Callyspongia (Cladochalina) fibrosa (Ridley and Dendy, 1886)

Shafique, S, Burhan, Z, Jabeen, H, Rasheed, M, Ali, A & Siddiqui, P J A, 2023, Re-description of two marine sponge species (Demospongiae: Haplosclerida) from the coast of Karachi, Pakistan, Northern Arabian Sea, Indian Journal of Geo Marine Sciences 52 (7), pp. 347-353 : 350-351

publication ID 10.56042/ijms.v52i07.10414


persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Callyspongia (Cladochalina) fibrosa


Callyspongia (Cladochalina) fibrosa View in CoL 39 ( Fig. 3 View Fig )


Pachychalina fibrosa Ridley & Dendy, 1887 , 21- 22, Pl IV, Figure 3 View Fig and 4, Dasychalina fibrosa 39, 330.

Material examined

CEMB-POR-02; 9 February 2013; Churna Island , Karachi; 7 – 10 m.

Material description

Erect, irregular, branched; stout branches, coarsely fibrous, aculeated, elastic, brittle, hard and compressible. Each branch bears on one side large circular shallow oscules. Length of tubular branch ranges 20 – 50 mm from base to osculum and the width ranged between 35 mm and 110 mm in diameter. Canal length from inside the tubular branch is about 35 mm, narrower towards the base.


Pale yellow in life and yellowish white in alcohol ( Fig. 3a View Fig ).

Ectosomal skeleton

Thin, spiny, distinct and translucent. Spines length ranges from 3 – 5 mm.

Choanosomal skeleton

Irregular coarse reticulation of stout spiculo-fibres ( Fig. 3b and c View Fig ).


Densely packed in spongin fibres in the form of reticulate bundles about the thickness of 0.1 mm. They are small, smooth, and slender with blunt ends (length ranging from 66 – 84 µm and width from 2 – 3 µm) ( Fig. 3d View Fig ).

Ecology Shallow coastal rocky shelf of about 7 m depth.


Indo-Pacific, Eastern Philippines, Southern Vietnam, Australia and Pakistan (present study).


The specimen is certainly comparable with the Pachychalina fibrosa 41 and Dasychalina fibrosa 39 with some exemptions, as the branches are larger than the original specimen. The colour of the specimen after preservation was whitish yellow. Spicules have blunt ends of similar size 39.

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