5 mm long including the 1–2 mm stipe-like receptacle to which it is contracted; ribs obscure; lobes very shallowly triangular, apiculate, ca. 1 mm long, upper 2 united slightly higher than lower 3, apex of lobes tinged purple-brown. Corolla : standard transversely broadly elliptic, strongly emarginate, cordate, ca. 8 × 10 mm including the 2 mm claw, mostly yellow with red towards the centre and an intense yellow oblong marking at the centre; wings obovate, constricted in the middle, very obtuse and incurved at the apex, strongly auriculate, ca. 6 × 3 mm including the ca. 2 mm claw, dark red with orange margins at tips; keel half very broadly obovate, subobtuse, auriculate, saccate, ca. 5 × 2 mm including the ca. 2 mm claw, dull brownish. Stamens strongly dimorphic: inner whorl of 5 with subterete filaments and versatile, ovoid anthers with confluent thecae; outer whorl of 5 with compressed filaments and basifixed, obloid, 2-celled anthers; filaments free. Pod obliquely shallowly obtriangular, acuminate, strongly compressed, 11–14 × 5.5–6 mm, faintly reticulate, greenish brown; sutures slightly thickened, upper suture sigmoid; lower suture acute. Seed ellipsoid, ca. 4.25 long, ca. 2.5 broad, ca. 1.5 mm thick, pale yellow mottled with black; aril ovate in outline, crenulate, ca. 2 mm long. ( Fig. 19 View FIGURE 19 ).

Flowering period:— October to January. Fruiting period: January.

Distribution:— Along the south coast of Western Australia from the Munglinup area to east of Esperance and inland for a short distance.

Habitat:— Grows in white or grey sand over hard laterite or limestone in tall dense heath dominated by Banksia speciosa Brown (1810b: 210) or Lambertia inermis Brown (1810b: 188) , with Adenanthos Labillardière (1805 : t. 36), Allocasuarina and species of Melaleuca Linnaeus (1767: 509) .

Conservation status:— National: Not listed. WA: Priority 3, possibly threatened or near-threatened but not yet adequately surveyed.

Selected specimens (25 examined):— Approximate locality data are given because the species is rare. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Roe: Ca. 100 km ENE of Ravensthorpe , 33°30’S, 121°10’E, M. A GoogleMaps . Burgman 4525, 9 October 1984 ( CANB, PERTH). Eyre: W of Esperance towards Ravensthorpe , 33°40’S, 121°20’E, M GoogleMaps . D. Crisp 4925, 8 January 1979 ( AD, CBG, MEL, NSW, PERTH); ibid., M GoogleMaps . D. Crisp 4926, 8 January 1979 ( CBG, K, PERTH); ibid., M GoogleMaps . D. Crisp 4927, 8 January 1979 ( CBG, PERTH); W of Esperance towards Ravensthorpe , 33°40’S, 121°E, M GoogleMaps . D. Crisp 4934, 8 January 1979 ( CBG, PERTH); E of Shoal Cape , 33°50’S, 121°10’E, G GoogleMaps . Maxwell s.n. ( MEL 79036–7 View Materials , NSW 34714 About NSW , PERTH); E of Esperance , 33°50’S, 122°20’E, R GoogleMaps . D. Royce 8251, 24 November 1964 ( PERTH) .


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Affinity:— Daviesia pauciflora is very similar to both D. longifolia and D. costata , which are themselves closely similar. All three species have a low, multi-stemmed habit, linear, decurrent, ribbed phyllodes, racemose inflorescences with 2 or more flowers forming partial umbels at the apex of the rachis and closely comparable bracts, flowers and fruits.

The shape of the calyx serves to distinguish D. longifolia from D. pauciflora . In D. longifolia , the upper 2 lobes differ from the lower 3 in being larger and recurved at the tips, whereas in D. pauciflora the calyx lobes are

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all alike and not recurved. The profile of the calyx of D. longifolia differs from that of D. pauciflora in being ventricose on the upper side. Another character distinguishing these two species is the size of the inflorescence. In D. longifolia , the racemes are usually longer (rachis usually 6–28 mm long, peduncle usually 10–17 mm long) and bear more flowers (usually 4–11). When the racemes of D. longifolia appear to have fewer than 4 flowers, it is usually because buds have fallen at an earlier stage of development. In addition, D. longifolia differs in having irregularly curved or sinuous phyllodes, a truncate base to the standard, parallel wings that often overlap at the apices and smaller pods (7–12 mm long).

Daviesia costata is distinguished from D. pauciflora by its prominently 10-ribbed calyx, the depressed-ovate standard that appears bilobed, wings that are not constricted in the middle and the vestigial auricles on the keel.


Botanische Staatssammlung München


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


Australian National Botanic Gardens


Western Australian Herbarium


Naturhistorisches Museum Wien


State Herbarium of South Australia


Australian National Botanic Gardens, specimens pre-1993


Museo Entomologico de Leon


Royal Botanic Gardens, National Herbarium of New South Wales


Royal Botanic Gardens


Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile













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