Bolitophila (Bolitophila) japonica ( OKADA, 1934 )

Ševčík, J. & Papp, L., 2004, Bolitophilidae (Diptera) From Taiwan: A Family New To The Oriental Region, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 50 (1), pp. 55-62 : 57-59

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12586918

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scientific name

Bolitophila (Bolitophila) japonica ( OKADA, 1934 )


Bolitophila (Bolitophila) japonica ( OKADA, 1934) View in CoL

( Figs 3–4 View Figs 3–4 )

Bolitophilella japonica OKADA, 1934: 16 View in CoL .

Holotype m ( HUSJ): Japan, Hokkaido, Sapporo , 22.10.1933, I. Okada, Type No. 88–1174 . Paratype f ( HUSJ): same data as holotype .

Additional material examined: Japan, Hokkaido, Sapporo, I. Okada : 20.10.1938 , 1 m, 9.10.1938, 1 F; Honshu, 20.4.1938, I. Okada, 1 m (all HUSJ) . Taiwan ( HNHM): 1 m: Nantou Co., Yuanfeng , 2760 m, 24°07’24’’N, 121°14’55’’E, 2 April 2000, leg. A. Kun & L. Peregovits, at light; 1 m: Taichung Hsien, Piluchi, TFRI site , 2200 m, 26–28. December 2001, leg. L. Ronkay & A. Kun; 1 m: ibid., Anmashan Mts , UV light traps , 2090–2550 m, April 5–6, 2003, M Földvári, L. Papp, Ch. - M. Fu & H.- R. Tzuoo , No. 23 .

Diagnostic characters. Vein R 4 ending in R 1. Posterior fork separatedfrom the vein above by a distinct crossvein. Anterior vein of posterior fork basally very faint. Stigma faint. Pubescence of antennae short, about as long as their diameter. Gonostylus with a large dark mediodorsal L-shaped process.

Redescription. Male. Body length 5.1 mm. General coloration brownish grey, legs yellowish brown, coxae yellow.

Headdark brown. Three ocelli, almost in one line. Lateral ocelli somewhat larger than the me - dian, and touching eye margin. Length of antenna 4.6 mm, length of flagellum 4.4 mm. Scape and pedicel yellowish, about as long as wide, setose. Flagellum brown, cylindrical, tapering towards apex, densely covered with erect setae, not longer than the diameter of flagellomeres. Base of the first flagellomere (= F1) yellowish. Length of F1 0.4 mm. Ratio of length to width for F2 is 7.5. Relative lengths of flagellomeres 1 to 14: 1:0.8:0.9:0.9:0.9:0.8:0.7:0.7:0.6:0.6:0.5:0.5: 0.4:0.6. Mouthparts andpalpi brownish yellow. Palpus with 5 palpomeres, palpomere 1 inconspicuous. Relative lengths of palpomeres 2 to 5: 1:1.6:1.2:2.2.

Thorax about as long as high. Mesonotum brown, with indistinct longitudinal stripes. Scutellum brown, posterior margin yellow, with several apical setae. Lateral sclerites andmediotergite bare, except anepisternum, which bears 5 setae near upper margin. Halteres as long as thorax, yellowish brown, with dark knob.

Wings hyaline, membrane only with microtrichia. Wing length 5.0 mm. Ratio of length to width 3.4. Costa slightly produced beyond R 5. Vein R 4 ending in R 1. Stigma faint, grey. No central spot. Posterior fork separatedfrom the vein above by a distinct crossvein. Anterior vein of posterior fork in basal fourth very faint.

Legs yellowish brown, coveredwith dark trichia andsetae. All coxae subequal in length, with several setae laterally. Femora cylindrical, narrow, covered with short black setae, tending to form longitudinal rows. Tibiae densely covered with dark trichia and several irregularly arranged short setae, most numerous on hindtibiae. Relative lengths of coxa, femur (including trochanter), tibia and tarsus for particular legs: 1:3.2:4.5:7.5; 1:3.1:4.6:5.4; 1:4.3:5.6:6.5. Ratio of tibia to the first tarsomere for particular legs: 0.96; 1.38; 1.29. Relative lengths of tarsomeres 1 to 5 are 1:0.3:0.2: 0.1:0.1; 1:0.3:0.2:0.1:0.1; 1:0.2:0.1:0.1:0.1.

Abdomen brownish, all tergites andsternites coveredwith long dark setae. Length of tergite 1 is 0.45 mm. Relative lengths of tergites 1 to 8 are 1:1.3:1.4:1.4:1.3:1:0.9:0.6.

Terminalia ( Figs 3–4 View Figs 3–4 ) brown. Length of terminalia 0.3 mm. Gonostylus apically rounded, bearing a large dark L-shaped process, almost as long as gonostylus ( Fig. 3 View Figs 3–4 ). Parameres slightly longer than gonocoxites, tapering towards apex, which is black.

Female similar to male in most characters.

Biology. Type material was rearedfrom the fungus Hypholoma sublateritium (SCHAEFF.)

QUÉL. ( OKADA 1934).

Discussion. The male terminalia of this species, especially the peculiar process on gonostylus, are different from all hitherto known species of Bolitophila . The short pubescence of antennae anddistinct crossvein M-Cu are characters com - mon with the widespread Bolitophilacinerea MEIGEN, 1818, which has, however, quite different terminalia with simple gonostyli. The weak basal part of anterior branch of Cu-fork is present also in Bolitophilamiki ( MAYER, 1950), a little known European species. B.japonica is for the first time recorded outside the type locality in Japan.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute


Departamento de Biologia de la Universidad del Valle


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile














Bolitophila (Bolitophila) japonica ( OKADA, 1934 )

Ševčík, J. & Papp, L. 2004

Bolitophilella japonica

OKADA, I. 1934: 16
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF