Heteragrion johndeaconi, LENCIONI, F. A. A., 2013

LENCIONI, F. A. A., 2013, <p> <strong> Diagnoses and discussion of the group 1 and 2 Brazilian species of <em> Heteragrion </ em>, with descriptions of four new species (Odonata: Megapodagrionidae) </ strong> </ p>, Zootaxa 3685 (1), pp. 1-80 : 18

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Felipe (2021-08-25 05:08:30, last updated 2023-11-10 04:43:52)

scientific name

Heteragrion johndeaconi

sp. nov.

Heteragrion johndeaconi sp. nov.

Figs. 29 (♂ app), 39D–F (♂ thx), 44D–F (♀ thx), 49E–F (♀ S8–10, basal plate), 59C–D (♂, ♀ habitus), 76 (map)

Material. Holotype male: Brazil: Goiás State: Alto Paraíso de Goiás, Córrego João de Melo , (14º10’55”S, 47º38’36”W — 1198 m), 18-VI-2008, leg. M. C. Almeida & S. L. Dutra ( NC 4748 ) GoogleMaps , Allotype female: same data as holotype but 17-VI-2008 ( NC 4749 ) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 1♀ same data as holotype but 16-VI-2008 ( NC 4750 ) GoogleMaps , 1♀ Brazil: Goiás State: Alto Paraíso de Goiás, Vale Dourado , 19-VI-2008, leg. M. C. Almeida & S. L. Dutra ( NC 4751 ) . Holotype, allotype and 1 paratype deposited in author’s collection, 1 paratype deposited in UFGO .

Etymology. I name this species after John Richard Deacon, bassist and songwriter, whose wonderful sound and magnificent lyrics have enchanted the world for over four decades.

MALE (Holotype). Head: labium pale; labrum yellow with large brown mark in middle; base of mandibles and genae pale; anteclypeus yellowish; postclypeus dark brown; antefrons pale with central black triangular spot; postfrons black; top of head matte black except for pale yellow bar that extends from each lateral ocellus to base of respective antenna and then bends to respective eye ( Fig. 39E View FIGURE 39 ). Prothorax: propleuron yellow; anterior lobe black; median lobe black with sides brownish; posterior lobe largely black with outer edge yellow, becoming wider at corners ( Fig. 39D View FIGURE 39 ). Pterothorax: mesepisternum black with two yellow lines, one narrow and parallel to middorsal carina, the other comma-like and parallel to the first with the anterior part wider; antealar carina black; mesepimeron black; metepisternum yellow with black line that starts close to second thoracic spiracle and becomes wider under metapleural fossa; metepimeron pale yellow ( Figs. 39E–F View FIGURE 39 ); legs pale brown; wings slightly flavescent. Abdomen: S1–9 similar to H. brianmayi ; S10 black dorsally and yellow ventrally (Fig. 59C). Cerci black (right cercus missing).

Cercus in lateral view: dorsobasal expansion present. Ventrobasal expansion very large, occupying almost 2/3 length. Cercus very short, almost straight. (Fig. 29B).

Cercus in mediodorsal view: basal and medial portion subequal and longer than apical. Ventral expansion present with hairs only on ventral border. Ventral branch of medial triangular plate with apex truncated, dorsal branch U-shaped and fused with ridge at outer edge of ventral branch (Fig. 29A).

Measurements (mm). Total length 48, abdomen 39, forewing 28, hindwing 26.5.

Illustration made from following specimens. 1♂ (Fig. 29A, 29B, 39D, 39E, 39F, 59C)— Brazil: Goiás State: Alto Paraíso de Goiás, Córrego João de Melo , 18-VI-2008, leg. M. C. Almeida & S. L. Dutra (Holotype —NC 4748) .

Diagnosis. All four new species can be diagnosed using the table below.

FEMALE (Allotype). Head: labium pale; labrum yellow with large brown mark in middle; base of mandibles and genae pale; anteclypeus yellowish; postclypeus dark brown; antefrons pale with central black triangular spot; postfrons black; top of head matte black except for the following pale yellow marks: small semicircle in front of median ocellus, small ovoid mark between the lateral ocelli, two long bars from each lateral ocellus to adjacent compound eye, and small curved bar over each postocular lobe reaching compound eye (Fig. 44E). Prothorax: propleuron yellowish gray; anterior lobe black; median lobe brown with sides yellowish brown; posterior lobe yellow with black ovoid central mark and small black spot at each tip, which is covered with long hairs (Fig. 44D). Pterothorax: mesepisternum brownish with pale yellow line parallel to middorsal carina; narrow black line from each mesostigmal plate to end of mesepisternum (but not reaching antealar crest), becoming wider at end, then reversing direction and returning 1/3 length; antealar carina black; mesepimeron pale with elongate black spot starting at level of second thoracic spiracle and ending close to antealar carina; mesinfraepisternum with ventral half almost black and dorsal half pale; metepisternum and metepimeron pale (Figs. 44E–F); legs pale brown; wings slightly flavescent. Abdomen: S1–S8 similar to H. brianmayi but little darker; S9 black semicircle on anterior 1/2 of dorsum, yellowish below, darker distal ring; S10 yellowish ( Fig. 49E View FIGURE 49 , 59D). Valves of ovipositor not reaching distal S10, ventral margin with long spines; Cerci slightly longer than S10, with small tuft of bristles at tip.

Basal plate: Dorsal edge straight and little longer than concave outer edge, ventral edge 1/2 length of outer edge, tip rounded ( Fig. 49F View FIGURE 49 ).

Measurements (mm). Total length 43.5, abdomen 35, forewing 29, hindwing 27.5.

Variation in paratypes: Same color as female allotype but total length 41–41.5, abdomen 33–33.5, forewing 27.5–28, hindwing 26–27.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 39. Heteragrion rogertaylori (male holotype) (A) thorax in lateral view, (B) thorax in dorsal view, (C) prothorax in dorsal view; Heteragrion johndeaconi (male holotype) (D) prothorax in dorsal view, (E) thorax in lateral view, (F) thorax in dorsal view.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 49. Female: Heteragrion brianmayi (allotype) (A) S8–S10, (B) basal plate; Heteragrion rogertaylori (allotype) (C) S8–S10, (D) basal plate; Heteragrion johndeaconi (allotype) (E) S8–S10, (F) basal plate.